Random Question: Your Weirdest Dream?

This morning, I awoke with a particularly unsettling feeling. Alhough my entire body felt exhausted, my eyes were wide open as if I had seen a ghost. And when I went to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water? I noticed that my hands were shaking. Obviously, this wasn’t very pleasant, and I attempted to put together the pieces of the puzzle while showering off.

Long story short, it seemed like I dreamt someone else‘s worst nightmare. It began with a winning goal at a World Cup game. And then it spun itself into this weird anxiety dream, in which the player worried about the media “outing” him.

The feeling I felt when I woke up? That was his uneasiness. And it was fucking weird. Needless to say, this wasn’t necessarily my weirdest dream, but it did provide me with the inspiration to ask this question… What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had? And while we’re talking, how about the sexiest?

– Dewitt

For another sleeping hottie, follow the JUMP:

25 thoughts on “Random Question: Your Weirdest Dream?

  1. My best (girl) friend had a penis and we actually had sex. Both weird and a little sexy at the same time!

  2. Weirdest dream? ugh… too many to count.

    Hottest dream?

    I had a dream about an old friend of mine. We’ve known each other off and since preschool (when I had the dream last year, we were both finishing our senior year of high school). He’s not a very close friend, but he’s an old friend, and he’s insanely hot. Blond hair, blue eyes, and a smile that when flashes it at you, you feel like the only person in the world. Damn shame he’s straight.

    The dream I had, I don’t clearly remember, but in it, he was in my bed, and I was kissing his bare chest. There was more to it than that, but that’s what I remember. Just him, on his back, his head wreathed in his silky golden hair, head tossed back and eyes closed, softly moaning as my lips brushed across his soft skin.

  3. Weirdest: I woke up in my bed and had to go to the bathroom to piss but was thirsty as well. Once I got into the hall way, I realized I couldn’t go any further because I was floating a foot off of the ground. I tried to jump up and down attempting to get back down but to no avail. I then starting telling myself that this was not real. I woke up in my bed from this dream having to piss and get a drink of water.

    Sexiest: When I was a teenager, I dreamt that I was in the middle of the woods with the hottest man and a very pretty girl. They knew I was there and started making out glancing over my way. Once they got naked the hot man invited me over and started to take my clothes off. I watched them fuck and then they started to kiss on me and suck my dick off. I woke up before I could fuck either one of them. Needless to say, I woke up with a mess in my sheets.

  4. i used to have frequent dreams of flying… in walmart. it was stupidly impractical. i would just be shopping for pencils or cold medicine or something, then i’d start flying inside walmart. the problem was i’m apparently a bad flyer and i’d always hit their lights and the rails in the ceiling. it was impossible to stop flying, and even worse, nobody else seemed concerned. i was like that bird you always see in home depot or lowe’s. it’s there, you know it’s there, but you don’t pay attention to it!

  5. My weirdest dream was a reoccuring dream I dreamt for about two weeks, I was visiting my friends house and upstairs was where her parents lived as they were vampires. Then when I moved out my parents home I had the same dream but we were all older, freaking freaked me out.

    Sexiest dream was I was a real estate appraiser and I was appraising a new home being built, it was in the late afternoon after a hot day and was just cooling off nicely, there was a framer at the house with a beautiful tan, brown hair and no shirt on. We made eye contact couple times and as I was going upstairs he sneaked up behind me was watching me playing with his bulge. I started to play with mine and he forcibly took me to a sawhorse turned me over and was working my ass, he really fucked me good. Woke up and precum was oozing.

  6. Not many weird dreams just random people from my past showing up in my dreams…

    Sexiest was a dream where I was floating and headed toward greenlake when the thought occured to me that this was my dream… The next thing I noticed when I looked down were a bunch of naked fit men rubbing, kissing, and blowing each other. I smiled then they noticed me, calling out to me that I can have every guy there like I was the king… I was only 19 when I dreamt this so it was weird being surrounded by so many sexy older men… It was an amazing dream!!!

  7. I was sleeping once, and dreamt that I was standing beside my bed, while my body was still sleeping there. Something bad was happening, I don’t remember what, but I was shaking myself to try to wake up so the bad thing would stop. It was very bizarre and odd to wake up to that.

  8. My wierdest dream was when I woke up from sleep and I did what I normally did in the morning. i.e., take shower, comb hair, make coffee, turn on radio, etc…then, actually waking up and doing what I was dreaming.

    My Sexiest dream, is… I was back in high school getting molested by my favorite teacher, and getting molested by identical twin brothers in the piano room. Oh wait, that maybe the wierdest dream but at the same time, it was sexy in a way that I was the object of everyones desires.

  9. I had a dream the other night where I was standing in front of a hot guy with a little stubble and we were lookign deep into each others eyes and after what seemed like an eternity, he said to me “Well, looks like I’ll have to make teh first move” and then he grabbed my head, came in for a kiss and then I woke up. It was weird and it seemed so real–still trying to figure out why dang it!

  10. I have several dreams that I could jump and glide in the air and land at any spot I wanted to even at a 45 degree angle like floating, and everyone is stunned when they see me.

  11. i woke up in a cave, the sky was a fiery orange, walked down the oddly shaped volcano looking mountain/hill where the cave was…

    …can’t remember this part anymore…

    …the cave turned out to be a giant monster, and as we were all running for our lives, i had cameo appearances of meeting up various classmates or friends.

  12. To many weird & horrible dreams 2 pick from . My sexiest dream was that I FUCKED the Jason Adonis . Jason was on his stomach wiggling his gorgeous ass as I pinched his ( eraser sized ) nipples while FUCKING his bubble ass with great abundance !! Jason came I came CUM was spewing out of his very pink, & very sore ASSHOLE . LOL only BAREBACK n dreams !!!

  13. Wierdest dream: Cant choose one

    Sexiest dream: My parents decided to rent out the apartment to this beautiful guy who looked like a cross between Corbin Fisher’s DAWSON and Nextdoor’s BRANDON LEWIS.

    He called me over for a beer and I think we all know what comes next.

    The wierd part about the dream (so maybe it is also the wierdest) is that I lived every minute of every day for like three years before waking up. In one night, I probably had sex 700 times.
    Needless to say, I was pretty fucking pissed when I woke up in bed, alone, and the apartment housed an old british couple in their 70’s.

  14. All I know is that I will be dreaming about the two guys sleeping those pics tonight. YUM!

  15. I once had a dream that I was walking with some random people around my college campus. Then, I have no idea why, but I decided that we should climb a tree. So we climbed the tree. Then I decided we should fuck. So I fucked him so hard and came with the biggest load I have ever had in my entire life. Somehow this wasn’t a problem in the tree… I dunno. This is the sexiest and weirdest dream I’ve had to date.

  16. I tend to have very vivid dreams…I generally only remember then well if I wake up and try to “replay” the dream in my mind afterward…and isn’t it amazing that no matter how bizzare the dream is, everything makes perfect logical sense during he dream…

    One particularly “weird” dream occured a few months ago…first of all, I ama most decidedly gay man…I have not had sex with a woman since I graduated from college back in the 80’s…in this dream, I was enjoying a large beachside resort…evntualy I ended up in rooms way beneath the ground’s surface…everyone there was naked, including me (which is fine since I am a nudist when I am awake!)…eventually a female co-worker (who can only be described as a large blonde with a bubbling personality) showed up, also nude, and we enjoyed a long chat…she asked me if I would shave her “private area” ( you know, the bush between the legs)…and for some reason, I actally agreed to do it…I woke to the image of me shaving her “carpet”…ugh…

    Sexiest dream? Way too many to remember…they usually involve me being “enjoyed and pleasured” by many men at once…this could be while I am on a massage table or in a sling (for the kinkier sexy dreams)…

  17. Very strange: An evil force was turning all the women in town into cows. They still looked like women, but had cow personalities and mooed instead of talked. I saw a bunch of them tied together in a department store and they all started mooing. Then the evil force turned my cat into a teenage girl. We went in search of the one person who could change her back to a cat and were riding in the back of a pickup truck while trying to get away from the evil force. Then I woke up and all I could think was “what the fuck?!”

  18. Ok wierdest dream, well ive had many but this one really sets me off.
    I was at home depot getting remodeling supplies and DAWSON from treasure island media stops me and says I can help you I have friends, He brings, francouis sagat, Zak spears and colton ford over. they strip and actually remodel my bedroom, then we all get into a shower the size of my bedroom and have sex…….I woke up before the big finish, I was pissed……Lets just say i tried to go back to sleep real fast…..:)

    last one was im standing at my own wedding to zak spears and I look over and the groomsmen are jackin off….That one made no sense.

  19. i always have wierd dreams, but the hottest dream i ever had was amazing. I was in some roman-like structure and these two muscled blondes came up and started kissing me. We got naked immediately and one sucked my cock, while i sucked another cock. it was so real i could actually feel the wetness of his mouth on my cock. as i was getting closer to orgasm, i started to wake up, and finally i opened my eyes and blew my load all over my blanket. Best way i have ever woken up. Ever.

  20. When I was kid, I had lots of flying dreams, but it was always very important–in the dreams–that no one knew I could fly. Also used to have dreams that were kind of like the (first) Battlestar Galactica. The dreams were like episodic installments, continuations of an on-going narrative. I rarely remember my dreams anymore.

  21. Bizarrely timed article DeWitt, uncanny.

    Had my first really vivid dream in a long time this morning. I was in small side room of the house I lived in at school, pile of my housemates in the room and my best friend retelling a story to someone else. I enter the room in the middle of his telling the story, and when he finishes someone in the other end of the room starts. I turn to my friend and ask what he’d been talking about, he looks at me deadpan and says, “Why are you even here? You’re so bored, you didn’t have to come here if you were going to be this way.” I got confused, and he continues, whispering now: “You’re not coming to the boundary waters with us when we go next year.” (google “BWCA”, probably my favorite place in the world).

    And, I know (the way you read minds in dreams), that he’s said this because for some reason he’s decided I’m anxious and not laid back enough. And I have a moment where I want to implore that I’m in no way bored and obnoxious and anxious, but know that doing so is being obnoxious, and my mind spins there for what seems an hour while he turns away and ignores me.

    I open my eyes with such anxiety that I can’t get back to sleep. I’m never up earlier than my alarm, and yet I’m up two full hours early.

    That’s probably the weirdest dream I’ve had in a while.

  22. My dreams are usually too strange for me to explain properly- i often can’t figure out what’s going on in them myself….

    When i was a kid my parents used to turn evil a lot….
    I had a dream in which Team Rocket from Pokemon attacked me…

    One of the strangest was where i hugged my brother and then suddenly realised we were both naked and woke up feeling sick hahahaha.

    My sex dreams always end before the “end” if you get what i mean….. Had the hottest dream ever recently, i actually came… but can’t remember much now grrrr.

  23. I had a dream when I went three days without whackin’ it…

    The dream was, essentially, I was in bed with the MOST GORGEOUS MAN EVER and we just finished having sex. We were making out and he told me the bedsheets needed to cleaned. So I walked in the laundry room and was forced to do massive loads of laundry because of our “mess”.

    Moral of the story: this 21yo needs to get FUCKED

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