Do you have an age range for who you’re willing to date? If so, does it differ from the age range for who you’re willing to hook-up with? That’s the theme for today’s Random Question, as we explore your individual preferences (and prospective ageism) from both sides of the spectrum.
That’s right. We want to hear from all of you. Younger guys who fuck older guys, even though they’d never date them! Older guys who fuck younger guys, even though they’d never date them! Younger guys who only date or sleep with older guys! Vice versa! Older or younger guys who only date within their age group! ::heavy sigh:: We could go on all day like this… You get the point, right? Let’s get this discussion rolling!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Badpuppy
To see more of Bronson Gates and William Vas in action, follow the JUMP:
FUN FACT: According to Badpuppy, William Vas (31 years-old) is only thirteen years apart from Bronson Gates (44 years-old). While that age gap may not be insignificant, it’s a lot smaller than I would have guessed based on their appearances alone. How about you? Would you have been able to predict their correct ages?
I’m 26, my last boyfriend was 53. I’ve dated guys my age, and older guys, and I prefer older guys. I suppose my range is basically 25-50-ish, though.
my only age requirement is that said hookup is legally allowed to consent under state/country laws. that being said, i do tend to prefer older guys, usually between 35 and 50.
I couldn’t date or sleep someone alot older then me. But I do find myself attracted to those younger then me and that seems to be a problem. Because I don’t wanna be one of those daddie types which I’m not attracted too. I stick with the 6 year difference range. can be younger or older by 6 years.
I am 66yo, and especially enjoy it when I am IM-ed by guys in their late 20’s and 30’s. I am more attracted to partners in the 20’s-40’s, than to those of my age group. An interesting trend: I have asked about 30 young guys who say they prefer older, and about 25 of them admitted that their first partner was an older guy; therefore, their current preference is for older. I found that to be interesting.
I’m 53. My partner of 5+ years is 25. This is only my second LTR. My previous was 3 years older than me. Go figure… My partner pursued me heavily and convinced me he was capable of being in a LTR and he is. Here’s another shocker: I am his first sexual partner and boyfriend.Â
I couldn’t even sleep with someone 8 years younger than me. I’m 27. Just seems creepy.
The dad/son thing in porn can sometimes be hot, but why are the older men always so gross looking? Like this guy. I mean, why not find a daddy who’s not also some burly lumberjack.
Hmm well I’m 21, my ex was 28, one before that was 41, one before that was 23. I found that being with the 41 year old i enjoyed a lot more, he had life experience and maturity, the other two were much too immature. However the 23 y/o was an alcoholic, 41 year old decided to cheat on me, many many times took him back and it continued happening, and 28 year old tried hooking up with a fake profile and I lost all trust in him. The fucked up thing is I still miss and love in my heart the 41 year old. Oh well thats life I guess FUCKED haha
I’m split – Relationships I end up with guys way younger than me – however I’m gearing more towards having a relationship with guys closer to my age because of the maturity level. However just hooking up I usually hook up with guys who are about 5-15 years older than myself because of the amount of experience I look for in sexual encounters.
my range these days is at least 35-60. younger guys just don’t do it for me these days. Plus the older gents tend to know a few things that I don’t! LOL!
To me, a potentially successfull “hookup” is replete with all the elements that would lead to finding a great fuckbuddy, LTR or life partner. It is a sort of screening process, not so much for getting one’s horns licked or needs taken care of, in the moment, as to the potential for finding someone satisfying and complimentary for “more” ~ over a regular or continuing basis.
With that in mind, all I care about is that the two participants are mindful of the strengths and weaknesses of one another, and to consider the momentary tryst as a preliminary to all the great possibilities it could lead to.
That said, when a younger fellow wants to perform coitus with an older guy, I prefer that it be someone who genuinely likes or in fact prefers an older partner (which I am)for various reasons, and is up front about that preference, without any desire to take advantage of or try to harm one another. Life is best spent in the moment…but those special moments should repeat and endure over time~! Just my philospophy, needs and preferences here…
well. im 21. my date range is from 21 to 28. i wouldnt date anyone under 21 since its not as fun, but i tend to stick to my age group since we would have more things in common. hook ups would be 18 to 36, since its supposed to be about having a good time, and enjoying the time. so age really doesnt doesnt matter much there.
two years down and ten years up is my limit
I’m 25, have done a little bit of sporadic dating, and I have to say it’s more about attraction than age. That said, the oldest guy I’ve dated was 52 at the time (I was 22) and the youngest guy I dated was 15 (when I was 15).Â
it depends on the guy. but atm I’m only dating guys around my age.
I’m 30, my boyfriend of 2.5 years is 45. It’s great. It is both the best and the longest relationship I’ve ever been in. Interestingly, at the beginning, he flat out said he’d never date a guy in his 20’s and I was 27. I also never thought I’d date a guy in his 40’s but I’m pretty thrilled we were able to be exceptions to each others rule.
No one under the age of 35 for me. I have always been attracted to older guys. Late 40s and early 50s are the best in my experience.
My boyfriend of 1.5 years is 36 and I am 31. I am actually the more stable and mature of the two and this can be problematic for me sometimes. I love him and we connect on so many levels but the maturity factor does hinder us some. Any insight into that? Do I tell him it’s time to grow up or are there subtle wake up calls I can provide? I know this isn’t really on-topic but I need some homotheraphy. Thanks!
BTW- my general rule before has been25-44, even when I was younger than 25.
Personally prefer guys from 25-35 thought have been pleasanty surprised on hooking up with guys outside that range.
General appearance is more important and a certain amount of sexual chemistry is a must.
I’ve enjoyed 17 – 70. Although, I now make sure they’re legal.
BTW, I’m now 50 and have been enjoying men since I was 17.
Guys can be hot (or gross) in any age group. As long as it’s not below age of consent, I don’t think there’s every been a particular age group that doesn’t have some totally fuckable hotties.
Hookup…. 20-50. Very open.
Date…. 23-35? (Im 25.) Sex is one thing, but if I want more, we have to be closer in age… similar life experience, I guess.
For hook-ups, I’m willing to mainly any age, as long as it’s legal and I kinda like the person, but for dating I aim for someone between 5 years older or 5 years younger. That way I don’t close up my opportunities in a mate.
looking at the pics above,tell me, whose body and skin would you rather lick form top to bottom. Answer
The Younger one, love them young beautiful boys, and happy they love me back, the only young ones I dislike are the little twink whores, who think because I’m older they have the rite to think I want to be their daddy, and feed and clothe them, never happened and never will. can get all the young good stuff I want for free.
I think it’s nothing wrong with a 31 year old man dating a 44 year old man. The 31 year old looks younger and the 44 year old looks older. I am 45 years old. I prefer dating men 35 to 45. I would have sex with a 25 or 30 year old, but I wouldn’t enter a relationship with them. If I met a hot 55 year old like the actor Tim Daly, I would date him.
Both of those guys are fuckin nasty. YUCK!!!
You never know who you’re gonna fall for or be attracted to so I don’t place any restrictions on that. Being a minority I feel that sting enough. Besides who would pass up a young hottie like Taylor Lautner(younger) or an older guy like Clooney or chase hunter. You never know.
I’m 23 and my FWB is 49. We have a good time hanging and hooking up, but we both mutually agree that a serious relationship would be inappropriate. I couldn’t take him to meet my parents and he wouldn’t want to look like some pedophile in my parents eyes. I also know that his family wouldn’t approve either.
And if we were in a relationship, 25 years from now when he’s 75 and his health begins to fail, I really don’t want to have to take care of him and when he finally passes I’ll have to re-enter the dating world and I’d be 50+. I’d prefer to grow old with someone rather than watch someone die. And I know that sounds pretty grim, but it’s realistic.
I disagree. I find the older one hands down more attractive. I’d rather have him on the end of my tongue any day.Â
Sad story. But you are hot in that pics. I can’t comprehend why would someone cheat against a hot guy like you. Â I hope you will find someone who deserves you.
Don’t let love blind you: you can’t change anyone, you can only influence. It all boils down to what you can tolerate and what you can’t. You need to do the math to figure out if the relationship is worthy saving. Nobody is perfect but what matters is if your partner is willing to follow the common grounds in the relationship.
I’m 21 and my partner of 3 years in January is 47. We are very happy together and don’t have any plans of breaking up. We started dating when I was 18 actually. I prefer older guys as everyone else has said, they tend to be more mature.
All of that is good logical analysis of the surface facts. And sometimes we have to let the intuitive perception add to that to balance it out – we can then look beneath the surfaces and find the souls. The age of the soul is not connected to the age of the physical body.
Congrats. We met when my partner was 19 and I was 47… and we’ve made it 5+ years and are going strong. So, we’re about the same age difference. I have found it is more common than I originally realized.
I’m 21. I prefer older guys, 35+. Oldest I’ve done was 53, currently obsessing over a 43 year old muscled tank.
I’d date him, too.
Just curious, what made him want to be with a significantly older guy?
I just hit 19 and my bf is nearing 27. Personality wise, its fine. We talk, he knows where I am in life, and what he was doing then. Its learning, maturity, and conversation for me. For him, its the excitement and trying something different. I’m brutally honest and have endless questions and he’s open to talking to me (in detail about exes for example).
We’ve been together 4 months. I knew he loved me but he finally told me he was in love with me. He says he felt that way after 5 or 6 weeks but didn’t wanna scare me off.Â
I’ve done some things, well people (I’ve always told him), but he works with me. I’m young but I’m realistic (and kinda cynical) but when we first started, I asked for time, understanding, and patience with the age thing and me gaining my own experience and he’s given me that. Plus, I’m 3 hours away at college but we see each other most weeks.Â
The issues we’ve had have been on my end. Honestly, he isn’t my ideal guy (aka my type) physically, age wise, and even as ‘masc’ as I’d like and thats lead to be discontent at times, question what I’m in and if I want to be in it. But personally and how he treats me (not financially) can’t be beat. The things we talk about and how we understand each other can’t be replaced with just a stronger or younger guy. I’d be losing the most important things if I traded. The whole relationship, I’ve been playing emotional catch up to him but its ok lately.Â
It sucks to know that he has to pay for everything and I steadily burn a hole in his pocket but he’s ok b/c it makes him happy and “I’m where I’m supposed to be” in life. I’ve gotten used to it, and its what it is. *shrug*
I do worry about things in the future. My family isn’t really ok with “my lifestyle choice” now and dating someone much older won’t help so introducing him or even associating with my friends isn’t in the picture and that bothers me. I already have to hide him in some ways and that only adds to it.
Fucked a 19yo Skidmore freshman once, VERY hot – he sat on my cock facing me and shot a huge load all over me, the headboard and the bedroom wall, laughing while he did it. I also regularly suck off a hot older guy with a huge cock who comes in no time – I think he must be about 70 – very hot.
I think what the two of you have is cool. You both are having fun and that’s awesome. The best part is you two are mature enough to know what it is you have. And I agree with your second point. It’s unnatural to bury your partner then spend 25-30 years before you join them.
There is a big difference between the guys you play with and the guys you date. That cum hungry cock slut might make a great hookup, but that doesn’t mean he’s relationship material. You have to be rational when selecting a life partner. Maturity, financial stability, baggage, independence, fidelity, and how long this person going to be around are all criteria that need to be considered before the love/lust blinders cloud your judgment.
I’m 30yo and I prefer my men between the age 35-65 sexually, friendship and relationship. Can’t stand being around any guy younger than 35 or me, they’re full of drama and way too immature, inexperience. Older men turn me on, they’re experience, mature and I vibe well with them except for the snooty stuckup pretentious jerks. My ex was 47, we dated for a while till his jealousy went over the top and he didn’t want to act his age.
 Glad to see the open-mindedness with age in the responses here. From reading profiles online, most guys don’t want anyone over 30.  (regardless of their age!)
 I’m 38, partner is 40. I find for relationship (& friends), around the same age seems to work best. For hookups, anywhere from 18-50. However, while I find them hot, the younger guys tend to be horrible in bed. The hottest sex is with over 30.
He is not turned on by anyone close to his own age, first. And he is very handsome and gets hit on a lot. He reached out to me on an online site from across the country. I think that sometimes we are drawn to people and our logical mind just cannot grasp why… there is something much deeper within us going on. It is like that for us. I am a spiritual teacher/counselor and life coach, speaker and I have things like this happen sometimes. For us it is like we know each other from some other time and there is this familiarity, like and love that cannot be fully explained, yet. I wish for others to be willing to listen to their inner voice; it knows the way.
I agree if you know the limits of your relationship then heed those limits. But do not ever throw away happiness with someone just because your surface mind projects fears about the future… unless you are just living on the surface of life and not exploring your depths of spirit. It’s a choice.
I’ll chat with anybody, regardless of age. For sex, my age range is 21-45, although I’ve gone a little older for guys who are respectful and have a great personality. As far as dating, I’d go 21-35. I should probably mention, I’m 27.
I’ve been in a relationship with my “special friend” (we don’t refer to each other as “boyfriends” or “partners”–I suppose we have it defined ourselves) for just over 3 years. I’m 24 and he is 50. We’re very much in love…we even wear matching rings. 🙂
I met my partner when I was 23 and he was 49 too. We’ve been together 19 years. You are right about watching your partner die. It is inevitable when you get involved with someone that much older. My partner had a stroke which left him partially paralyzed. He no longer works so all of our bills fall on me. I can’t go out with my friends anymore because I have to take care of him. Our sex life is non-existent. And he feels guilty because he knows he’s a drain on me. The 19 years we’ve had together is more than some people get and I am grateful for that. I knew that he would most likely go before me but I always dismissed the thought. It’s a whole lot different when it becomes a reality but this is what I signed up for.
i just turned 20, and i will not hook up with anyone under 35. they are too immature, and boyish in looks. guys 30 plus are hot. that said i dont sleep around, and wont get into rships. had some disastrous near misses with the over 50’s. put me off for life.
It’s funny, but I’ve been having sex since age 12, and when I’m with a guy, It’s body and mind I’m with. Sex is fun and should be fun at any (legal) age. I’m 50 now and i think i can remember most of the guys I’ve had sex with…
I was 24 when I was into older guys and met my husband of ten years when he was 34. Now we are both old, but I’m the one who is still horny and we don’t have sex. Learn this lesson, baby gays of manhuntdaily!
You are, indeed, noble. It’s so sad when so many gays think that being gay is only about constant “hot sex.” Love, friendship, loyalty and duty are terms often not found. That’s why so many gays are lonely.
And as for the question some brought up here about a large age difference regarding “LTR’s” and “health concerns,” there are no guarantees in life. Two partners can be “perfect” specimens of youth, looks and vigor and one can suffer a stroke or an accident and be a parapalegic. It does happen. Age should have no boundaries.
When one of you doesn’t want to have sex, you need to identify what the underlying issue is in the relationship. There is something(s) that has not been addressed. Usually if you have an intuition or inkling about what it might be, then that’s it; our sixth sense is accurate. Find a way to talk about it and get back on the same page. There was an original attraction that is still there; it’s just buried underneath the unsaid, unheard, unmanaged things that tend to happen in a relationship. I’m 53 and my partner is half my age; we have a good sex life and when there’s a lull we deal with whatever had not been handled between us… then it’s off to the bedroom again.
When I realized I was gay I turned to the online world to meet guys. This was when I was 16. I would chat a lot but never meet, mostly out of fear. I got to chatting with this guy who was 38. He was super hot – nice and hairy and muscular. He was actually a police officer. (16 is legal where I am, btw.)So after a couple of weeks of chatting we met for coffee, went back to his place, and had 2 hours of mind-blowing sex. I had only j/o or sucked off other guys by then and he showed me how to really have an amazing time. We had a FWB relationship for 2 years after that, before I started dating for real. To this day, he was my best ever.
Age is irrelevant to me. Â If your hot your hot no matter the age
well here goes. I used to be like a lot of you, now at the age of 36 I just don’t know. I have been in a relationship for 13 years. My partner is getting ready to turn 50. While I have been fine with the age difference in the past, now the sex is bad if at all and he is sagging everywhere. We connect and get along like no other couple I have been around. What the hell is wrong with me? Because of the big 50 I think I am gonna break up with him. Ok give me feedback guys.
I definitely agree… my last relationship was with a 44 yr old… so i don’t see a problem. We had a great relationship. Though I am really attracted to older guys, a lot of the issues mentioned regarding sex drive and all do make me a little uncertain when it comes to dating again.
I am 31 hairless.
i like 44 bears.
I have only felt an attraction to older men. I remember being a teen and wondering if I was really into guys at all, since I never really felt anything for my classmates. I am crazy about guys like Bronson Gates and have a hard time even noticing young and lean guys exist!! I guess it helps being a bottom: I look for tops that are older, furry, stocky and bearded. I haven’t been to bed with a younger guy in over a decade…
At the same time, I am now in my 30s and have recently realised most guys stop being functioning tops when they reach their 50s. I remember going to bed with a guy in his 60s and it was a bit dusturbing how his hand shook, his eyesight was poor and he ejaculated prematurely (before penetration, that is). I am really pushing my daddy fixation over into a grandaddy fixation. I suppose it’s time to start dating guys more or less my age – which I now do occasionally, since men in their 30s seem mature enough physically to appeal to me.
There is a long list of furry, older and bearded men I lust after – but on a relationship level, it doesn’t seem to be feasible, I must say. Most older guys have not only a low powered libido, they also seem to lose interest in being social and having fun. I suppose you can’t have it all…
I would be your daddy, sexy boi!! If u were mine there is NO way I’d need to look elsewhere for sex!!
U r 21 and j am 37, old enough to be your daddy lol