Model, sports psychologist and tennis pro (at least that’s how his Twitter profile reads) Jake Jensen has an interesting face. It’s a little Cro-Magnon Hobbit, but it’s also handsome. Not many dudes could make “Cro-Magnon Hobbit” work, but Jake does. He’s a model! His lanky body and wavy hair set my nuts aflame! And then I found pics of his creamy ass. Those are below. I could type anything right now because you already cut to the pics. I’m no dummy.
– J. Harvey
Photo credit: Scott Teitler and Neo Fragoso
And then some nice pics of Jake’s bulge were discovered…
And then some even nicer pics of Jake’s ass were unearthed. Score.
(via Island)
Hmmm…not into this dude at all!
he reminds me of he-who-shall-not-be-named (rhymes with “herez pilton”)
OK, this guy is sweet, and I’m not normally attracted to blonds. However… that first pic looks more like a bad Photoshop deal than most any other I have seen that really ARE Photoshopped! .
Cro-Magnon Hobbit? Just say no to neanderthals.
I normally click the down arrow on bitchy comments but I like that catchphrase.
The nose is all wrong… but probably correctable