Now Playing: I Love You Phillip Morris

Working Girl meets Catch Me If You Can, with a bit of The Birdman of Alcatraz and just a hint of The BirdcageI Love You Phillip Morris is hilarious.  Jim Carrey (looking even thinner and paler than usual) does an amazing job portraying Steven Russell, a con-man with a heart of gold.  And who doesn’t love Ewan McGregor?  His blond, blue-eyed Phillip is charming.

The unlikely duo shares some true chemistry on screen in this heartwarming story about finding and keeping true love.  With a few surprises and lots of laughs, it’s definitely worth the price of admission.

– Diego

To watch a naughty clip from the movie, follow the JUMP:

27 thoughts on “Now Playing: I Love You Phillip Morris

  1. Yet another movie that plays off the stereotypes of gays and gives heterosexuals more cover to hate us!

  2. I think the clip was hilarious ! FOTFLOL

    Jim Carrey is always funny. And, now I just might watch the whole movie to see how funny Ewan McGregor is.

  3. Maybe hets wouldn’t hate us so much if gays like you didn’t do such a good job of spewing disdain for your own kind. Something to think about bubba.

  4. In this particular film, the one scene where you get the best view of McG’s dick – it must have been cold on the set that day. Never the less, a lovely cock, plus a divine butt. I’ve lusted in my heart for him for years.

  5. “Own kind”?? You make us sound like a space alien or something….. We are all humans. And how was he spewing disdain? Please! I would love to know. It is a KNOWN fact that heterosexuals believe that we are just about the sex. That was ALL wheelie81 was saying! You became all queen like and went off on him. And you had no reason to! I have to agree with JamieB. You just fit into the stereotype….. Although I’m not sure that is what JamieB meant to say.

  6. They were showing this on my flight back from Europe in July. It’s an alright movie… probably could have been a lot better with anyone other than Jim Carey.

    Also, there’s nothing particularly detrimental to gays in the movie. He’s a con artist who is in love with a man. And there is sex. nbd

  7. I went to see this movie here in Washington, DC last Sunday. I thought if was funny and sad at times. Although, I prefer Jim Carrey not to be the lead character, I enjoyed the movie. I would have loved to see Alex O’Loughlin, Eddie Cibrian, or Paul Blackthorne as the lead character in this movie.

  8. Your own kind is meant as a gay person dimwit. You are well known for your own disdain of the gay community. You are a well known closet case conservative that continues to think that you need to conform to the heterosexual community. I disagree and if you think I am not allowed to disagree then you can just kiss my ass.

  9. Your own kind is meant as a gay person dimwit. You are well known for your own disdain of the gay community. You are a well known closet case conservative that continues to think that you need to conform to the heterosexual community. I disagree and if you think I am not allowed to disagree then you can just kiss my ass.

  10. LOL. I’m well known!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!! The only disdain I have for the gay community is that it is not open minded like we want everyone else to be! At least I don’t have to call names to try and win arguments. You are more than allowed to disagree with me. I welcome it! But I sure as heck am NOT going to kiss your butt! No thanks!

  11. Can’t really take Mr. Carey seriously. He did a so-so job in “Endless Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” but I just was never really convinced.

    Anyways, I’ll keep my reservations temporary until I see the movie myself. =)

  12. Can’t really take Mr. Carey seriously. He did a so-so job in “Endless Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” but I just was never really convinced.

    Anyways, I’ll keep my reservations temporary until I see the movie myself. =)

  13. Don’t steer this conversation away from the topic at hand with fallacies or comments about yourself (appeal to ridicule and inferiority complex).

    “My Opinion” is exactly right: the gay community is probably its own worst enemy. “Gives heterosexuals more reason to hate us” is a perfect example of self-hatred directed at the community.

    There are plenty of counter-arguments:

    1) If you’re going to separate two communities where one is a large majority that opposes the others’ beliefs, it’s obvious that the hatred isn’t so superfluous. It goes much deeper than a simple movie.

    2) There aren’t that many ‘gay’ movies to begin with.

    3) ‘Heterosexuals’ don’t go to the movies to watch a ‘gay’ film.

    4) ‘Heterosexuals’ suffer from the same stereotyping and considering point #2, they have more substance to be stereotyped by.

    5) wheelie81 made no mention of sex. He didn’t even mention what part of the film depicted the stereotypical qualities of a gay individual. He made an asinine blanket statement about one community as it affects the other based on a movie alone. That is self-hatred: plain and simple.

    Don’t try to fill in the blanks or ‘fix’ pretentious and absurd statements like wheelie81’s to further your own agenda.

  14. See… That’s just it! I HAVE NO AGENDA! Unless finding a man to love me and to love is one… Then, I might be accused of having an agenda. Everyone else has an agenda! Get same sex marriage legalized… Get DADT repealed (which the Log Cabin Republicans are actually getting done… not your liberal politicians you elected in Washington), etc. I do NOT have an agenda! And I don’t have a clue as to what you are talking about with the inferiority complex bull! Sheesh! Go get laid or something. God forbid that my opinion may differ from yours. Oh wait.. You probably don’t believe in God either. Oh well. One day you will. Ta ta!

  15. Oh, and one more thing before I leave this miserable excuse of an argument behind… “Gives heterosexuals one more reason to hate us” is not even CLOSE to an example of self hatred! It’s just fact! Whether you like it or not, it’s how the gay community is looked upon by the heterosexual community! Get your head out of some other guy’s butt and realize that you don’t know everything! I don’t claim to, but you sure act like you do! Dang! You don’t have a clue.

  16. I haven’t seen the movie yet, and due to my absolute hatred of Jim Carey, I probably never will. All I hope is that they don’t over portray the effeminate stereotype. Because face it, our entire society (gay straight what ever) is obsessed with sex. To say that people think it’s a purely homosexual stereotype is very silly indeed. But, the stereotype of the effeminate, fruit cake gay man irritates the hell out of me and is a grossly over-popularized stereotype, in my mind. You only have to take one look at manhunt to realize that femmy gay men are a minority.

    @ToddM- Your last paragraph sort of implies you think you know everything… so… telling the guy off for seeming to think he knows everything is a bit hypocritical of you…

    @Blackman – I like how every guy you think should have had the lead role was quite a bit more physically attractive than Carey… Not being versed in the world of actors, though, I don’t know what kind of acting styles the others had. So maybe they were. But maybe the director felt Carey portrayed the character accurately according to his vision.

  17. We should be happy that mainstream actors are willing to take on gay parts like this. The more gay characters, steroytypical or not, that straight America sees, they more they are desensitized to it until they put it on a mental “ignore” and that’s where we want to be. Being gay should be just another quality that has nothing to do with anyone else unless we’re looking for a hookup with them. Kinda important then. All those str8 Jim Carey or Ewan fans will see them playing gay characters and that will help them be less homophobic…even if just slightly. Change happens in small incriments.

    Of course the posters above do have a point, the gay community is often our own worst enemy. We’ve taken on their judgmental attitudes from before we came out and we didn’t leave that garbage in the closet when we did. We don’t have to be big overly macho muscle men to over-compensate for our own insecurities. If you’re one of those haters of gay men for doing anything (too efffiminent, too sterotypical, too whatever), it’s really just a mirror for something you hate in yourself. Work on yourself and leave the rest of us out of it.

  18. I will probably see this for myself before I make any judgements, because God knows if you should have a legitimate criticism over, say, I don’t know, “Glee”; there will be 25 hyper-sensitive twinks ripping you to shreds. . .

    ’nuff said!

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