What the FUCK, Justin Timberlake? How are you gonna release the video for “Tunnel Vision”, my favorite song on your LONG-ASS album, while I’m all locked in a closet for a week? That’s some dumb shit, because you KNOW Ms. Boulangerié Knowles has been bowing DOWN to the power of your taint since you were a curly-haired motherfucker in *NSYNC. I would have been hypin’ your ass left, right and in directions that haven’t even been INVENTED yet.
You know why I’m also mad? There are mad titties in this video and NO DICK whatsoever. If you’re gonna try to pull some shit like this is “classy” or “tasteful”, I ain’t buyin’ that because you are objectifying all these fine sisters without giving us any DICK LOVERS something to look at. You could have at LEAST whipped it out and waved it around for a few seconds!
In conclusion or some shit, I collected a series of images for you to scroll through while you listen to this song, because that’s way better than watching the boring-ass music video this motherfucker came up with. Shit! I’m out like CiCi.
Scroll to the bottom and hit play, then look at some DICKS bouncing in your face:
why is he signing through a machine and not using his real voice? pitch problems?
these are some nice gif-ts :p
I think you mean singing, not signing.
i still think it was pretty audacious of justin to put out a robin thicke album
OMG. This may be the best post ever…cut out JT and you’re there. Such fun gifs. This is like the cock buffet – but now with music.
Is that Quinn Jaxon ejaculating for us there?
I love the cock jumping out of the jeans. LOVE IT!
In all honesty I enjoyed watching part 2 of Blurred Lines, though I did keep expecting Pharrell to walk into frame.
Ugh….While he may occasionally be nice to look at, he seems to have a HUGE ego, which spoils any hotness, for me.
I’m guessing because his real voice isn’t that spectacular. He’s always gotten by more on his looks and the way he markets himself than by any amazing singing talent.