Must Watch: SNL’s Stefon

Bill Hader‘s Stefon character, a tweaked-out club addict news correspondent with an odd idea of family fun, is one of the few recurring characters on SNL that’s actually funny. The fun is in watching the talented Hader try to get through the bit as he continually breaks characters to crack up at the ridiculous things he’s saying. Here’s Stefon’s take on Christmas in NYC.

To watch Stefon recite his own version of the 12 Days of Xmas, Follow the JUMP:

20 thoughts on “Must Watch: SNL’s Stefon

  1. I’ve noticed that as well every time I see him play Stefon. The things they have him say get crazier and crazier and he can’t help but break character every now and then. The thing I give him credit for is finishing the entire thing in character rather than ruining the entire sketch, which shows how much talent he has as an actor.

  2. This Stefon character is a crack up and the fact that he makes himself nearly lose it makes it even funnier. I love the tension of a comedian trying to maintain composure when they really just want to lose it and giggle like a little girl.

  3. This is funny? More talentless wanna-bees staring vapidly a the teleprompter reciting a script void of humor or entertainment.

  4. Oh, that was good! He portrays a typical gay New Yorker, so much into himself. He should’ve used the names of real clubs, like the shallow Splash one of the clubs that will always keep us gays down until it gets over itself.

  5. Oh, that was good! He portrays a typical gay New Yorker, so much into himself. He should’ve used the names of real clubs, like the shallow Splash one of the clubs that will always keep us gays down until it gets over itself.

  6. Funny as shyt, he really had me go’n especially when he tried 2 keep it together, very awesome skit!!!

  7. whats with playing videos that can only be streamed in the US not all of your manhunt readers are American please please dewitt use a streamer that plays in the UK as well.

  8. Funny? Neither Stefon or SNL. About like this emag is church fare! SNL hasn’t been downright, laugh-out-loud GOOD!!!! since the Eddie Murphy days. The network just can’t find anything else that is willing to occupy that time slot. Anybody remember the last time when people came to work on Monday talking about the SNL show on the week-end? Not in the last 10 years you don’t, except for Betty White and Sarah Palin.

  9. Boo Hiss
    can’t see this because I’m a canadian?
    what is Canada like Indonesia or Libya a country that will abuse the right and make a billion dollars selling it to others.
    Royalities – copywright – blah blah blah.
    Fear of sharing. Ideas, infotainment,
    music, food, water, air – what will be next
    if we keep going me me me?

    So for now – how to see this funny fellow from SNL that I missed on Saturday. Anyone have a clue?

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