Miley Cyrus Hates That You’re Gay

Just Being Miley

Even if she's a terrible role-model otherwise, it seemed like tween pop-tart Miley Cyrus was recently stepping out in support of gay individuals. I mean, she wasn't volunteering to make phone calls in Maine or anything, but she openly expressed on Twitter that she supported marriage equality. On top of that, she was very enthusiastic about the Fire Island Pines rendition of her hit "Party in the U.S.A." Even though they were small gestures, they signaled to her fan-base that there's nothing wrong with same-sex relationships. That has to count for something, right?

Well, it's now becoming wildly apparent that Ms. Cyrus doesn't know which end is up. Did you hear about how she's never heard a Jay-Z song before, despite name-dropping him in her song? She basically just made the song to sell her clothing line, and it's not even "her style of music". Even if that's true, I'm pretty sure that's not the kind of thing you admit…

But I digress. The actual reason I'm writing this post is to call your attention to a video that's making the rounds. At a performance in Louisville, Cyrus changed the lyrics to "7 Things", a song in which she lists behaviors she hated about her ex-boyfriend. The line "your games" was altered to be "you're gay", implying that it's supposed to be an insult. It's a small change, but it counts for something, right?

– Dewitt

To watch the video of Miley's performance, follow the JUMP:

17 thoughts on “Miley Cyrus Hates That You’re Gay

  1. Totally agree with Leo. She was talking about “her” Jonas brother. That song and video was smack dab in the middle of all their breakup drama.

  2. I fail to see what the big deal is. She didn’t like that her ex was gay. Which would me he wasn’t into her. How’s this (or her for that matter) worthy of bringing attention to?

  3. Way to go Dewitt. Your misleading title is going to make people who don’t read some of your more pointless articles think she doesn’t like gay people. Which is not the case.
    Way to be like [bleep].

  4. “She basically just made the song to sell her clothing line”…you’re acting as if she actually writes her songs. She’s not an artist. I’m over her.

  5. it kind of is a big deal actually. It’s bad enough when average people use the term gay in a derogatory manner, but when someone with such big influence on a huge number of people does it? The effects are so much worse. Perpetuating the idea that even such a small thing like this is ok is the beginning of people accepting that its ok to hate homosexuals (or anyone for that matter).
    It always starts small and spreads.

  6. she’s a talentless bimbo and only 17 so who cares what she thinks on this issue if it’s all orchestrated by her PR people to keep her in the news. I am sure Disney has already two or three girls like her ready to take over the airwaves in the next 5 years.

  7. she’s a talentless bimbo and only 17 so who cares what she thinks on this issue if it’s all orchestrated by her PR people to keep her in the news. I am sure Disney has already two or three girls like her ready to take over the airwaves in the next 5 years.

  8. Let’s see … a straight chick who is annoyed by her boyfriend being gay.
    Am I missing something?
    This now makes her homophobic?

  9. Dewitt, you imply in this article that she actually writes her own songs. She is nothing more than ANOTHER Disney project that hopefully will go away.

  10. No. That’s not a reasonable assessment. Just one more example of gays making a mountain out of a molehill and we wonder why people take the piss…

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