Maino Wants To Kill The F*gs (No Homo!)

I’ve noticed this fantastic trend in which rappers make up justifications for their usage of “fag” or “faggot”. Essentially they’ll call someone a fag, and then be like “Oh, but no offense to gay people… I mean [something else negative] when I use that word.” Maino is the latest performer to hop on the bandwagon. 

“If I had it my way, I’d do away with the fags,” he said in an interview. “And I don’t mean in a gay sense, I mean the fag shit, the fucking lying, when I’m in your face ‘I’ma sell you the world and soon as I get you away it’s everything opposite of what I told you.'”

It’s so nice of him to define that word, because I just thought he was spouting out a homophobic slur. I mean, it’s so simple! Fags aren’t gay people, they’re just liars. Ya understand?

– Dewitt

10 thoughts on “Maino Wants To Kill The F*gs (No Homo!)

  1. I think your making a big deal out of nothing.
    I totally understand what he’s saying.
    Kinda like when people use the phrase “That’s so retarded”, or “That’s so gay” etc.
    When people say stuff like that they’re not putting down gays or the mentally challenged, they’re just using the term to express dissatisfaction with whatever is going on.
    Were all guilty of it I’m sure.

  2. WTF?
    Does he realize what a total idiot that makes him sound like?
    Not that I ever would – it is far too offensive, but there is a certain “N” word that could be used under the guise of referring to liars and cheaters.
    Calling anyone a FAG or GAY is offensive unless coming from another gay person (and only in specific connotations) – PERIOD. I would think a member of another minority group so viciously and thoroughly discriminated against would be more aware and sensitive to this.
    I don’t care about the reasons or excuses. He is wrong and a record label that produces and promotes such filth should be liable for promoting hatred and hate crimes.

  3. If I had it my way, I’d do away with the Christians. And I don’t mean it in a religious sense, I mean the Christian shit, the not putting the toilet seat back down for my lady friend.
    That’s essentially how absurd this is.

  4. I love how they like to define it and act like its not bad. I love it even more when people try to defend the usuage of it and say oh they didn’t mean it that way. The best is when people say “that’s so gay” and think nothing of it. I’m like no asshole it does mean something your insulting a whole group of people when you use a word that describes them negativly. Also while I am on the subject. Why are black people so behind on gay rights? I honestly don’t get how they dont see that we are going through the same thing except we are still suffering a hundred times more than they are, and I have heard African Americans say well gays werent hung. Thats total bull shit how do you think we were given the name fag? Its because of the sticks they used to put around gays as they burned them alive. So how did we not suffer? It annoys me so much sometimes! Like I don’t want to be racist but I wish a prominate person would be like okay were taking away all black and minority’s rights again and see if they don’t see the simularities then!

  5. Make up your minds. You were pissed when they were down on gay people, now you’re pissed that they’re redefining the term (which is what we did with “gay”) to NOT mean gay people. The fact that these guys are saying, “gay people are cool” is something to be appreciated. Our society redefines words all the tim. He’s actually being very clear what he means by the term “fag” – the same way “ghetto” (as in, “that’s so ghetto) now means something different than it used to.

  6. It is real sad trying to equate every black guy on one side of equation. Just because the statement came from a blackguy it does not mean (logically) that all blackguys support the same argument. If that is the mentality in the gay community then what makes gay different from al queda or any other exteremist group?
    Please stop exerting hate and try to narrow the problem to one individual and not just to every blackguy.
    Just for confirmation only: I am black and gay

  7. Lennon once sang “…..woman is the n***er of the world….” . just ignore the words from idiots like him (Maino). They’re just words guys; not actions.

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