Introducing Dr. Queerlove

Doctor Queerlove

While Dr. Phil screams at rednecks on syndication, we've got someone new at MANHUNT Daily to help you cure your mo woes. Meet Dr. Queerlove, our new advice columnist!

Andy: Hey, Dr. Queerlove!

Dr. Q: Andy, I'm not actually a doctor, I don’t think you can call me Doctor Que—

Andy: Dr. Queerlove, are you excited to be joining the MANHUNT Daily Team?

Dr. Q: Yes, very! But really, Mr. Queerlove is fine, or maybe just Mr. Q…

Andy: We can’t wait for your first post Dr. Q! What did you prescribe? Can you get us Viagra?

Dr. Q: No, I can’t prescribe anything. I just give good advice. The first question was from a guy who is not happy with the sex in his relationship. The entry should be up tomorrow and we will have a new one every Wednesday.

Andy: Well save some of those little blue pills for me, doc!

Readers, email your questions on love, relationships, blue balls, lube… whatever, to our resident expert at

DISCLAIMER: Dr. Queerlove is not a doctor, of any kind. Not even a Ph.D. in botany. So if you follow his advice and end up bruised, impotent and alone, you can’t sue us… because we’re telling you right here that you can’t.

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