Hot Flash: Jon Gomez By Joan Crisol

Yesterday’s shots of hairy perfection Jon Gomez were so popular that we HAD to find some more. Well, they were so popular with me. That’s all that matters.

These pics are by the same photographer, Joan Crisol. Unfortunately, they put Jon in some arty bondage gear which was absolutely unnecessary. Online model “fagzines” (that’s how they describe themselves) like Xnotdead have to justify their existence and make everything edgy. Otherwise they’re just Manhunt Daily! [Ed. note – Shouldn’t it be “fagazine”?]

Luckily, Jon’s brutal hotness overcomes a really convoluted gimp hood and a leather diaper.

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Joan Crisol

Check out more pics of Jon Gomez below:

Jon_Gomez_by_Joan_Crisol_Xnotdead_The_Fagzine (9)

Jon_Gomez_by_Joan_Crisol_Xnotdead_The_Fagzine (8)

Jon_Gomez_by_Joan_Crisol_Xnotdead_The_Fagzine (7)

Jon_Gomez_by_Joan_Crisol_Xnotdead_The_Fagzine (6)

Jon_Gomez_by_Joan_Crisol_Xnotdead_The_Fagzine (5)

Jon_Gomez_by_Joan_Crisol_Xnotdead_The_Fagzine (4)

Jon_Gomez_by_Joan_Crisol_Xnotdead_The_Fagzine (3)

Jon_Gomez_by_Joan_Crisol_Xnotdead_The_Fagzine (2)

Jon_Gomez_by_Joan_Crisol_Xnotdead_The_Fagzine (1)


(via Xnotdead)



4 thoughts on “Hot Flash: Jon Gomez By Joan Crisol

  1. All that nonsense is so not needed. It is really unattractive and not “edgy” in the least. Besides, he is sex.

  2. The only one of these I find hot is the 5th one. Down from the top. He’s not wearing a mask and all the straps are accentuating his muscles.

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