He’s Gay, Too: Tuc Watkins

Every once in a while, everyone comes out at the same time. This is one of those months! Tuc Watkins is a hot actor who was on Desperate Housewives (as one half of the gay couple) and on famed soap One Life To Live. Being a soaps fan, I can tell you that Tuc is a very good comedic actor and looks phenomenal shirtless. And they always had him shirtless. And tied up. I think I know Tuc’s nipples and gagged screams better than I know my own. Drop that last part.

Tuc came out on, of all places, Marie Osmond‘s talk show on the Hallmark Channel. He also revealed that he’s a single gay dad. Cool. He told Marie that he always knew he’d be a gay dad. He also revealed that he has really good taste in movies.

“I knew three things. I knew I was gay, I knew one day I was going to be a dad, and I knew Gene Wilder’s ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’ was going to be the best movie of all time.”

Gay, hot, AND knows that the remake was a piece of shit!

Tuc Watkins





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89 thoughts on “He’s Gay, Too: Tuc Watkins

  1. He came out years ago around the time he did Beggars and Choosers and I Think I Do, didn’t he? He’s always playing gay parts, so it seemed pretty obvious. And yes, he’s hot… The Ten material hot….

  2. lol I was thinking the same thing about Mr. One Life To Live David Vickers! lol šŸ™‚

  3. Come out, come out, where ever you are. Everyone who is gay COME OUT NOW! We need your support. Equality is within our grasp but we need more people to own their sexuality and not be hiding behind your fears. Well done, Tuc and Jason (and the NFL dudes in the “coming out pipeline”).

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