Have You Ever: Attended A Circuit Party?

Every now and then, I’ll poke around our Spanish-language brother blog Manhunt Diario and attempt to figure out what’s going on over there. This recently led me to a very weird promo video for the 2014 Circuit Festival in Barcelona. In the interest of full disclosure, Manhunt happens to be sponsoring this event (which comes as a surprise to someone who’s completely oblivious to everything happening outside of his desk). Their website told me that! Their website also told me that everything’s going down between August 6-17.

This led me to wonder—would I ever go to a circuit party? (Please imagine me like this when you read that last question.) The answer is “maybe”. In my head, I’d hop on the plane thinking that it’d be a good people watching experience. Then, once I got there, I’d wind up meeting some really nice folks and having the time of my life, as I danced like a dumb slut in the pale moonlight with my new best friend Ariana Grande.

I would love to hear from those of you who’ve actually attended a circuit party and know what it’s like. There are all these ideas running through my head, and I can’t tell whether they’re accurate assumptions or total bullshit perpetuated by people who are afraid of shirtless, gorgeous men happily gyrating to remixes of Kelly Rowland. I just want to know the truth! Tell me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Have you ever been to a circuit party?

– Dewitt

Check out this very pretty model convincing you to go to a circuit party below:

Roman Dawidoff for the 2014 Circuit Festival in Barcelona sponsored by Manhunt.

Roman Dawidoff for the 2014 Circuit Festival in Barcelona sponsored by Manhunt.

Roman Dawidoff for the 2014 Circuit Festival in Barcelona sponsored by Manhunt.

Roman Dawidoff for the 2014 Circuit Festival in Barcelona sponsored by Manhunt.

Roman Dawidoff for the 2014 Circuit Festival in Barcelona sponsored by Manhunt.



27 thoughts on “Have You Ever: Attended A Circuit Party?

  1. Used to go to the Black Party in New York and my partner has been to a lot of other circuit parties. They’ve changed a lot. Now seems to be about charging more and VIP areas and corporate sponsors and jamming in as many people as possible and less about good music.

  2. no, i would not go to any circuit parties. I’m already considered too old and fat to be hot at just a typical gay club, why would I want to spend all that money to get into a place where I would never be accepted?

  3. I had the honor of bartending at Fireball, which used to held every year in Chicago! The memories of being 22 and sexy, dancing in nothing but my man-panties, smoking weed and fucking behind the speakers, then taking my walk-of-shame with $600 cash in my pocket, will be one I will always treasure! Just fucking GO!! GO!! GO!!!

  4. I used to attend circuit parties when I was younger, and from personal experience, most of the guys there are high as kites and couldn’t perform sexually if they tried……….there was a lot of exhibitionism and groping………..it was very fun but no expectations of free range sex………… 🙂

  5. I have never attended a circuit party ( probably never will ) usually their are a lot of drugs and a lot of other crazy shiit going on just not my scene !

  6. If I’m a ginger, it’s a secret so big that even I don’t know it… I do have a little red in my beard/hair though.

  7. LOL loving the whole “what would Carrie do/say” vibe there…

    Answering your question; no to the circuit party. Not really my thing.

  8. Well I’ve never seen you before and all I’ve seen was your twitter picture now, only partial chin and part face!

  9. Never nope!
    I just don’t fit in with a large crowd very well since I got out of the Service.
    Even when I had my tight lean military body and everyone asked me to go out to the bars I never felt really comfortable.
    So this would have been sensory overload.

  10. If they expect guys like that the one in the pics above, I would not have been welcome even when I was in my 20s as a blond, green eyed, thin, hung twink.

  11. If they expect guys like that the one in the pics above, I would not have been welcome even when I was in my 20s as a blond, green eyed, thin, hung twink.

  12. BAHAHAHA for some random reason I always imagined you as African American! Don’t ask me why?? xxoo

  13. I went to 21 Mardi Gras Parties in Sydney & lots of other circuit parties,
    Loved every minute

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