Gregory Verdoes for DNA

That butt! Photographer Salvador Pozo shot model Gregory Verdoes for DNA magazine, and we can’t stop looking at that Aussie Bum-clad butt. You could rest your beer on that. We should probably also mention the handsome yet sensitive features, the chiseled torso, and the guns. But our eyes are just magnetically drawn to his backside!

We’d also like to thank Salvador for posing Gregory in the shower. Because male models always look better when wet.

– J. Harvey

For more shots, follow the JUMP:

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290 thoughts on “Gregory Verdoes for DNA

  1. Shame you didn’t show the rest of the DNA pic’s there are some where you actually see his naked ass.

  2. Topocracy, it’s obvious you are trying to make a point. Either that or get attention.
    It’s obvious by your last post that you know that the racist comments as well as the other comments are wrong. You’ve been at this a while. Why not go ahead and come clean and tell why you are making all of these horrible statements so we can move on and enjoy coming here again without wondering if your crude comments are going to show up. Please?

  3. While I do admit he is a beautiful man, I will say my tastes run toward men who don’t find it necessary to remove virtually every strand of body hair below the neck. And while I find Topocracy’s comments pretty bleak, it speaks volumes that most of the guys responding here zeroed in on the racially insensitive comment and did not object to the treating of another person like a piece of meat to be consumed and then discarded. Granted, to model like that is basically yo offer yourself up like a slab of neat, but still…

  4. Topocracy, you clearly didn’t get enough attention as a child, so you make those ridiculous comments to get people all mad at you. GET OVER YOURSELF! you’re not that special. Maybe if you spent less time being an ass you’d have some friends and wouldn’t feel compelled to seek the attention of strangers.

    And to David, everyone probable zeroed in on the racially stupid (I think it went beyond insensitive) comment because in the history of this nation racism has always trumped objectification. It’s pretty much a fact.

  5. Topocray: GASP!!! You expressed an opinion?
    Don’t you realize what happened to Juan Williams? You could get fired from NPR. You naughty person…you need “Political Correctness” training. What would Geo. Soros say?

  6. Blue, I’m not against freedom of speech. And I usually say screw PC. But when it is done time after time after time by the same person, then there is something at the root of it. It’s more than an opinion. It’s either trying to get attention or making a point. I would just like to know which one it is and if it’s a point, make it and get it over with.

  7. It never stops. Fags (and that’s what you really are) trying to push buttons. Sad little lives you lead. Why not do something CONstructive instead of DEstructive with your time? I wouldn’t want to date anyone like you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You wouldn’t want to date me. Good! That was easy!
    I still fail to see what you attention seekers get out of these posts. So you like to stir up trouble. Immaturity is at the top of the list to describe you. Hateful. Nothing good.
    It all comes back to bite you one day. I CAN and WILL gaurantee you that! My only wish is that I could be there to see it happen.

  8. oohhhh boy . . . the racism and white privilege that is clearly exhibited on this site is trite. What’s sadder is that this is only a microcosm of the world. And Blue10101, relax. No one is attacking freedom of speech. But having that freedom doesn’t mean it’s ok to go around and be just plain rude and derogatory. It’s a fine line and a slippery slope. Freedom of expression exists as well . . . so is it alright for me to go outside and strip off my clothes in the middle of Time Square and scream, “I’m just using my freedom to express myself?” Those freedoms shouldn’t be used to intentionally try to harm others. What happened to humanity. Oh I guess it doesn’t exist for gays?

    I’m done with this site that’s full of racist morons who probably don’t have an education beyond high school. Good luck with your freedom of speech Topocracy and Blue. Me?? I’m going to use my Ivy league advanced degree to ensure that more idiots with narrow minds do not emerge. I think we have enough on this site alone to compensate for any lacking in the country.

  9. If Topocracy is seeking attention – you are all certainly giving it to him. Especially ToddM. He can never let things go. Always has to comment.

    And comment. And comment. Watch, he will comment on my comment. Wait for it.

    Anyway, dont pay them attention and they will go away. Pretty simple.

  10. LOL. You are right. I will comment! Only to say that your obsession with me is still laughable. You don’t like me. I get it. It doesn’t hurt me. Let’s see… A man I don’t know, I’ve never met, chooses to follow me and bully me. Yeah… Traumatic. LOL Meh! Really. You are looking rather pathetic here! But that’s ok! Really! My e-mail has went thru the roof since you’ve been attacking me! Has helped me greatly! Keep it up! ReallY! I would be disappointed if you didn’t!

  11. Well said Dereck. Unfortunately some of the worst offenders are probably fellow ivy leaguers. I can understand preferences being race based, but the tasteless and baseless comments made on here just show that the same human idiot gene that allowed Hilter to arise to power and others to bring about those atrocities is alive and well. Tis a slippery slope.

    Freedom only exists within a polite society and the last few generations have had liberal mind-washing and indoctrination in our schools that has removed even common decency. Now people think their freedom (of speech for example) is more important than someone else’s … and force their rights above the common decency right of others.

    It happened not that long ago, and it will happen again – we are close to losing our freedoms.

  12. Dereck: So glad you are taking your over educated, Ivy league ass and decided to leave. Glad your put down of people who only finished high school is showing. Really shows your breeding…really shows what a waste all the “education” has done for you. Really shows your contempt for people. So…pull up your panties and get, gurl. We can certainly do without your PC ass.

  13. Dear ToddM…I knew you would comment and it only took 6 minutes for you to do so. I see you are up to your old name calling and lies as usual. Its hard not to follow you since you comment on pretty much every blog here and more then once.

    And who ever said I don’t like you? Not me. Dont know you to NOT like you. You dont really add much to the conversation except to attack people and I dont like that. Why can;t you be like Carter. He certainly knows how to make appropiate comments without attacking another guys post.

  14. LOL. meh! You crack me up.
    Enjoy life. I do. And will continue to do so. I’m glad I give you something to do each day.
    Abain, enjoy life! I am!

  15. Why thank you meh, but kind of ironic that you are blasting ToddM for not adding much to the conversation and attacking people with a personal attack. ;-\

    I’m really tired of you taking aim at ToddM so consistently … did he turn you down or dump you or something? It’s obvious that this is really personal for you … while ToddM, like many others, normally only calls out really grevious comments as do others.

  16. No Carter – he simply comments for the sake of commenting. Thats all. And its all the time. Someone says “ehh, the guy is not hot all all” and ToddM has to comment. Someone says “that was gross. Didn’t like it” and ToddM has to comment. See the pattern here?

    Unlike you, you simply make your comment and move on. As most people do.

    And it’s not personal whatsoever. Not sure how you came up with that. ToddM and I dont even live in the same country.

  17. Isn’t that what this is about? Commenting? If I want to comment, that is my right. meh!, you are nuts. Entertaining, but nuts! lol
    I’m not going to stop, meh!. So, move on. Prove that you are healthy in the head and move on.

  18. Lol, the internets are serious business. People are stupid.

    The guy is hot regardless of his country of origin, jesus, that body is amazing.

    Also ToddM may comment a lot and be highly opinionated, but at least he has the intelligence to be such. So who cares if he has a lot to say 🙂

  19. Not sure who said it but in essence “It is better to be thought a fool than to speak / “type” and remove all doubt.”

    Topogracy – thanks for answering what everybody else was thinking.

    BTW – the man is smoking hot, esp the offline black jockstrap pic!!!

  20. I am utterly sick and tired of people who hide behind their so-called “Freedom of speech” to express disgusting, degrading, uneducated and narrow-minded views that don’t add anything worthy to the discussion.

    What they conveniently choose to forget is that with every “RIGHT” comes a “RESPONSEBILITY” In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, such as on “hate speech”.
    Here are a few facts:
    1. As far back as 1859 John Stuart Mill [British philosopher] declared that “Freedom of speech” should/ could be curbed “to prevent harm to others”
    2. In 1985 Joel Feinberg [American political and social philosopher]. Stated that: “some forms of expression can be legitimately prohibited by law because they are very offensive. Because the degree to which people may take offense varies, or may be the result of unjustified prejudice, Feinberg suggests that a number of factors need to be taken into account when applying the offense principle, including: the extent, duration and social value of the speech, the ease with which it can be avoided, the motives of the speaker, the number of people offended, the intensity of the offense, and the general interest of the community at large”
    3. According to Article 17 of the UN Declaration on rights and responsibility: “In the exercise of the rights and freedoms referred to in the present Declaration, everyone, acting individually or in association with others, shall be subject to such limitations as are determined by law for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society”

    This means that your right to “Freedom of speech” is NOT absolute!

    As for blue10101, I find it telling and extremely sad that you are proud of your ignorance and limited educational background. Furthermore, there is no such thing as “over-educated” How sad that you believe that there is ever a time when a person has learned enough.

    @ Meh and those like you: ToddM is one of the few people on this site who actually makes sense and never expresses hateful, hurtful or degrading views about others.

  21. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – “Why do you people rise and take the bait that these attention-seekers keep throwing out?”. It just encourages them. Ignore them completely like they deserve, and they’ll go away. If they are acknowledged, you just encourage other attention-seekers to also make offensive, derogatory remarks.

    On to the model. First “beefy” man on here that I really, and I mean REALLY, like. A whole lot of fantasies could be built around him. And I’ve had a few.

  22. Gregory Verdoes is incredibly attractive to me. He obviously has worked very very hard to get his body to where it is and should be commended for his work and thanked for his willingness to share it with the viewing public.

  23. this guy is really hot, wicked sexy eyes too, I think a different cut of underwear would even flatter his perfect bod more.

    ManHunt…pls try harder to keep the assholes out of the blog…it’s distracting and there are plenty of other sites and blogs where those racist comments are welcome… not here, lets focus on the beautiful creations you share with us.

  24. Manhunt…why can’t you guys set up a rating system for comments, thumbs up, thumbs down and report. If certain users get enough reports we can help make this place a better place by banning them. There should be no tolerance for racism and bigotry.

  25. well I knew right away that this wasnt one of Dewitts malnurished, needs-to-eat boys he gets off on lol This is a Man and that ass is totally edible lol Nice job J. Harvey 🙂

  26. u people in the USA dont know shit about freedom of speech,learn from us canadians what freedom of speech is. thats discimatory and not freedom of speech in my country

  27. @Dereck- thank you for your comment on my posting of last night. I guess the point that I was trying to make is that a lot of gay men are quick to jump up when someone makes a racially ignorant comment, but that anger flies out the window when it comes to judging people because of their physical attributes. I didn’t express myself very well in that regard, and for that I apologize. As a man of color growing up in a virtually all white state, I felt the sting of racism in my youth. However, after growing up and coming out I received far more abuse from gay men because I was morbidly obese. I had gay men laugh at me, make “mooing sounds” at me, and actually had gay men tell me I was not welcome to even be a friend to them. Well, eventually I got my act together and lost 150 pounds. After that, all these same men who humiliated me in public welcomed me with open arms and asked me out on dates. My response? “If you were too good for me when I was 300 pounds, why would I want to hang out with you now that I weigh 150?” Everyone has their own set of prejudices, and one doesn;t hurt any less than another.

  28. ToddM – check your meds ok. I am starting to get worried. It’s funny how you always resort to call me names etc and yet, to date, I have never called you names, put you down or even bullied you, but, you, on the otherhand, continuously call me names, and put me down and try to bully me. WEIRD eh how you do that.

    I simply comment on the fact that you have this complusion to comment on everyones posting when you dont agree with it. Stop doing it and I will have nothing to comment on.

    hh9999 seems to be the only one that understadns what is going on and I have been saying the same thing on numerous posts now.

    Take heed ToddM. Take heed.

  29. Well, once again a beautiful set of images is ruined by nonsense, hate spewing, small minded, know nothings. Cripes, here is a gorgeous man to behold in his splendor, and some of you, once again, break out with racism. Who cares what color or nationality someone is? Beauty if beauty. I’ve written before, and will do so again, we’re all ONE RACE, human. Fucking act like it.

    meh! – you’re in idiot who obviously has some sort of issues with ToddM (I do to, he’s adorable & intelligent). Topocracy is obviously a troll looking for hapless villagers to wander onto his bridge to devour them, and we keep walking there…

    Finally (in this post, but not in the blog unfortunately), PLEASE MODERATE THESE POSTS!!!

  30. There have been 49 comments so far but since the fourth one everyone has fogotten about Gregory Verdoes and how fucking sexy he is.

    I guess you must all be americans.

    Thank you Carter Steele for the link – that was the best contribution!

  31. Yes, he’s gorgeous! There, there have been far too few comments about this mans phenomenal good looks.

    Also, why must every negative comment be from an American? What – there are no morons from other nations?

    Quit the divisive bullshit, folks.

  32. Thank you Dak1975 and rowin and others who have written in support of me. I appreciate it.

    meh!, the only name I call you is meh!. You speak of my obsession with commenting on others comments, but the only thing I see is you following me around commenting on mine. Pot calling the kettle… Again, you put a smile on my face. lol Continue on doing what you are doing. That’s fine by me. I’m making some great friends because of it!

    Anywho, I still say Gregory is perfection! I love everything that I see!

  33. Dearest ToddM – let’s see here…in this blog here alone you have called me pathetic and nuts and yet you say you only call me meh! Really now?

    As for following you…it’s kinda difficult NOT to run into you on here as you are constantly commenting on every post. Everytime I go to check the new blogs all I see on the side bar under recent comments is ToddM, ToddM, ToddM. I couldn’t swing a cat without hitting you 10 times! hahahahaha

  34. Funny. Everytime I see your name on the sidebar, I know I can count on your post lambasting me. So at least I know what you are doing here.

    It’s funny that no one else seems to have a problem with me posting. I get lots of e-mail on the contrary. Look at the posts made here. They have been standing up for me.

    I’ve not been name calling. I’m talking about what you are doing. It’s pathetic and nuts.

    The things you accuse me of, everyone, including yourself, does it. So why pick me out? I think there is more to it than that. The only time I call someone out is if they are being racist or mean. No other reason. And I don’t call them names.

    I have every right to post on here. As many times as I like. Just like you. If you don’t like it, I guess you are going to have to suck it up! Sad that you allow ONE person to get under your skin like you’ve allowed me. And don’t tell me you haven’t allowed that. Look how many times you’ve posted on just this thread alone regarding simple ole me. Obsessed is what I would call that. And I think the others would agree with me.

    Enjoy your posting, meh!. Hide behind your screenname. Even change it, like you are known to do. I will continue to enjoy posting, looking at ManHuntDaily and enjoy my life. I will not allow someone like you to take my joy away. Like I’ve said before, life is too short. I will live it to the fullest!

    Good day, meh!.

  35. Dearest ToddM…of course it bothers you. Bothers you a lot actually. If it didn’t you wouldn’t keep posting on how it doesn’t bother you.

    And now you are grasping at straws accusing me of using multiple names. You kill me!! That was the best way to start my day off.

  36. hi im jesse werner from indianapolis i say yes he is so cute and hot and sexy and dame fine looking too i word love to sleep with him anywhere he want to i love all the underwear and men i want them all now in the there bed by:MR.JESSE WERNER ps wright back soon…

  37. No, meh!.. It really, honestly doesn’t bother me. Why would it? Let’s see.. An unknown individual, trying to do his/her/it’s best to upset me for who knows what reason, hiding behind a screenname, and continually bullying me… See.. That only serves to make others see what kind of person you are. Does nothing to hurt me.

    Let me give you a quick little lesson on what would bother me. Someone who I cared about attacking me. THAT would bother me. But I don’t know you. And people who know me and care about me don’t do that. So you don’t bother me. Please, don’t flatter yourself.

    Dang it! I thought I could write that without smiling. LOL This is so amusing.

    Hi Jesse!

  38. i’m boy 21 years old, and phone number is 092997854. i’m from cambodia.

  39. gregory looks like one of those guys who you can “get a crush” on, if he walks past you just once.


    that underwear looks good on him.

    ..from what i’m seeing here, i think i’ve missed another kind of party while i was away.
    ´never saw what topocracy wrote that had everyone all in a tizzie, although i’m glad it was taken out.

    you really should enable comment-rating and -reporting for this blog — ´give it some “flavour,” if you will.

  40. Freedom of Speech refers to the government censoring us. We are allowed to use our freedom to respond to other when they make racist, stupid, hateful, degrading inappropriate, inciting, or ridiculous comments. If you don’t lik other people’s comments about what you say: a.) don’t say them, b.) suck it.

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