Drawn To You: Charming Naked Dude GIFs By Myno

You may have noticed that Horny Toons has been getting a ton of press since we first wrote about him. The blog, however, mysteriously disappeared over the past few weeks! My guess is, it was a copyright issue with the photographers or the companies who own the various fictional characters… But who knows what happened? Maybe the person who created these awesome GIFs became overwhelmed by all the attention and feared they couldn’t handle life in the spotlight.

Thankfully, we have some original GIFs courtesy of The Myno’s Blog, a site dedicated to “comics, illustrations, fan art, hairy dudes and fun shit”. It should be noted (for no good reason) that the artist himself is quite handsome. More importantly, he’s got some playful, naked animations that are appropriate for all sorts of occasions. Consider us fans.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: The Myno’s Blog

Check out a few of Myno’s delightfully charming GIFs below:

Mynosaurus GIF

Mynosaurus GIF

Mynosaurus GIF

Mynosaurus GIF

Mynosaurus GIF



5 thoughts on “Drawn To You: Charming Naked Dude GIFs By Myno

  1. These are really cool…especially love the little hipster dude shakin’ his buns!

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