All we really need is a place to meet, some sort of altar for him to lie upon, and a collection basket full of lube. Look at zac1988! He’s a Manhunt member from Salt Lake City, Utah and he’s tappable as fuck! Wait, Salt Lake City…not to make assumptions, but do you think he’s a Mormon? He looks a little fallen Mormon-ish.
I’m probably bordering on disrespect here, but I’ve always wanted to fool around with a Mormon dude wearing that magic underwear. It’s kind of like a singlet, and that’s a big turn-on. First, I’d kind of wedge the material between his assuredly tight butt cheeks and kind of stimulate his hole. At the same time, I’d be rubbing the tip of his cock through the stretchy cotton. Then I’d have to peel it off him and swallow him whole.
This is just a pipe dream because he writes that he’s into tall dudes and J. Harvey barely registers 5’8. So if you’re a beanpole in the Salt Lake City area, you might want to click here and start sending dick pics!
– J. Harvey
Check out pics of the absolutely lovely zac1988 below:
Come on man, you’re a writer and I assume you’re being paid: LIE, ‘an altar to LIE upon’ Cheeshhhh
I get a Justin Beiber hotness vibe from him, as if the Beibs were male lol. He’s hot as fuck š
The further down you scroll, the gayer his pictures get! Glad he let his fur grow back.
I’d certainly worship him. At least I would if he stopped shaving off all that beautiful fur.
He looks hot with the body hair. Shaved, he’s just a generic club kid.
They actually pay me in porn. But it’s really bad porn (see below). Therefore…
Woof love him furry yumm