Chris Crocker: Porn Star?

That’s Chris Crocker. I know, right? If the name sounds vaguely familiar, he used to be THIS gay. After a brief foray into the world of pop culture stardom, Chris has been keeping himself busy by making YouTube vids and the unpopular dance track or two. Obviously it wasn’t paying his car note, so his next step? PORN! Chris has signed on to appear in a Chi Chi LaRue-directed vid opposite Brent Everett for Naked Sword. We’re assuming he’s going to bottom?  WRONG. The Crock is “80% top.” Brent Everett is going to spread em’ for Chris Crocker. This we gotta see.

And yes, since Chris de-femmed – he’s gone all butch on us. And Britney’s former protector has been practicing for his big debut. Crocker has pics of himself getting intimate with dick all over his Tumblr. And fuck you if you have a problem with it:

There is a double standard. I am just an “internet celebrity”. I am just showing my dick on a computer. It’s not glamourized. Therefore, I am just “throwing it all away”. If bitches would think for 1.2 seconds, they would realize how hypocrticial their judgements are.

I will have children. But until the day I am ready to committ my life to that – I will be an exhibitionist & I will show my dick like it’s a party favor. Got a problem? See a shrink.

We fully support ANYONE doing gay porn, so congrats Chris, and we look forward to the video. And thank you for not doing it with your old hair. That would have been difficult for us.

– J. Harvey

For a preview of Chris handling dick, Follow the JUMP:

22 thoughts on “Chris Crocker: Porn Star?

  1. Wow, he looks kinda cute. But I can already tell he’s going to be one of those annoying porn stars, over acting and always looking at the camera.

  2. Quick, someone call the makeup artist from 12 Monkeys…  someone stole Brad’s look from it.

  3. Please tell me that you’ll post it when it goes up… he’s definitely a lot hotter than I thought. 

  4. see?

    this is why i had never jumped on that Player Hater Band•Wagon against chris.

    i just hope the guy will make it through O.K. — his decision to give porn a try has surprised me a little bit, you know.

  5. DAMYUM!  Thats the cryin-Brittney-guy?????WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEND? Talk about growing into your looks!

  6. “internet celebrity”?   He’s totally sexy in the pics but maybe celebrity is too strong a word…still…good luck to him.

  7. Well of course he would have to top.  Can you just imagine the high pitched wailing that would come forth the instant a cock when up his ass!

  8. How many times has Brent Everett taken it??? His porn is almost explicitly of him topping! I highly doubt that he’s going to bend over for Chris Crocker…


    And yes, he has gotten A LOT hotter.

    But Brent Everett???? C’mon…

  9. Hot?  I’d beg to differ and say he’s gorgeous!  Damn shame I’m not into effeminate guys 🙁

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