Men, can we please keep our porn names straight? I’m easily confused.
Yesterday, you may remember that I was gushing (yes, that is an allusion to precum and then my eventual load) over Ronin from ChaosMen. He’s a beautiful beefy fucker, with a big sexy ass, a delicious dick, and a cubby face. Also, I get kind of turned on if it’s a nervous straight guy. Ronin seemed bashful and mentioned a “girlfriend.” I swooned! Well, it looks like Ronin from ChaosMen had a tuition check due or what have you because he’s also over on Dink Flamingo’s Active Duty as “Rocke.” The “e” gives it a continental flavor.

Ronin is Rocke!
Meet Rocke (pronounced ‘Rock’)! He’s braaaaand new and we got him! We haven’t seen a fresh recruit like Rocke in a while and I was gettin’ a bit hungry for big muscles and sleeve tattoos! Rocke is just delicious. I couldn’t wait to see him shirtless, and of course, eventually totally naked, but I could just tell Rocke was gonna look absolutely amazing once he had all the goods on display. And indeed, my prediction was spot on. Rocke is bound by thick muscles all over his body and endowed with a seriously amazing dick!
Amen! I’m not complaining, it’s just easier for tagging purposes if they keep it down to one name. That way we can have all of his scenes in one place! Honestly, he could call himself “Oprah Winfrey” and I’d still be beating my dick to it. Ronin, Rocke, whomever you are, please fuck a dude on camera!
Check out more of “Rocke” on Active Duty below! Watch the big load he shoots here.
– Michael Xavier

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