Aural Only: Jennifer Hudson

In the past five years, Jennifer Hudson has won an Academy Award, fallen in love with a Harvard Law graduate, given birth to her first child, lost tons of weight and picked up a Grammy for her self-titled debut album. Um, what have you done with your life?

Keep in mind, this is a highly glamorized version of her recent past, as hese successes were likely tainted by the 2008 murder of Hudson’s mother, brother and nephew. It’s a tragedy no one should ever have to face, and we admire her strength to hop back into the “Spotlight”.

This March, the singer will be releasing her sophomore project I Remember Me, and her new single “Where You At” just premiered on the net. The R&B-tinged ballad was written and produced by R. Kelly. Although it’s relatively sparse aside from a piano line, back-up vocals and a rolling drum beat, this light instrumentation allows for Hudson’s voice to soar over the track. What do you think? Yay or nay?

– Dewitt

To listen to “Where You At”, follow the JUMP:

7 thoughts on “Aural Only: Jennifer Hudson

  1. Nay~~~
    Why doesn’t this song utilize Jennifer’s vocal range until the last 4th of the song? She doesn’t go beyond one octave until the end!!! And let’s not even take about the lame “hook.” Really?!?! Really?!?! “Where you at…”

  2. Love Jennifer but not crazy about the song. The lyric is too wordy and the theme too cliche’.

  3. it’s called building a song, ya can’t (shouldn’t) just bash people in the face within the first minute. (Ke$ha, Britney, etc etc…)

    There’s plenty of vocal shadings and nuance to make the song an acceptable track – just maybe not a lead track/single…

  4. Why anyone considers R. Kelly even slightly relevant anymore is beyond me. She is so much better than to work with that vile man.

  5. ok, so i liked it overall – certainly not a favorite since it’s kind of slow, and a tad repetative, but overall I think she sounds really good. What’s with all the bitching & moaning? Give the girl credit; she sounds great, she’s beautiful, and yes, she’s talented. She doesn’t have to “scream” and go to the very top of her range with EVERY single song – what the hell’s wrong with a more mellow tune???

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