Yesterday Was Pretty Gay: DOMA Down And Prop 8 Dismissed

For those of you of the ‘mo persuasion who live in a cave in Xtul, Mexico, the Supreme Court of the United States (aka SCOTUS) did the right thing yesterday and did away with DOMA (aka the Defense of Marriage Act) AND California’s Proposition 8. These are both big-ass deals for the gay community. The federal government now recognizes your same-sex marriage. And Prop 8 being “dismissed” means you are once again legally married to your same-sex spouse if you live in California. I hope Ellen and Portia scissored the fuck out of each other in celebration. I’ve suggested to my husband that we renew our views on the It’s A Small World ride at Disneyland in Anaheim, and he agrees. We’ll just rip the heads off animatronic dolls to use as bouquets.

It was a big, hopeful, landmark day for us. Even the jaded queens were a little teary-eyed. Taking a break from the scandalous stuff we normally post, here’s a gallery depicting celebrations around the US after the decisions were made public. I feel like the Grinch serving the roast beast. Cindy Lou Who is still irritating, though.

If you’ve got any celebratory pics from yesterday, post em’ in the comments! We’ll give you a week of Unlimited Access on Manhunt for free!


SF City Hall and The Castro, San Francisco, CA:


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Photo credit (2+3): John Orvis


The Stonewall Inn, New York City, NY:

DOMA defeat response at the Stonewall Inn

DOMA defeat response at the Stonewall Inn

DOMA Decision Reaction at the Stonewall Inn

DOMA defeat response at the Stonewall Inn

Photo credit: C.S. Muncy and The Village Voice


Outside of the Supreme Court, Washington D.C.:

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That’s Edith Windsor. She’s the plaintiff at the center of SCOTUS’ ruling on DOMA. After her wife died, she was hit with $360,000 in inheritance taxes that she wouldn’t have gotten if she was in a federally-recognized, heterosexual marriage.




 That’s Paul Katami and Jeff Zarrillo. They are the recently engaged couple who were two of the plaintiffs in the Prop 8 case.


The Equality House, Topeka, KS:

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 Photo credit: Megan Rodgers


 West Hollywood, CA:

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 Former Andrew Christian underwear models and engaged couple  Brandon Brown and Colby Melvin celebrate at the Abbey in West Hollywood.


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Photo credit (3 + 4): The Abbey Food & Bar



12 thoughts on “Yesterday Was Pretty Gay: DOMA Down And Prop 8 Dismissed

  1. It was indeed an awesome day. My partner and I have been married legally here in Washington State since January of this year but to wake up and realize that in the eyes of our federal government our marriage is now 100% equal to any other hetero marriage and that we get all the exact same benefits and rights, was nothing short of amazing. It’s how it should be. Yes, we still have work to do to make it legal throughout the land but this was a huge, wonderful, long-overdue, exciting movement in that direction. With effort, full equality is within our grasp.

  2. Dewett!! Please help me, I posted a long story on the latest comic dad/son post comments section, and it has disappeared!!
    Can you find in somewhere in the manhuntdaily archives or on the disqus control board!!? I saw it was posted on the page right after, but when I refreshed the page it was GONE!!
    Please I was so inspired this could be the beginning of my career as a writer!!?

  3. As much as this is a big victory for the LGBT community I still say it is hard to celibate it till personal attitudes change in America.

    There is still a rise in violence against us and a lot of bad opinions as well. Unless your in an area where we dominate it walking down the street holding hands or kissing in public is still an issue and people like to say something about it.

    Until I and my Legal Husband feel comfortable holding hands walking down the street without feeling I need to defend doing it I have a hard time celebrating any legal victory.

  4. And, of course, there’s also all the other horrific stuff the Court did this term that makes it a little hard to celebrate this victory. (If access to marriage can be classified as a victory.)

  5. Yes…to a man. Having our marriage recognized by the federal government as equal to all hetro marriages is AWESOME! Bring on the bennies!

    Why do you ask?

  6. LMAO look who’s talking.

    I don’t think I’ve ever acknowledged your existence, J harvey. Just stay in your place. You don’t strike me as a particularly intelligent or qualified person to comment on my future career as a writer.

    Insulting your readers (well the visitors of this blog, because I don’t read the drivel you write) is also very unprofessional.

  7. I have no clue why, you just read “single” to me. Congrats to the sky for you and your hubby! 😀

  8. Hummm, well I do have an open relationship (obviously from my work) and so maybe with all the things I say, it just sounds like something a single dude would say. Regardless, thank you for your kind expression, you beautiful shy flower.

  9. Whoever said I was professional, you little troll? Listen – we know all about your troll ass. You are hereby banned from this blog. I have spoken. Or written. Or whatever.

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