Would You Hit That?: Nick Delpopolo

Don’t bogart the brownies, brah. This is Nick Delpopolo. He’s been kicked off the Olympic Judo team for snacking on pot brownies. You can’t eat marijuana when you’re an Olympian no matter how nom nom those brownies are and no matter how mellow they make you. He’s the first out of 10,500 athletes to be disqualified for drug use.

Nick claimed to Olympic officials that he didn’t know the brownie had weed in it.

“My positive test was caused by my inadvertent consumption of food that I did not realize had been baked with marijuana, before I left for the Olympic Games,” Delpopolo said in a statement released by the U.S. Olympic Committee.

He didn’t think it was odd that he wanted to inhale every bag of Doritos in the house and found How I Married Your Mother to actually be funny after eating that brownie? Oh, Nick. Nevertheless, you’re cute in a…chinny sort of way? What do you think? Check out more pics of Nick and let us know if you’d crane kick him in the butthole with your penis after the break.

– J. Harvey

37 thoughts on “Would You Hit That?: Nick Delpopolo

  1. marijuana doesn’t enhance performance and shouldn’t be banned to begin with
    …focus should be on the real cheaters

  2. Reminds me of the time two Russians lost their silver medals because they tested positive the the “banned substance” xanthin theobromine, AKA chocolate. Shit was ridiculous >.<

  3. Kids look up to people in the olympics…I think so doing the doob is a no no. They probably have a contract as well saying “no drugs”. 

    How I met your mother
    How I married your mother
    Close enough everybody got the idea and the concept is essentially the same. It’s not that great of a show to me. 

    Maybe Harvey had some of those brownies ease up. 

    As for the question that is posed would be a Nolpopolo there’s something about his face I don’t like…

  4. How ridiculous it is to make such a big deal about a minor amount of pot consumption. There are lots more important things to be concerned about. Take HIV transmission, for example.

  5. Commenter never stops going at it. And he appreciates the additional attention your responses bring to his posts.

  6.  Additional attention or additional ridicule? Seriously though, you take a lightweight item about the hotness factor of an Olympian athlete who got caught flunking his drug test and somehow turn it to your usual rant about unprotected sex and HIV. There was no mention of his sexuality or his sexual practices. What the hell is your problem? You need some serious help, dude!

  7. My comment didn’t mention unprotected sex. It only mentioned the relative importance of
    HIV transmission (compared to pot consumption).

    But since your reply brought up both unprotected sex and HIV transmission, I’ll take this opportunity to re-state the obvious linkage between the two, since barebacking is the most likely way to become HIV positive. I feel that the fact of that linkage bears repeating over and over.

  8. Only way to be in a car crash is with a car to be safe we better get rid of all of them.
    Food causes diabetes don’t eat.
    Not eating kills you eat.
    The sun causes cancer never go outside.
    Women pregnant can have Rh positive children with Rh negative mothers never get pregnant.

    My examples are as simplistic as yours is.
    They all factor in one thing CHOICE.
    Your whining isn’t going to deter someone from raw dogging it with a hot a guy so shut the fuck up already.

  9. what an idiot… and the lame excuse he gave just makes him look even more pathetic. pack up and go home, douche!

  10. I don’t consider my comments to be whining, nor do I plan to discontinue making them. I’ve stated this before, but if you don’t like what some of the comments say, don’t read them or simply skip over the ones by me.

    I’m fully aware that stupid people–and evidently that includes you–will continue to make stupid choices in this regard. My intention is to reach and remind some non-stupid people not to make a poor choice they may well later regret. You and your ilk are obviously a lost cause (and by all means, fuck yourself into viral oblivion for all I care), but you aren’t the subject of my concern.

  11. Can someone spray him with blood possibly laced with “The AIDS”?
    Maybe then he would shut up…oh wait then his whine would turn into a bitchy rant.

  12.  And over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and………..

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