Newt Gingrich Told This Guy To Vote For Obama

“I asked him if he’s elected, how does he plan to engage gay Americans. How are we to support him? And he told me to support Obama… When you ask somebody a question and you expect them to support all Americans and have everyone’s general interest. It’s a little bit frustrating and disheartening when you’re told to support the other side. That he doesn’t need your support.”

That’s a quote from Scott Arnold, an associate professor of writing at William Penn University and openly gay Iowa resident. We promise we’re not linking to this story just because Scott’s a total DILF. News! Politics! It’s all super important. Speaking of which, have you heard how Rick Santorum‘s going to get the gay vote? Big hint. He’s not even going to try.

– Dewitt

390 thoughts on “Newt Gingrich Told This Guy To Vote For Obama

  1. the frustrating and disheartening bit makes me pretty sure he’s a Republican, which…..let’s admit, is the REAL problem with this article

  2. Rick Santorum  doesn’t need anyones votes, he has about as much of a chance as being the GOP candidate as RuPaul.

  3. He’ll probably still vote for the republican candidate regardless. How can you support a party that doesn’t support you? Neither are totally honest but..c’mon. At least Obama sent a nice letter to that gay couple who got married. Let’s see ANY  Redneck Rick Perry or Michele Moron Bachman do that? 

  4. @1e5a784d92205c045b7377f8470c01cf:disqus  and @01bb9f97a0bfa1d66fefb6d0327fed7a:disqus: Scott Arnold is a Democrat. The article clearly states this.

    “Arnold, a Democrat, said he came to the event at Smokey Row coffee
    house with an open mind. But he wanted to ask Gingrich about how he
    would represent him as president after reading past comments the former
    U.S. House Speaker has made about gay and lesbians.”

  5. I’m surprised this wasn’t a Top or Bottom post. I’m a little disappointed in you, Manhunt.

    (PS. I’d guess bottom.)

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