And They Gave Us Shit For Our Billboard?

We launched Manhunt Mobile (just enter into your iPhone or Android’s web browser for Manhunt on the go!) near the end of 2011, and advertised its launch with sexy but appropriate billboards in Los Angeles and New York City. In fact, compared to other billboards that were currently running at the time (seriously, the Michael Kors one had a lady giving a guy a handie), ours was almost tame. However, because it was TWO MEN interacting, a mommy blogger had a conniption about her child possibly seeing it and her having to explain homosexuality. It was a big brouhaha and I got quoted on several legit blogs, so that was hot! But now hypocrisy has reared it’s ugly and fickle head!

Cougar Life is a website where dudes can meet “cougars”, which would be older sexy ladies who want young guy ass. And they’re advertising with these crazy billboards with barely disguised profanity and barely pixelated breasts with a slight hint of…incest? Aren’t they sexualizing breast-feeding here on a billboard? What the actual fuck?




And in comparison, here’s our 2011 billboard we had up in LA:


Right? Which ones do you find inappropriate?

According to spokescougar Marlo Jordan, Cougar Life is aiming for the single moms out there who want some. And that single moms make up 1/3 of their users.

“Modern women don’t want to throw their sexuality out the window just because they’re moms.”

That’s fine. We agree! But your billboards are way racier than ours! And no one’s saying a word! That’s a tit used lasciviously! And everyone LOVED the “motherfucker” one. Well, one blogger called it “icky.” Which is hardly damning.

My question is – where’s the mommy bloggers bitching about having to explain what a “motherfucker” is to their impressionable children or why there’s a big ole’ titty in front of them on the way to school? Huh? Ladies?

This post is written in a flippant tone, but I still suspect homophobia is involved here somewhere. It always is, damnit!



6 thoughts on “And They Gave Us Shit For Our Billboard?

  1. Ok, manhunt, man up. We are homosexuals, and we are far more clever than any straight big mouth. So, get creative. Make a new billboard campaign and put it out there. They can say what they want, Well, so can we, but better. Prove it. I don t wanna hear, oh how immature, or oh, that will make things worse. Go ahead, make things worse. Controversy rocks. We re established now, we practically have federal equality marriage, so go girls. Or as the witch of the west says to her little monkeys. FLY, FLY, FLY.

  2. So sick of bigoted prudes. There was nothing wrong with manhunt’s billboard. Oh, dear, you might have to explain to your children that gay people exist. The horror!

  3. When you are on the bleeding edge, there will always be a ruckus. Since gays have historically been a fringe group, that puts us on the edge where we can push and help the middle to grow. Growth always happens at the edges of our comfort and not in the center. Remember Stonewall, those gays pushed and got heat for it. Now that pushing from the police or anyone would not be tolerated. Keep on doing God’s work, Manhunt, and push the edge HARDER! It’s working!

  4. The motherfucker one is funny. I like it, it’s crude but whatever.

    The breast feeding one is hugely inappropriate for myriad reasons. That is some rhamshackle inverted vile ass iconography that absolutely should have a ruckus raised over it.

    I know some mommy bloggers that will get all sorts of up in arms about this.

  5. Yeah and pushing promiscuous sex on hook up sites is sure a fine way to make people tolerant…er wait?

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