Season 2 of Revenge was so bad that my DVR refused to tape it after awhile. Even the presence of beefcakey Joshua Bowman couldn’t save it. My DVR needs to give it a second chance in Season 3 because Justin Hartley (he played Green Arrow on Smallville) has joined the cast. And he’s shirtless a lot, and making out with dudes like tech fop Nolan!
That’s how you get past a sophomore slump – have hot dudes kiss each other with their tongues. Rimming scenes would work, too, but you really have to keep those on cable.
– J. Harvey
Check out some shots of Justin from Revenge and some older ones below:
And here’s that kiss:
Holy crap!
Holy cow! That is hot! Considering Justin used to be my celebrity crush
You just know Patrick is playing Nolan for mama Victoria, hoping to get dirt on Emily. Poor Nolan just can’t pick em. Tyler was crazy, Marco was a crazy jilted lover, Padma was using him to save her father…hmm, two of those three are dead now.
As for Justin Hartley, I was so hoping he’d get the Aquaman series because then he would be shirtless all the time!
Oh please, season 2 wasn’t THAT bad. And yes, this guy is hawt.
Oh yes it was. I like J. Harvey couldn’t get my DVR to even care. But had I known Justin would be joining the cast maybe I would have reconsidered. That am should NEVER wear a shirt!
I’ve always been in love with Justin.
I’ve always been in love with Justin.
I’ve always been in love with Justin.