Would You Knowingly Infect Someone With HIV If They Asked You To?

Before you get all up in arms, let us explain the title of this post! We received an e-mail earlier this week about a Raw and Rough scene entitled “A Cum Load and a Chaser”. Though the word chaser could also refer to a slim or muscular man who prefers the company of bears, we made the assumption that the title was a reference to bug chasers.

We were wrong. The “chaser”, in this particular instance, was a stream of piss directed at Kyle Savage‘s freshly fucked hole, shortly after Rowdy McBeal shoots his load into Preston Johnson‘s ass. We’ve included the clip anyway, since after all, it did inspire the topic of this discussion…

Cum Load and a Chaser 5

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the terminology, a bug chaser is an HIV-negative individual who forgoes condoms with partners they believe to be HIV-positive. These people are determined to become HIV-positive themselves, and while this logic may not make sense to some of you, this site does a decent job explaining the reasons behind this mentality.

And, yes, these people exist. They’re not some mythological, urban legend, as some folks might be led to believe. You can find bug chasers looking for “toxic tops” on online forums, stating that they are “ready for the gift”. You can read true stories on several bareback blogs.

Hell, maybe you are a bug chaser or a gift giver yourself. If that’s the case, then you would likely give an affirmative answer to the title in this post… For the rest of you, let’s pretend for a moment that you are all hypothetically HIV-positive, regardless of your actual status. In this hypothetical scenario, you receive a message from an HIV-negative bareback bottom begging for your load. He’s aware of your status, and he wants, more than anything, to be filled with your cum.

What would you do? And to anyone who’s ever actually been in this situation, what did you wind up doing? We’re well aware this is a controversial question—especially with news like this making national headlines—but heaven forbid we engage in a thought-provoking, moral-based conversation here at Manhunt Daily, instead of writing yet another “OMG, big cocks!” post.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Raw and Rough

Watch the clip that accidentally inspired this topic below:

For those who are interested, this full scene is available at Raw and Rough.



51 thoughts on “Would You Knowingly Infect Someone With HIV If They Asked You To?

  1. I believe that’s called poisoning and there’s a prison sentence associated with it ( even if the person does not lodge a complain or start a lawsuit, the public health consequences justify a prosecution in my opinion) .If a person asks for that and you know you’re poz and she’s neg , direct her to the nearest mental institution.

    Sorry for being so “narrow-minded”…I find it so obscene when people , children even, are dying from this disease in third world countries, and some stupid queen wants to get HIV because she thinks it’s edgy to be “‘toxic”…

    Nevermind the fact that HIV meds cost a fortune ( around $15 000- $25 000 a year for a tritherapy). If you decide to go that route…I’m not gonna finish my sentence, let’s just say I don’t wish you well and you should not expect anyone else to bear the burden of your choice.

  2. No. It’s wrong. Just like the guy below me, there are and have been children dying from this disease for years and still are and some queens are considering it a gift. It’s just plain sick.

  3. It’s their life and they can do what they want….as long as they don’t want others to pay for it. I work in healthcare in Canada and, for all the other ethical issues that might be relevant and which I’m sure people will comment on, the one thing that makes he recoil at the thought of intentional exposure is the cost burdens to the system. Assuming a person who wants to be exposed is also going to want treatment for it, the drugs can be a huge expense for public health care systems in which they are mostly or even partially covered. Even if it is covered through private insurance, the end result is that you are intentionally introducing a new and substantial burden to the system and others are going to have to pay for it. Not to mention all potential related complications and health issues that may arise down the road. In that respect it seems sort of selfish for people to want to be infected. What would we think of someone who intentionally disabled or injures themselves and then demands public resources to pay for their care/treatment?

  4. The “chasers” have a mental problem, that’s for sure…..I lived through the worst of the AIDS epidemic unscathed but I lost so many other friends an loved ones and I can assure you it is not a life ANYONE wants to live. Those who do live with it spend millions of dollars a year for medical care. And those choosing to be the giver of “the gift” should be jailed for their actions.

  5. It is absolutely wrong, like the others below me, the cost to the health care system is astronomical. As an EMT in the early 80’s I was exposed to AIDS and thank-fully did not get HIV, just the emotions a person goes through can be devasting.

  6. i am very sad to report that i, as an HIV + gay male, have been asked NUMEROUS times to “gift” guys. To date, I’ve refused every offer and also don’t understand the mindstate of bug chasers in the slightest. but the worst part about this whole situation, is when i get on my soap box with the chaser, they flat shut my questions/rants down and often either get angry with me for lecturing them or block/ignore me like i’m wasting their time. And to top it off, i’ve had some extremely young and good looking guys and boys chase after me… i just dont get what would make anyone in any position want to take my meds willingly for the rest of their lives or worse, want to spread this virus to others. Really hope this thread actually helps someone in the world to reevaluate their self worth and others’ well being before attempting to go down this road, because as others have stated… its a dark and deadly one. Even with modern medicines, there are days that i still don’t feel like my old self and want to just stay in bed. All the various medicines have a long, long list of side effects ranging from hot flashes and nightmares all the way to turning your skin and eyes yellow to weakening kidney and liver functions. so all in all, i, after 7 years of this, fail to see the “gift” of having HIV and hope at least one person reads this and changes their personal outlook.

  7. Thank you very much for your testimony.
    I assume the most determined ones would not go through the process of asking the “gift” and pretend they are already positive too if the person is fine with barebacking, so they would get what they want without the possible moral objection.

    But maybe finding a willing “giver” is not that hard, I don’t know.

    It’s really fucked up, sad and insulting to all the people we have lost to this disease.
    It also makes Pat Robertson look a little less crazy, which is a very scary thought…

  8. It’s mental illness plain & simple. It’s kind of like those people who want to have their perfectly fine limbs amputated. It’s a sickness and as harsh as it might sound, they should be locked up. Reason being is that if they’re willing to infect themselves, then what do you think they’re willing to do to others.

  9. soooo….what if we reframe the question. would you fuck a guy bareback and cum in his ass knowing that the last time you got tested was 2011 and you’ve had an abundance of partners since then? i mean the last time you got tested you were neg, right? and yeah, there might have been a couple of times when you forgot to use a rubber, but you’re not gonna let that stop you from still proclaiming “neg for same,” right? secretly you’re probably a little bit terrified of getting tested because in our UB2 culture you know that rejection–an overwhelming and universal stigmatization from the vast majority of gay men– would be virtually assured once your status is confirmed and you have to reveal it. besides, that trick you just loaded up knows how the game works; if he hasn’t been asleep in a cave for 20 years, he’s heard ad nauseum all the perils of sex without a condom. it’s just as likely that he’s some kind of sick whack job who actually wants to be infected whether he explicitly told you so or not, right?

    sadly, there’s always going to be that cadre of screeching queens who decry sex sans condom as something akin to eating babies and burning down the church (y’all old harpies know who you are on here…), but we’re human and shit happens. so unless you’re 100% sure about your status or celibate, it seems to me you should perch carefully on that high horse with all the judging and proclaiming. besides, in this age of HAART and undetectable viral loads, getting infected might actually be more difficult for the bug chaser who actively pursues the ejaculate of a poz guy than for the tipsy queen who says “just this once because he said he’s neg” and bends over for that hot piece from manhunt who’s on his way over right now….

  10. I am HIV+. There’s no hypothetical to it. And my answer to that question is an emphatic HELL NO! And, in fact, I have been asked to do so several times. I think you already know what my answer was. I will not have sex with anyone without first being sure the other person is aware of my status. Being positive certainly limits my ability to find anyone willing to have sex with me, much less be in a relationship with me. There is still such a stigma attached. It’s rare that I find anyone on Manhunt who is willing.

    Back to the question at hand, though. After 23 years of being poz, my t-cells remain relatively high, and my viral load, undetectable. I am grateful for that. However, I have had to work really hard to maintain that. I have taken so many different medications, and suffered so many bad side effects from those medications (some of them permanent), that I’ve lost track of all I’ve had to do. I have peripheral neuropathy and lipodystrophy. I am, or was, a singer and theater performer. Due to the fact that I have taken and still take meds that cause dry mouth, my vocal chords are also very dry. Drinking water, or sucking on candy or a cough drop, only offers temporary relief, and singing has become quite painful. I feel as though I’ve lost something that I love and that helps to fill my soul. If you consider the two different meds I take to control my cholesterol (which is high due to one of the antivirals that I take), I’m on seven different medications related to my HIV, including tow different pain meds for the neuropathy. Wait, may that nine meds. I suppose the two antidepressants I take are related as well. Maybe we should also add the three blood pressure meds, the thyroid med, heartburn med and B12, as well. That makes a total of fifteen different medications I take on a daily basis, plus two or three others that I take as needed. I have been on disability since 2006. I lost a source of supplemental income earlier this year, and have not been able to replace it. My finances are in shambles and my condo seems to be falling apart around me.

    I would not wish this on my worst enemy, and I certainly will not knowingly infect another person, desired or not. As I said earlier, I won’t have sex with anyone, without first disclosing my status. It certainly limits my ability to have fun, but it beats the alternative. I guess I’ve rambled on enough…I think you get the point!

  11. Thank you for speaking out, I wish the voices of people like you were still heard and visible but it seems like there isn’t much of a platform left for that in the current state of things…:(

    Anyway, I take my hat off to you for your honesty and for the very high standards you have set for yourself and your partners.
    Full disclosure really isn’t the standard in the gay community ( and I understand why it’s so hard when you may lose your attractiveness to a very high percentage of potential partners) and if everyone was like you, I think the virus would have stopped spreading in our community by now.

    I took PEP for a month and went through hell with this, I can’t imagine what it’s like to take those meds for such a long time, you are really brave and a great person, I hope you manage to find a way out of your current problems.

    I think it would actually be awesome if you could write an article for the site, but I don’t know if it’s standard practice here… Just thought your testimony was powerful and could put some airheads back in touch with reality.

    Again, thank you

  12. I don’t care how you re-frame the question, as I said in my post above, my answer is still HELL NO!

  13. You have a point, I think people who do not get tested or pretend that everything is fine (and these people are very numerous, sadly) are a lot more likely to spread it than an honest informed HIV+ person who takes her meds and doesn’t bareback.

    I can’t imagine that this bug chaser/giver thing is that huge that it represents a substantial portion of new infections…It’s terrifying

  14. I agree with the bulk of what you wrote (shockingly), my only dissent would be that the person willingly asked to be infected… *however*, that in itself shows mental instability and if a person is willing to be purposefully infected w/a potentially terminal illness, then that same person would be capable of knowingly spreading said disease. In any event, that person is a danger to the self, and others.

  15. I’ll admit that I didn’t know this was a “thing”. I am aware of a couple individual cases in which the the individuals were overcome with the constant worry about whether he’s going to get it, having to get tested regularly, and repeating the process. Eventually, they just decided it would be easier to contract HIV so as to KNOW their status and never have to question what it might be.
    This is vaguely reminiscent of body integrity identity disorder. The idea of having, say, that particular arm or leg causes them great distress to the point that they actually get the limb removed. In the case of some “chasers”, they are worried about getting it from a random hook-up (condom or no) or even the idea that someone they trust will lie about it and intentionally infect them. In that respect, I can understand why they would want to, but I also believe that they are not fully considering the weight of their decision. Therapy regarding the fear would not be a bad idea.
    The “chasers” that just want to feel special? I’ll be frank: I think they’re idiots.
    That said, I would NEVER knowingly infect someone with HIV if I were asked. Even with the advances in medicine, I still see it as – in essence – taking a life. However, I do believe that they’re adults and can make their decisions. It becomes unacceptable to me, though, when they contract it and are not responsible (not wearing a consom and such) or knowingly tax public funds to get treatment.

  16. OK…My answer is no. However,while there may be instances where some one’s mental state is in question, I would stop from calling them insane. When you have conversations with these guys, many are very rational about the way they come at the decision., My personal belief is that a great majority of the “chasers” are naive and ignorant of the facts.

    I was 16 when I first heard of G.R.I.D. (hich is what it was called before it became A.I.D.S) so my entire sexual life has been framed. I went from an entire generation of gay men, in their 20’30’s and 40’s)

  17. I learned long ago that just because someone is rational doesn’t mean that they’re not insane. Hitler was considered rational by most standards, yet he was clearly still insane. Not comparing the chasers to Hitler, just an example. It is a form of insanity to want to willingly infect yourself with a life threatening disease. No matter how rational their argument may sound.

  18. I agree…but it is also too easy to simply say they are “insane”…Insanity removes responsibility…why we have “Guilty but Insane” as a plea. I just think it is more complicated than a blanket insanity claim

  19. My ex was a bug chaser…and we stopped having sex long before he became infected. Once he found out he was a happy camper…as the risk was minimized at least for him. We broke up shortly after that. He was looking for it actively and he told me he was. I felt very sorry for him that he thought he had to do that to enjoy sex. His next BF was the one who infected him and he made sure that they were very risky so he could get it. Im not sure if he is alive now or not…but it was a very scary time for me. I have been tested and tested negative. So I am happy…but it was a sad situation for sure.

  20. 100% WRONG! I think someone with HIV who is willing to give someone HIV is insane and perhaps a little sadistic.

  21. As an Hiv positive man I have actually been asked to “gift”.My opinion then was my opinion now : I didn’t want it so why would I want to share it ? I cannot of course crawl into the minds of “chasers” and tell you why they do it, but one opinion I have heard is that its “No big deal, just pop a pill and go about your life”. I would love those people to spend 90 days (at their own expense) on HIV regimens and that would only give you a TASTE of the effects – the bad skin, loose stools, and the nausea are just a few side effects…on the longer term you can have medication/virus related depression, heart problems, lipodistrophy (unusual body fat distribution; think wasted cheeks and a 6 months pregnancy belly or worse a hump on the back). I wont even go into the horrible, insensitive and usually misguided comments you can get from total strangers (even on good old Manhunt). This is no gift I’d share. I’m at peace with what I have, but I’d never wish it on another person ever.

  22. No.
    I’ve had a guy ask for a “crimson smile” before. I found out he meant “would you slit my throat?”. Both are forms of self-harm. Both are…inappropriate.

    In the case of someone asking for “the gift”, I would advocate ā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆ
    ā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆ (edited for hateful content).

  23. I’ve been where you are savannahh, and what saddens me is that a person irresponsible enough to willingly infect them self with a potentially lethal virus is probably also not responsible enough to handle their medication responsibly and will most like not only become drug resistant and jeopardize their health but also spread that resistant strain to others.

  24. Not sure if you have read my post below, but have and do suffer all the side effects you describe. You’re right, it is no gift. I think you and I have a lot in common, at least on this issue, anyway. Thanks for posting.

  25. That’s super dangerous. What if they’re asking with malicious intentions of going around and infecting others? Absolutely not.

  26. First of all people these people are “Bug Chasers” … They are looking to damage their lives … if they choose to do this this is their choice not anyone else’s … Being a HIV+ person I would never intentionally infect anyone … I am on my meds and I am not closed minded … Last time I checked this was America and people will do as they damn well want … as for me what others think or believe of what I say I really don’t care … Your ignorance only blindsides America … Yes, HIV Meds are not cheap but we are not toxic either … learn and grow before showing such hatred … Yes, there are laws in place to harm those of us with HIV but it does not protect us from said bug chaser’s … I don’t understand why people would search for this particular Virus anyway

  27. If you’re referring to what I said about being “toxic”, it’s not a term I would normally use but in this context, it’s the lingo used by the bug chaser crowd apparently, and also a sign of pride for many barebackers , that’s why the people from TIM often have biohazard tattoos.

    Can’t believe you take the criticism of this attitude as “hatred” or “closed mindedness”…

  28. Bug chasers (and gifters) are not insane. In most cases the decision to bug chase is a matter of being honest with one’s self about the realities of your sex life. How can you fault someone for taking an honest look at their life and deciding that, if it’s inevitable that he become poz, then he might as well control and/or enjoy how it happens?

    I run a forum site BreedingZone.com – the bug chasing and gift giving section on there is probably the biggest of its kind. I just had a university researcher talk to a fair number of the bug chasers on there as part of a research study. While one or two of the guys he talked with might have a sexual addiction issue, none of them were mentally ill. The researcher detailed how people come to the decision to bug chase – it’s more complicated than you think. And more normal/natural than you think. And for the most part his research was consistent with the research done by other researchers – he wasn’t some weird dissenting voice.

    How many of you who answered “Hell No!” would give a guy a cigarette if he asked you to? Smoking kills at least 5 times as many gay guys as HIV. Or how many of you would PNP with other guys? I would say drugs is a far bigger problem for gay men than HIV these days – it destroys lives and who here hasn’t heard of the porn stars who’ve died of drug overdoes? They’re just the tip of the iceberg. Put the issue in perspective – if you’re not too concerned about smoking and drugs, then get off your soap box about bug chasing.

  29. You obviously haven’t been living with HIV for the last 23 years, or you might have a different opinion. For the record, I don’t smoke and I don’t do drugs; never have. (Go ahead, call me a prude). And my answer is still “Hell No!” I can’t speak to whether or not “gifters” or “chasers” have any mental issues. I’m not a doctor. I’m not in a position to judge anyone else either. The original question was “Would you knowingly infect someone with HIV if they asked you to?” MY answer is “Hell No!” I answer for no one but myself.

  30. Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. Hearing comments like this helps make what I go through a little easier.

  31. 23 years – that’s well before the advent of ARVs. People who convert now will have a very different experience than you had. And that’s sorta the point here. People shouldn’t judge bug chasers – they’re experience will be vastly different than yours. Things have changed.

  32. this is a VERY complex issue. HIV is the first GAY and criminalized disease. no one gets arrested for giving someone pneumonia that kills them, or any of many easily or not so easily transmitted (potentially) fatal diseases. I watched dozens (and dozens) of my friends get sick and die horrible deaths from AIDS and the early meds. Most of us were resigned to getting it if we continued to have sex. I thought I was having safe sex 27 years ago, but got it anyway. Back then, it was a death sentence that only a few of us survived. Fast forward 30 years and while there is no cure yet, it is for those of us with medical care easily controlled. With medication and undetectable viral loads, infection is possible but not likely. The monster hybrid multi-resistant virus strain has not appeared in more than a few documented cases. So getting infected today is very different than it was 3 decades ago, again, provided you have access to necessary medical care. Back in the day, getting infected was for many guys was a relief from the constant anxiety of staying HIV-. Does that make sense? We are human, and our reactions and actions don’t always make sense. Now that HIV is Manageable (I really hate that term) is it so wrong to want to quit worrying about staying negative? With PEP and PrEP available, and those of us infected who are on meds and undetectable, HIV rates should be decreasing. But there is the huge percentage of guys who don’t know they are infected that is driving the contagion. So, what would I do to a chaser? Discourage him, even knowing that he might already be infected, or the next guy might infect him. If I thought he was going to do it no matter what, and I felt a connection (of more than an hour or two), knowing that chances are very low of infecting him, I might. But probably not. Like letting a passenger in my car ride without a seat belt on, or smoke in my car, I probably would not let them do it. Am I bothered that guys are actively trying to get the virus that wiped out most of my address book? Yes. Am I bothered that (a few) guys are lining up to give the virus that killed most of my friends? Yes. But that is a response of 30 years of fear, pain, and loss. 7 billion people are on the planet because of unsafe sex. So, would I as a long-term survivor with an undetectable viral load knowingly bareback and ejaculate in an HIV- guy who is asking for it? I might. I might not. I don’t know.

  33. maybe the real question is why is HIV the exception? hepatitis can kill you,TB can kill you, HPV can kill you, a texting soccer mom can kill you, lightning can kill you,PnP can kill you. second-hand smoke can kill you. where is the outrage for these and so many other preventable illnesses/deaths? why does HIV elicit such a hysterical (and criminal) response, when other diseases are more transmittable and fatal? Children with AIDS is usually code for African children, and most child mortality in Africa is (mal)nutrition and unclean water related. where is the outrage there? where is the perspective? daredevils/thrill-seekers, hikers, mountain-climbers and so on are not reviled, even if their rescuers die trying to save them. so, do we sit at home with anything and everything covered to protect us, or do we choose to venture out and take a risk? and if we do take a risk, why do we demonize HIV but give pretty much everything else a pass? gonna piss alot of folks off, but premature babies in NICU cost way more than HIV, and sadly often have so many life-long disabilities. and we applaud their parents. like I said… so where does modern HIV infection in societies with proper care rank? certainly not as high as the hysteria. and why is that? I still wouldn’t recommend getting infected with HIV, and definitely would not recommend purposely infecting anyone, but please can we have some perspective?

  34. Remember, anyone can stick a pin through a condom before putting it on the HIV + host. Those things will let quite enough out if they’re on right once they start to fill up with semen. Even if the requester lets the top wear the condom, usually, those things are just tied off and thrown away. It’s nothing to open it up and infect oneself afterward.

    It’s more the idea of sharing that moment with the infected top. The phrase “The point of no return” takes on a whole new meaning of excitement for the bottom and it’s even more so when they know the top knows it – almost like a rape fantasy I guess… being forced to take it. Everyone has their fetish and these guys are usually 100% bottoms so passing it on is very unlikely in their minds.

    Other things to consider are suicidal people who intend to get sick. Add to that those who are already positive hoping to become host to the super-bug… a mix of strains that become drug resistant. There are real concerns with that possibility because if they decide to start spreading it, the 80’s will be right back all over again.

    And lastly, there are some who want to form what they see as a permanent bond with the gift-giver. If they do it and it happens, they both have the same strain and should be together. I’d guess that’s a serious co-dependance issue more than anything else.

    I’m sure there are other reasons, but those are the ones I’ve studied.

  35. Hitler was not only rational, he was also exceedingly smart, savvy, and in the early years, charismatic. That’s what really made him so dangerous. I suspect these bug-chasers and perhaps even the gift-givers might also be smart and charismatic…. ? Again, that doesn’t imply sanity if you include in your definition of sane: “neither being nor becoming a danger to yourself or others.”

  36. I was surprised at the word, “Toxic”, too. I know it was in quotes in the article itself, but I’ve never heard THAT term used. Ah well, again, these are just words and we (as people) give words too much power. The meaning behind it is often clear, but the word itself is to laugh at.

    Either way, I agree with your point. They are free to live their lives as they see fit – however – if you are walked in on with your wrists bleeding in an obvious attempt to commit suicide, you are no longer allowed your rights. You are immediately taken to a hospital for evaluation and are not released until the attending Dr. believes you are no longer a threat to yourself. Right? This means you have a questionable mental state. Being an active bug-chaser is no different. A danger to him or herself. There are – understandably – certain times when your rights are removed. This would be one of them. I’m not arguing, just stating the facts.

  37. Your argument here ends in a fallacy of debate. You presume to wag the dog a bit and red herring at the same time. I believe most of what you’re saying here, especially the idea that the decision to give or receive is far more complicated than anyone really knows. The drug thing? Very accusatory, though. šŸ™

    One thing I have considered, though, is that some givers and takers might be under the influence of one drug or another when they agree do act this out. I’m kinda thinking this question was more about those who have thought about it and have consciously decided to go through with it over the course of some time – drugs therefore not part of the scenario.

  38. Oh Oh Oh… pick me, pick me… I know this one!

    It’s gay! That means it’s media and everything else worthy cause it’s so wrong. Didn’t the televangelists first respond to “AIDS” before it was know to start as HIV with something like, “It’s gods punishment for homosexual behavior.”? Right? It affects gays, it affects drug users… not the smokers, tokers and sniffers, but the hard really evil drug you shoot into your arm.

    I think most people will agree that no matter what happens in the future, any statement will be remembered forever. HIV/AID/ARC/etc… only got one chance to make a first impression. That’s the impression.

  39. KP I DO NOT have nor am I even going to pretend that I know what you and others that have been infected with horrible disease are going through but I THANK YOU 4 sharing although I do not have HIV/AIDS ( have been tested and always use a condom etc…) I however do suffer from what can be a debilitating disease I have Kidney Disease and for the last 2 years ( since being diagnosed ) I having been receiving dialysis treatment 3 times a week ( Mon, Weds,Fri ) 4 hours a session something that I despise but may have to do for the rest of my life or until a matching kidney is found . Although kidney disease does not carry the same stigma that many of HIV/AIDS suffers have had to endure I for along time felt a shame of the marks on my arms ( left from the dialysis needles that are stuck into my arm at the start of every session ) because I did not want anyone to think that the marks on my arm where the results of habitual drug use and yes I am embarrassed to admitted it but I did not want someone to associate me with having HIV/AIDS . I am at long last with GRACE OF GOD ( like you said KP ) at peace with my disease and also like you said I would not wish this on another person ever ! KP even with my own medical problem I do not wish to trade place with you ( or anyone else suffering from HIV / AIDS ) not even for 1 ,minute of 1 hour of 1 day and I can only hope that if there is someone out there for some strange reason wishes to be infected with HIV/AIDS will read the comments like yours and others and WAKE THE FUCK UP and GET SOME HELP !!! THANKS AGAIN 4 POSTING

  40. MdSwing I do not know if you read my response to KP ( I hope you did ) it applies to you and everyone else that might be in your condition . I know I am not one to offer advice because GOD knows I never listen and GOD knows now I wish I had of listen when advice was offered to me .That advice simply put DO NOT GIVE UP !!! I know it is easy said than done 4 I am living that experience myself but I often quoting what my Aunt Joy said to me when my Father was showing small signs of improvement the day before he died ( 20 years ago this Feb 25th )that every small bit of HOPE is still HOPE . I realize more now than I did than that as long as I can get up I will never GIVE UP and in paraphrasing the words of my Aunt Joy every small bit of HOPE is still HOPE !!!

  41. I think that anyone who is asked this should remind the person asking for it that this is a criminal offence punishable by time in jail.

  42. OK being HIV+ for now over 23 years, 3 times I have been asked to “GIFT” another. I flat out refuse. I did lean a hard lesson by asking questions to try and figure out why, after a lengthy conversation I was even more confused that anyone would willingly want to be HIV+. This is WORK, its not a game nor has it ever been any fun. I am very open about my status, and own it. I have been through many med changes over the years and have many battle scars to show just how hard this long road has been. I am very good health now. I have a huge issue with anyone willingly infecting another just because they asked, sort of reminds me of my mother yelling “just because they want to jump off the bridge are you dumb enough to follow?”

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