Would You Hit That?: Ryota Sato

I’ve been dying to write a Would You Hit That post about Japanboyz model Ryota Sato. Given the all-too-common practice of commenters bringing up a certain “p” word* when a guy like this appears on Manhunt Daily, I thought it’d be interesting to see how many of you would say “yes” to Ryota in an anonymous poll.

Not to mention, his hair is ridiculoooooooooooous.

– Dewitt

* Hint: It rhymes with “schmedophile”.

Photo credit: Japanboyz

Click through to see more and cast your vote:


68 thoughts on “Would You Hit That?: Ryota Sato

  1. I NEVER comment negatively but that has got to be the creepiest post I have seen on Manhunt Daily blog in years.

  2. I don’t hang around circus freak shows, and I don’t want this extra-terrestrial in my bed. (May God have mercy on that kid’s looks when he hits age 35.)

  3. I was scared to even look at the pictures.
    I wonder how the comment section is going to go down.
    By the way I know it’s not “gay news” but why wasn’t there an article about Andy Griffith dying?!

  4. he looks rather like the creature from the video for Aphex Twin’s ‘Windowlicker’. That’s a no, then.

  5. Gross……..he looks like a child. This is MANhunt not some criminal baby snatcher site. Putting stuff like that here just adds to the stereotype that were all out to seduce their little ugly straight boys.

  6. his face does look a little alien-ish… and the hair doesn’t help…. and while his body is cute, and the scene was nice, some of the pictures do make him look a bit too child-like, even for me, and i love twinks….

  7. He’s a cute guy that is probably 28 years old.  But OMG…do something with that hair. (lol)

  8. I voted no, trying to be slanderous, he is not attractive, nor is he  physically appealing. I’ve seen beautiful Asian men and women (straight and heterosexual – – chuckle) and I marvel that this fellow could rate as a model.  If so, it’s definitely not by a upper scale agency. I’m sure these pics are from $250 per actor per butt bang movie portfolios

  9. What the fuck is wrong with you, Dewitt? There are millions of attractive twinks, whether asian or not, and you post this martian? 

  10. Fuck you. If gay people preach tolerance of sexual preferences, they should start practicing that. Trying to abide by the worries of social conservatives instead of fighting their worldview makes you an Uncle Tom. I’d soner vote Santorum into office than hypocritical fags like you. 

  11. I never comment on these posts, but that is f… disgusting and bordering on child like shit.  There is no excuse for even posting that. 

  12. It must be a cultural thing.  I saw nothing appealing in this.  It reminds me of a Simpson’s spoof of those odd Japanese game shows.

  13. Being attracted to, or wanting to have sex with, underage children, including those of age but appearing younger, is not “gay.”  It’s pedophilia and ephebophilia.  No gay should be tolerant of this.  If you think this is “attractive” and should be tolerated, then you’re demented and evil.  So, fuck you.

  14. Seriously guys!!! WTF?? You may not like this blog entry and thats fine BUT the ignorant comments really are not needed. And even more so when you hide behind an anonymous profile/comment on here.

    Who knows, maybe you should be hit with a shovel as well but we will never know.

    The 95% no voting is enough to get the point across.

    Sometimes you gays are no better than the bashers/haters out there.

  15. He looks like he crawled out from reactor #3  @  Fukushima Daiichi!!

    Paging Will Smith, paging Will Smith… please rid the plantet of this creature.

  16. This is perhaps the first time you’ve ever posted an Asian model on this blog and you decided on him? 

    Could you please show a wider range of attractive coloured men? 

  17. Yeughhh. Christ, I wanted to fap to a lean Asian hunk, not some penis-snipping gnome from a Grimm tale.

  18. seriously. you guys are all being really awful about him. he may not be your cup of tea (or mine), but that doesn’t mean you have to be so horrid in the way you speak about him. talk about cyber bullying…

  19. is it REALLY necessary to imply he’s a bug that needs to be stepped on?? i hope this kid never reads these comments.

  20. A teenager is not a child. S/he is biologically equipped for sex, and other people are biologically equipped to be attracted to them. That’s the whole point of puberty: getting capable of sex AND being found sexually attractive by others.  Ephebophilia is not considered a mental illness by the APA, precisely because it’s ridiculous to assume that legislation has anything to do with biology, and that teenagers aren’t happily and consensually getting their brains fucked by adults as we speak. Larry Kramer was tolerant of it. Harry Hay Jr. was tolerant of it. They’re the people that have allowed sacks of shit like you to openly fuck neanderthals.  

    It’s cool to be holier-than-thou and a moralist when the world’s cut out for you: we’ve made society tolerant of gorilla-loving homos, and gay people have chosen to peacefully abide by the remaining prejudice instead of fighting it. Social conservatives are honest, genuine believers in discrimination: you’re a hypocrite, and I think that puts you beneath them. You don’t deserve the drive for equality if you’re happy to fight against that of others.  

  21. It appears that the “p” word was the last thought on most all of the above posters minds.  And thank you for the hint. I needed it.

  22. I am an Asian who actually likes other Asians…but…no…just no 🙁 I feel terrible…but…just…sigh….post up a hot Asian!!! A FILIPINO PERHAPS!??!?! 😀 WITH an Arab!!!! 🙂 🙂

  23. he is just a hiarless small guy i wouldnt think its peddy to like that type of guy. but in my opinion, his face and hair would be an instant turnoff

  24. a simple no would have answered the question; the way some of you faggots went on, went cruel, went bully only shows how deeeeeeply wounded you really are…he may be   physically unappealing to  me, but most of your comments were gross, intolerable and a FINE example of the shallowness stereotypical fags are stigmatized by..good job assholes.

  25. Not my cup of tea.  At all.

    He has the exact combination of “way too young looking” and “way too androgynous” that manages to push every single one of my off buttons.

  26. OI GUYS.

  27. This guy looks deformed. Honestly, if given a choice between this guy and Rosie O’Donnel, I would take Rosie and be grateful.

  28. FRIENDS. 

    Stop commenting on this!! It will only show up again in the what was popular recap 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

  29. Not with a stolen dick. That’s a two-bagger: you wear a bag over your head in case the bag over his head breaks. 

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