Would You Hit That?: Chris Brown

Chris Brown, hot or not, Rihanna, assault, beater, Jim and Pam, wedding, The Office, lust, abs, despicable, celebrity, music, Graffiti, gay sex, fucking

By now, you're probably aware of my feelings on Chris Brown. And if you're not, let's just say I'm already worried that this post's title is in poor taste. I'm not usually one to hold a grudge, but this guy really gets under my skin. From his assault on Rihanna to the way he dealt with it, I just can't stand the sight of him. I couldn't even appreciate Jim and Pam's wedding scene on The Office, because all I could think was "Chris Brown's getting paid royalties for this".

With that said, I realize that some of you might not have such strong feelings on this matter. Also, I recognize that some of you might sleep with Chris Brown even though you recognize how despicable he is. I mean, who am I to judge? I've admitted to lusting after my fair share of terrible human beings, so don't let me stop you from saying what's on your mind.

– Dewitt

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13 thoughts on “Would You Hit That?: Chris Brown

  1. Oh, Bullshit. I’d sex him twice every day and four times a day on the weekend. Boy is HAWT as hell!! Didn’t beat me, but I didn’t do nuthin’ to him. No telling what went on or for how long before the blow-up. And remember, the giri is a well documented hot-headed, spoiled, demanding little B**CH!! How much of a part did she have in starting this? And don’t tell me none of you guys haven’t gone balls crazy when someone has pushed you too far. Or maybe you haven’t but what does that say about you except you’ll stand there and “take it like a man”!!

  2. Dewitt, if you feel that strongly about him, you probably should have used someone else for this. The guys is hot, and went through just as much as your poor Rihanna. Leave the guy alone.

  3. You can’t stand the sight of Chris but you want to fuck that redneck country singer who had homophobic lyrics? Gimme a fucking break and get off your high horse!

  4. Hell you asked if we would hit that not would we date that. Hell yeah id slurp it fuc it and ride it all night long and time he wanted it.

  5. Hell yeah I fUCK him just like the BITCH that he is !!! Than I post pixs on line showing his ASSHOLE sweelling,black & Blue looking just like Rihanna eye……………

  6. No fucking way. This unrepentant asshole can go fucking rot. You know, if he’d just be GENUINELY apologetic, it might be OK. Everyone makes mistakes, sometimes big ones. But he acts as if he did nothing wrong, and is just begrudgingly doing what his “people” are telling him to so he can move on. FUCK HIM. (And not in the good way.)

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