Woof Alert: Paul Wagner

There’s probably very little we need to write about Paul Wagner. We could mention that he just signed on with Randy Blue and these are the first pics he’s shot with them. We could mention he’s among the most beautiful of the many, many adult performers we write about. We could mention that this blogger is probably going to spank it to these pics. But we won’t mention that part. Woof.

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Randy Blue

For more pics of the devastatingly handsome Paul Wagner, Follow the JUMP:

1,077 thoughts on “Woof Alert: Paul Wagner

  1. Paul Wagner looks absolutely gorgeous … he also looks very charming. Someone you’d want to date, get to know … 🙂

  2. Why are people without tattoos so obsessed with them?  He doesn’t have a tattoo, he never said he was going to get a tattoo; what’s the point of bringing it up?  I get that you don’t like tattoos, nothing wrong with that, but why bring up an irrelevant topic?  Is there something wrong with solely mentioning that Paul is pretty much perfection without having to include how much you don’t like people with tattoos?

  3. “Someone you’d want to date, get to know …” 

    No self-respecting gay man wants any of the sort. Love ’em and leave ’em is how it is and should be.

  4. NOW this is a gorgeous, hairy man. And I personally think a hot hairy stud with a great tat is fucking FINE FINE FINE.

  5. Men are beautiful creatures- tatted and inked or not, manscaped or hairy- Paul Wagner is beautiful and may do whatever he pleases to himself, me ,or most other gay men, I suspect! Why must everyone, gay or otherwise be SO incredibly critical?
     It takes ALL kinds to make a world……..

  6. Just because you find something abhorrent (like tattoo’s) doesn’t mean everyone else feels that way. It’s his body, who cares what anyone thinks. If he wants to ink up, let him. It won’t diminish his hotness. 

  7. Do what he wants with the tattoos! He is so fricking incredibly hot, it wouldn’t make one damn bit of difference. Love tats, but he’s so hot I don’t know that I would notice the tats!

  8. Ok, people, slow your roll.  Just voicing a personal opinion.  It just seems to me that a lot of guys lately feel compelled to get inked.  It used to be edgy . . . now it is just a matter of course.  Getting tats does NOT make you “different,” nor does it make you an “outsider.”  Getting inked today is about as common as the cold. 

  9. I have to agree, Caleb.  Guys today are getting the same old, tired bullshit permanently embossed on their body.  No originality.  No meaning.  Just a fucking bunch of lemmons diving over the cliff together.  Of course, you can be like Brittney Spears and have a “Caballah” tat on the back of your neck, which that “religion-o-the-moment” forbids.  Be true to yourself and, if you want to get inked, do it.  If not, rejoice in all that Goddess gave you!!!

  10. You don’t think he’s trimmed????????????????????????????????
    You must be joking.
    He’s extremely hot
    but hedge trimmers 
    have totally Edward Scissorhand 
    that chest.

  11. I think he looks great in those pics, those thighs r to die for, but it is obvious to me that he is totally trimmed, hair-wise…. check out the chest, that is how a hairy chest looks like when it is trimmed… the same with his bush… I do not mind either way, but just wanted to point out that what u perceive as being natural is actually somewhat maintained 😉

  12. Sometimes, I can’t believe the shit that some of you say. Caleb and JT – you both sound as obsessed with “originality” and “meaning” as some right-wing, religious zealots do about gays in general.

  13. Drop dead sexy, he’s got this hot farmhand appeal to him. Like he’d take you to the stables and give you a ride around the track!
    Hot as always, and a Happy Birthday to Paul today! 😀

  14. Some guys today are getting the “same old, tired bullshit”, but not everyone.  Some of us actually get tattoos that mean something to us personally.  Shocker, I know.  Not all of us are lemmings (I think that’s what you meant instead of lemmons) diving over a cliff to be “different”.

    You can not like tattoos, that’s your preference.  I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about assuming all tattooed people are unoriginal sheep, just doing it because everyone else thinks it cool.  That’s the same thing religious zealots do when they talk about all gays as sexual deviants and pedophiles.  It’s stereotyping, plain and simple.

  15. That’s fine that it’s your personal opinion.  I’m not talking about that.  I’m wondering why you had to bring up an irrelevant topic.  Every time you see an attractive man, is the only thing that runs through your head “hope he never gets a tattoo, that would ruin his body”?  I would hope not.

    I think we can all agree that Paul is a very attractive guy.  So why talk about things that would make him unattractive?  Should I start talking about how unattractive he would look if he dyed his hair?  Or how I think he would be a lot less sexy if his body hair were any thicker because I have a preference for light to little body hair?

    It’s the same thing as a 100% gay man bringing up “how he really doesn’t like vagina” every time you mention a woman.  “I love that new Lady Gaga single, but man I do not want to see her vagina.”  It’s not relevant to the topic, Paul doesn’t have tattoos nor did he mention getting any. 

    Would you want your straight male friends let you know that your stories about your boyfriend are great, but they just prefer straight sex, just so you know their preference even though it’s not relevant to the topic at all?  So why bring up an irrelevant topic just to let us all know how much you dislike tattoos?  At least save it for a post of a guy with tattoos. 

    There’s no point soiling a great post with unnecessary negativity.

  16. Just as homosexuals think that all Christians are religious zealots… Otherwise I agree with what you had to say.

  17. LOL  Tommy Trojan  the fainting spell might have been bought on by 2 over abundance  of wishing  that  Paul was FUCKING  U  or that U was FUCKING him  🙂 🙂 🙂   OMG  I have 2 go now starting 2 get lite headed ……..

  18. Didn’t mean that at all, sorry.  I should have said SOME religious zealots.  Really bad typo.  But I didn’t mean Christians at all, any religious zealot who shuns a person that doesn’t embrace his religion exactly as the zealot interprets it.  Either way, looking back, I really should have just said those people who see all gays as sexual deviants and pedophiles as it’s not limited to some religious zealots.

  19. That’s the key word:  naturally.  There are plenty of sexually hot guys who are body-hairless, but that’s natural.  Men are attractive when they keep what nature has given them.  When they primp and prune and want to change what is a pary of their masculinity, they are no longer masculine.  They are entering the sphere of transsexualism.  Natural men (with whatever nature has given them) are not attractive when they try to look like women.  Tom Sellick would not have been the male icon of the ’70’s (to both women and gay men) if he had “manscaped.”  Along with that, would Farrah Fawcett’s poster at the same time have sold in the tens-of-millions and been hung in most young male teen’s and men’s bedrooms if she had gotten her tata’s reduced, cut her locks into a “butch” and taken testosterone shots so she could have had a prominent moustache?

  20. Haha!  Thanks guys!  I am a former professional writer, so I am rarely at a loss for words.  But one looks at these pics and, well…see above!

  21. He didn’t say everyone else feels that way. Read his comment! And I agree as do many others!
    Are we allowed to express our opinions?
    I hope he doesn’t mess himself up with gruesome pseudo-arty scribble.
     By the way, he just may be interested in his fans’ opinions. Even the opinions of fans like you who don’t have the vaguest notion of what an apostrophe is for.
    Tattoos (no apostrophe) are disgusting and stupid looking!

  22. And just as tats have nothing to do with this post, neither does Michelle Bachmann. Really? Dude! At least follow your own rules!

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