Woof Alert: Brenn Wyson & David Chase

It’s no secret that I have a gigantic boner-crush on former RandyBlue model David Chase. Ever since he shaved his head and embraced his beefiness, it was like he suddenly transformed into my ultimate dream man. Sure, he was always cute with his messy haircut and slimmer build, but this is a prime example of a man who looks even better with some meat on his bones (a la Jason Trawick).

Watching him fuck another guy? Totally hot, even when he’s using a weird pseudonym like Corey Rezzon. Watching him flip-fuck? Even hotter. And the best of all? When he’s in his element—slobbering on a big hard cock, bending over and taking it like a man.

Though Brenn Wyson hasn’t received nearly as much coverage on Manhunt Daily, he’s just as good on top as David is on bottom. And, damn, have you seen his huge-ass dick? In this particular scene, Mr. Chase lets it slip that he likes a little pain along with his pleasure… And Brenn breaks out the chains to spice things up! Nice.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Extra Big Dicks

To check out Brenn Wyson and David Chase in action, follow the JUMP:

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Or watch the whole scene NOW at Extra Big Dicks!

14 thoughts on “Woof Alert: Brenn Wyson & David Chase

  1. He looks adorable with that cock in his mouth and the shaved head suits him better

  2. He may be a little thick, justa little but david Chase is a good looking sexxxy man. I’d have no problem playing with him.

  3. holy shit snacks is right, Bren is so fuckin hot, i’d fuck him anytime. Love pumpin studs with big dicks.

  4. The HOTTEST thing about the new David Chase R the pixs of the old David Chase. There absolutely nothing attractive about a hairy,FAT ,bald guy !!!

  5. Not sure about the shaved head and facial hair contrast in these photos, but David Chase is one of those “real” looking guys who just looks great naked. Like we could spent Saturday night fucking the cum out of each other and it would be (almost) as much fun just to hang out naked with him Sunday morning, reading the paper, eating breakfast, etc. in the nude.

  6. did that say WOOF alert or OOOOF alert? REALLY???? If hot and sexy means someone dropped me in the middle of a trailer park in the middle of Spitfuck, Louisiana then I guess it is. Hey can you hear that… that thar banjo playing in the background… Go get me a plate-O-vittles Boy. Pa musta busted outa prison again. Crack open that new can of crisco and tie me to that there tree over yonder!!!

  7. hmm..

    ..i think, if old davey would tan himself just a little bit, he could get away with a smidge more.

    i still like him.

    as long as he is shower-fresh and sweet-smellin’, i’d be content.

  8. never thought I would like the idea of hand cuffs and chains- got me hard in seconds!

  9. What I can say about David Chase that he is a perfect gentleman and cute to boot. It been quite sometime since I’ve responded to the internet world. Although my less responsiveness, is do to my lack of response in career, being a porn star. For many years I avoided the industry. Hence my lack of communication, in what I so believed in. The freedom of sexual expression. During those hidden years and avoiding the pessimistic fans. Although beening in contact with my caring fans. The information about the porn industry had me hiding in its destructive chains. I wanted the porn industry to disappear. The cruel an insensitive corporate porn. Having us who fight with the agents. Only to have us place blame on ourselves. Although I wished I was dead. Hanging in it’s insensitive nature. Bringing me to understanding. The porn world needs to be unionized, to protect the starts and dealing with the corporate lies. Now all that said, the porn world has turned me into the man I have become today. Assertive, strong willed and minded. I would as far too say even colorful. I keep my word even if someone doesn’t like my so called approach Most would say I’m an asshole. I’m a proud asshole, with a smile.

    What am I doing know? I’m fighting the conglomerates in food and drug administration. who reinforce there so called unethical stand. How? By waving lots and lots of Ben Franklin dollars in front of our government agency’s. In dealing with such bureaucracy, I felt like giving up on the one issue I truly believe in. until recently. When I bumped into an 80 year old man. I ask him and said, my name is Brenn. Do you have any kind words you can tell this young cap. He looks at me in interest. Then he said, my name is Bob and what I can say to you is, be persistent and never give up. moments before Bob drove me in his security golf cart to obtain gas for my motorcycle. Moments before that, I ran out of gas on I-95. Now years before that, I step off track. Drugs, mental issues caused by drugs. Not owning up to being a porn star. More like hiding and running away. Until last person pist off. When he disillusioned himself into thinking his life is better by bringing me down. I ripped into his brain and he began nervously choking on his own thoughts. I said, that’s what I thought. That was the day I owned being a gay porn star. I’m proud of my sexual expressions. Sex is an art. I’m still a sexual charged beast with hence of the right kind of softness. I was a late bloomer in the porn industry. Starting at age of 38 and I’m writing today at the ripe age of 43. I can honestly say I don’t look my age, nor do I feel it. I’m still boxing like a kid with a great understanding and insight for the passion of the fight. Now that’s true love. Fighting in and around the sport since I was 6 years old. My skill has me sparring against the best fighters in the world. Battling them before they fight in the main arena. More like challenging them and sometimes more often than not, beating them in my game. I would be a world champion, if I didn’t contact my blood disorder hep-c. The cure for hep-c came out a couple of years ago. It’s harder than you think to get on the program that can cure you, but as soon as I do. Then maybe just maybe. This almost old man, will fight in Vegas.
    For now, I’ll continue my fighting trainig. Also work on my painting and drawing to keep my mind focused. Last and my biggest fight, is to publish my book. So I can bring awareness and hope to the stuggling addict. The addict who hasn’t heard of the Harvard scientific research study on (Ibogaine.) Wow, What ibogaine has done to my brain is more than magical. I was a hardcore drug addict. As a self not, you don’t take Ibogaine continuously. You only have to take it once or twice. That’s all you will ever need. What I learned from taking ibogaine is that it medically restored my dopamine to it’s pre drug state damage and it has wired the synopsis, memory brain routs and addictive patters. Changing the memory of what a hi feels like. Not feelings the euphoric good time. In fact all you do is get sick. Trust me I know. So why get high. Thank you for being supportive fans and pessimistic fans. Lol…

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