Unfortunately, This Is Impossible To Ignore

Perez Hilton, Advocate Cover
In a new profile by The Advocate, celebrity gossip blogger and hate speech enthusiast Mario Lavandeira talks about his desire to get naked and how he almost pulled a Mason Wyler on will.i.am. I'm having trouble deciding which of those two things is more horrendous, though I tend to lean towards the latter.

"'I thought about calling him the n word," he told writer Benoit Denizet-Lewis. "But I thought the f word was even worse. I was so filled with hate at that moment because I was hated on so much, and I reacted in the worst way possible….As cheesy as it may sound, I had almost a spiritual moment when I just let all of the anger and worry go and am now filled with peace, happiness, and wisdom.'" Perhaps all that anger stemmed from not ever being filled with cock?

– Dewitt

8 thoughts on “Unfortunately, This Is Impossible To Ignore

  1. this guy is just a stupid waste of carbon whose celebrity status is predicated on hypocritical and hateful criticism. the fact that he’s as popular as he is speaks terribly for the gay community, in general. if anyone’s a faggot, he is.

  2. Drama queen Perez Hilton posts emotional meltdowns on YouTube just to generate controversy, since there’s no such thing as bad publicity. He’s very cynical in his manipulation of the media, and he should be called out for it. Hilton is just hijacking gay politics to make money and boost his celebrity status. Gays would do well to disown this sniffling, slobbering poser.

  3. can he not possibly ever say something that makes him sound like a better person? >.>

  4. I’m so glad I cancelled my subscription with Advocate a month ago. Ever since it started ignoring news and became a shiny monthly, it sucks. To give the cover to a man who has done almost as much for the gay community as Fred Phelps is proof the magazine is aiming at the lowest possible denominator.

  5. Glad to see he’s back doing meth like the good ole days…. he got WAY fucking fat!!
    Stupid fucking TommyGnosis fuckwad.

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