Underwear Drawer: PUMP!

Whoever is in charge of model selection over at the PUMP! company needs a damn medal! This is Warren. Is anyone else thinking incredibly sleazy thoughts while looking at these pictures of his gorgeous bod packed into PUMP!’s underwear?

There’s a GRIP of pics posted, but we knew you’d want to see them all. Our appreciation goes to PUMP! for printing exactly what to do to Warren’s ass on the butt of those boxer briefs. Their name functions as both branding and a thoughtful directive.

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Troy Wise and PUMP!

For more pics of Warren to PUMP! to, Follow the JUMP:

579 thoughts on “Underwear Drawer: PUMP!

  1. Nice Pics but it’s what’s up front that counts and from what I see there’s not much there

  2. it’s refreshing to see an underwear model with body hair!!!! YUM @ Rick122249 I don’t see you posing, so don’t pick on the sexy model! he looks like he’s packing more that a mouthful

  3. If sex sells in advertising, the orders should be coming in anytime now…though I think they had a misprint…looks more like HUMP undies to me!

  4. love the look of the images. good homage to early color. and he’s got a nice ass.

  5. I’d take him in those briefs, in nothing at all, or even just take the briefs without him.  He’s the perfect mix of masculine and aware of his sexuality.  I hate that in the search for “manliness” sometimes the models end up standing in a box per se.

  6. Beautiful body, excellent photos, good management
    of the photographic effects… would be interesting to see him modeling
    different clothing brands, nick: pombagira

  7. Boooooooooooo Manhunt, you bore me, Let’s see white, shallow, rubber bottoms, lil dick, no ass, weird face, sense of style is boring, typical gay stuff, not hot. Get SOME NEW IDEAS PLEASE.

  8. What was that line from “Queer As Folk” with the hot closeted football player doing the photo shoot?–“I don’t know if he’s gonna sell any underwear.  But he’s gonna move a hell of a lot of Kleenex.”

  9. @Rick122249   Does it really Matter?!? I mean he’s hot as hell and it’s possible he’s a grower.

  10. I don’t care about cock size, as long as it works, isn’t disgustingly tiny or gigantic, and is attached to a hot guy 🙂

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