Top or Bottom?: Sebastian V

Sebastian V

Do you think you can tell whether someone’s a top or a bottom based on their appearance alone? For the past two weeks, we’ve asked you to give it a try with willing participants Edwin and Muzo. More than half of you correctly identified Edwin as a total bottom, but you weren’t so lucky in the second round!

The majority of you predicted that Muzo was a versatile bottom. While you were right to think that he’s versatile, it turns out that he prefers giving over receiving. Yes, this hunky blogger is a versatile top, and you can watch a video of him stroking his cock after the JUMP! 

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s move on to today’s subject. His name is Sebastian, and the only other thing I can tell you about him is that he’s interested in modeling and acting. And did I mention he looks really good naked? You’ll have to wait until next week to see for yourselves!

If you’re an exhibitionist type who’s interested in participating in the next round of Top or Bottom, send me an e-mail with pictures, name or alias, the role you play in the bedroom and a brief note giving us permission to use your pics. We’d prefer that you show your face, but it’s not required to participate in the series. Nudity is both welcome and encouraged, and anonymity is perfectly acceptable. So what are you waiting for? Send us your pics, and show us what you’re working with!

– Dewitt

To cast your vote and see more pics, follow the JUMP:

>Sebastian V

Online Surveys & Market Research

As promised, here’s a video of Muzo jerking, as he pimps out

8 thoughts on “Top or Bottom?: Sebastian V

  1. I never cease to be amazed how, in recent months, Manhunt associates finds ways to force me to view unsolicited advertisement materials …
    … even though I am paying a subscription to utilize their service.
    The “Muzo strokes” video is a tragically bad attempt to present a commercial disguised as some light porn.
    To Manhunt: you are not the only social network out there for gay men. You guys are really pissing me off. Quit it with the commercial bombardments already.

  2. lol – r u serious!? if you can name one form of media that doesn’t include product placement, good luck. Plus, who cares…he seems to like the stuff, Ive met him and he’s a very cool guy too.

  3. It weirds me out when guys twitch like they’re having a stroke when they ejaculate…

  4. Total bottom.. who would want to get boned by that?.. I know, I’m harsh.. the issue is I like “MEN”, not guys who fantasize about being a Victoria’s Secret model.. what’s that frickin pose about?.. Safe to say Cindy can have her job back!
    and the ad?, obviously Str8CamLube is starting out on a shoe string budget. They’d have been better off putting together a commercial about how every batch is made by hand in the Colonel’s kitchen from 7 secret ingredients! Finger lickin’ good! Back to the drawing board!
    pssst.. next time, go with someone with more endurance.. nobody likes a 2 minute man!

  5. Nah hes hot. Might be vers. Dont see the whole “Victoria Secret” thing though…

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