The Situation Puts A Situation In My Pants

The Situation, shirtless, abs, stripping down, Miami

The cast of Jersey Shore has been busy filming their new season in Miami (someone please explain that logic to me), and the paparazzi caught a few shots of Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino stripping down in public. Thanks to these pictures, I now have a "situation" in the front of my jeans. It's turned the prospect of getting up from my desk into an awkward situation.

While I'd like to pretend that I'm above lusting after these guys, the truth still stands that I'd ride all of their dicks until Snooki told me to stop. The Situation's incredible body and cocky attitude make me want to throw my legs in the air with no hesitation, and I don't even care if he's a total douche bag. Would you hit that? Because you know I would!

– Dewitt

Photo credit: KADENAPIX

To see more pictures of The Situation, follow the JUMP:

The Situation, shirtless, abs, stripping down, Miami

The Situation, shirtless, abs, stripping down, Miami

The Situation, shirtless, abs, stripping down, Miami

The Situation, shirtless, abs, stripping down, Miami

The Situation, shirtless, abs, stripping down, Miami

The Situation, shirtless, abs, stripping down, Miami, touching himself, Jersey Shore

The Situation, shirtless, abs, stripping down, Miami

32 thoughts on “The Situation Puts A Situation In My Pants

  1. How gross…. just can’t get past that face…. and the want to beat on him with a base ball bat….

  2. He looks just like a generic We Ho queen….I don’t see what all the fuss is about. I’m sure when he’s 40 he’ll look like James Gandolfini. When’s his 15 minutes up anyway?

  3. He’s hot but the clock is ticking. If he’s not naked somewhere i.e. Playgirl, etc. by the beginning of the fall, I am moving on to the next piece of eye candy.

  4. Id ride that mans cock any day. He could fuck me any way he wanted and Id love every second of it 😉

  5. Ronnie is a short fuse gay basher, plus his body is too short. Situation is hot as hell.

  6. What he really needs is a leather daddy to tie him down securely and then torture his nips, balls, and cock until he learns to drop the attitude.

  7. I hate to admit it but he is damn sexy. But I would have to make sure he would not be talking. Luckily I have something to stuff in his face to shut him up 😉

  8. he’s cute, how about Pauly or the other guys? I guess they don’t flaunt it like Mike.

  9. I think he has a nice body, but i would have to stuff his mouth and put a bag over his face…i just want his body and his dick..that’s all

  10. He seems a bit more down to earth than the other jersey shore douches. and he’s freakin gorgeous!!! just needs to ditch the “Image” and he’d be a lot better off. 😀

  11. After you put the paper bag over his head–yeah he’s got a great bod–totally fuckable!

  12. I can’t stand guys like the Situation. Those orange oompa loompa skinned “guidos” on Jersey Shore gives guys like my friend a bad name, a guy who is actually full blooded Italian. Guys this like this make me wish I lived somewhere else other than America.

  13. his body is awesome, but his face looks like an apple with a bite taken out of it and left to turn brown in the air/sun. i say no thank you sir

  14. Only if I could tie him spread-eagled in a doorway with a ball gag in his mouth and fuck him from behind, so I wouldn’t have to put up with the attitude.

  15. I think the situation has the smallest situation out of all of the them ( including Snookie ) simply put the Situation is a big DICK with a SMALL dick !!!

  16. hayson: that was a pretty creative snip, there.
    i might have to steal that one from ya.
    (of course you won’t be back to see this, but.. least i can sat it’s here.)

  17. Nope, couldn’t hit that. Just too much of a Douche. He is too into himself, and with a face like that there is no reason to be that into yourself. Pauly D is hot though. I’d hit that. lol!

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