The “Real Man” Project: Pandora Boxx

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The VERY first person I thought of for our “Real Man” Project was Pandora Boxx (yes, even before Colby Jansen). I’m not sure I subscribe to the phrase “real man”. Despite all of the amazing contributions we’ve had this month (did you SEE that video Accidental Bear made?), I’m still not any wiser about what “a real man” even means.

But I do know that making a living performing as the opposite gender takes balls. So what better person for us to ask to contribute then a very popular drag queen? Pandora Boxx will be competing in RuPaul’s All-Star Drag Race, she’s funny as hell, and if I was a dying child and were offered a wish by the Make A Wish Foundation – I’d ask her to come to my oxygen tent and do her Carol Channing impression. I don’t even know who Carol Channing is but Pandora’s impression is hilarity and it involves raspberries.

It should also be noted that Jed Athens’ take on what a “real man” is irritated me, so Pandora is perfect to counter that bullshit.

We want to hear what YOU think a “Real Man” is! There are prizes of free Unlimited Access on Manhunt and porn involved. Yay for boners. Go here for more info.

– J. Harvey

Read Pandora Boxx’s thoughts on what a “real man” is after the JUMP:

I was asked to write this about my idea of what makes a man a man. It’s taken me awhile to actually put down all my thoughts. I think mainly because I have some anger towards this issue and I didn’t want to write some bitter piece of bitchery. I think the answer to this question is quite simple really. What makes a man a man? Humanity.

We could argue back and forth the gender roles assigned to man and woman, that women wear the dresses and men wear the pants; women should be effeminate and men should be masculine. When you cut away all of the preconceived society created rules what you really discover is that we are all human beings. Despite some differences our cores are the same. But we live in a world of labels and generalizations. You are feminine. You are masculine. Boys like sports. Girls like dolls. For though we are all humans, we come in a variety of different flavors.

Because I dress up like a woman, some people think that I am less of a man. Well men have worn “dresses” throughout history as well as makeup, wigs and even heels. In ancient Rome they were called togas. In Scotland they were and are called kilts. Wigs were worn by both sexes in ancient Egypt as well as in 18th century Europe. In Shakespeare’s plays all of the female roles had to be played by men because women were not allowed on stage. And hey, even Jesus wore a dress.

There’s also been a major prejudice against effeminate men in our society for quite sometime. Or shall I say what has been deemed “effeminate.” The truth is we all have masculine and feminine qualities. Why is someone less of a man because they aren’t afraid to be themselves, even if it deviates from the societal norm? I think it takes a true man to just be himself. Be it a flaming homosexual or a rugged lumberjack. Men come in all shapes, sizes and tastes.

Underneath all of our drag because as RuPaul says, “You are born naked and the rest is drag,” is where the true core of being a man is, the quality of being humane, that kindness, that benevolence. Being a man is the father who isn’t afraid to tell his son that he loves him. Being a man is the drag queen who lead the Stone Wall Riots and sparked the Gay Rights movement. Being a man is the President who fought to abolish slavery. I think masculinity has nothing to do with being a man. It’s humility, courage and love that truly make a man a man.

Well said, Pandora. You can get more of Pandora and her Boxx at her website, and on Twitter. And be sure to tune in to watch her take on those other seasoned bitches on RuPaul’s All-Star Drag Race premiering on Logo TV on Oct. 22!

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9 thoughts on “The “Real Man” Project: Pandora Boxx

  1. Love, love, love this post. My only issue? “Flaming” homosexual. Considering that the term “flaming” comes from the fact that historically, we were burned alive with “faggots” or bundles of sticks, I’ve always found that expression offensive. However, Pandona has hit the nail on the head and this, along with Seth Fornea’s post, is the best of this series so far.

    I hope this and other posts makes people question labelling themselves as “real”, “masculine”, “masc”, etc., because it’s an assumption that because they fit into some cardboard-cut-out idea of what a hot man is, they are “better” than everyone else. It’s a total turn off and if I see it in a profile, I move on… fast.

  2. Love, love, love this post. My only issue? “Flaming” homosexual. Considering that the term “flaming” comes from the fact that historically, we were burned alive with “faggots” or bundles of sticks, I’ve always found that expression offensive. However, Pandona has hit the nail on the head and this, along with Seth Fornea’s post, is the best of this series so far.

    I hope this and other posts makes people question labelling themselves as “real”, “masculine”, “masc”, etc., because it’s an assumption that because they fit into some cardboard-cut-out idea of what a hot man is, they are “better” than everyone else. It’s a total turn off and if I see it in a profile, I move on… fast.

  3. Love, love, love this post. My only issue? “Flaming” homosexual. Considering that the term “flaming” comes from the fact that historically, we were burned alive with “faggots” or bundles of sticks, I’ve always found that expression offensive. However, Pandona has hit the nail on the head and this, along with Seth Fornea’s post, is the best of this series so far.

    I hope this and other posts makes people question labelling themselves as “real”, “masculine”, “masc”, etc., because it’s an assumption that because they fit into some cardboard-cut-out idea of what a hot man is, they are “better” than everyone else. It’s a total turn off and if I see it in a profile, I move on… fast.

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