That’s So “Person Who Doesn’t Read MANHUNT Daily”

equality, bullying, That's So Gay, dyke, faggot, GLSEN, jock, cheerleader, gamer, ThinkB4YouSpeak

Remember those commercials with Hilary Duff and Wanda Sykes that encouraged teenagers to stop using the phrase "That's So Gay" in a negative sense? Now the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) has a handful of new Think B4 You Speak posters which continue to illustrate their point.

Though most of us probably survived (or weren't subject to) bullying for our sexuality or mannerisms, it's important to remember how hurtful these phrases can be. Do you think the campaign effectively gets their message across?

– Dewitt

For more posters, follow the JUMP:

equality, bullying, That's So Gay, dyke, faggot, GLSEN, jock, cheerleader, gamer, ThinkB4YouSpeak

equality, bullying, That's So Gay, dyke, faggot, GLSEN, jock, cheerleader, gamer, ThinkB4YouSpeak

equality, bullying, That's So Gay, dyke, faggot, GLSEN, jock, cheerleader, gamer, ThinkB4YouSpeak

equality, bullying, That's So Gay, dyke, faggot, GLSEN, jock, cheerleader, gamer, ThinkB4YouSpeak

equality, bullying, That's So Gay, dyke, faggot, GLSEN, jock, cheerleader, gamer, ThinkB4YouSpeak

9 thoughts on “That’s So “Person Who Doesn’t Read MANHUNT Daily”

  1. I think they’re just preaching to the choir sadly. Those who realize how hurtful calling someone a faggot can be or how stupid they sound calling everything “gay” probably aren’t going to do it anyways, and the rest are too stupid or bigoted to stop doing it anyways. Maybe if celebrities and people who are in the public eye could stop using the slang and come up with something less hateful, then the teenagers will stop using this slang as well, but its doubtful, teenagers being what they are…

  2. The teen years are all about pushing the boundaries. Kids in my high school insulted goths, emos, cutters, blonds, fat chicks, and just about any group for the fun of it. These ads might make a few kids think twice, but I doubt teens will ever change.

  3. I think the “definition” posters are interesting and may be provocative to users of “that’s so gay” and other derogitories,
    but I think the “that’s so jock…” and “that’s so cheerleader” are just adding MORE stereotypes and bad vibes to the mix.
    I think it would work more if the “that’s so”‘s were other concrete things. Gay, is not like being a dumb jock, it’s like being BLACK, or JEWISH, or of german ancestry (just for example).
    I think the “that’s so”‘s would be more offensive and ergo thought provoking and hopefully change causing, if they were derogitorizations of other unchangeable qualities of people.

  4. Where can I get the “faggot”, “dyke” and “gay” posters? I went to the GLSEN site, not there.

  5. Yeah but no… is true, but also depends a lot on the way and the place you live on.. or am I the only one who doesn’t feel lijke “oh, my gos, he is deeply offending me for using faggot”.. c’mon!! – For example, Im from Mexico, where we use a ot the word “puto”, wich would be a-like to faggot. Actually, it’s a short word for male prostitute (prostituto–>puto), and from decades it also being a reference to gay and gayish things. Yet, is so sumerged in the daily speaking, that it lost all conotattion of it. Puto is only offensive if you use it offensenly against someone directly, but the word it self for anything else is not that strong, actually, even we gay people use it a lot.. “soy bien puto, como eres puto, a que puto, pinche putada, etc..” are common phrases, nothing to feel offend by.. so Im surprised that US gay people suddenly feel all shock out if some one says “he’s a faggot”, “what a dyke” or “it’s so gay”.. as stupid is the phrase, feel shockenly offended is as stupid as well…. or should I say that “is so gay”?? Just my two cents…

  6. Lame. Anyone who would let the phrase “That’s so gay” bother them really is in a rude awakening when it comes to the realities of life. Grow up, babies.

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