Texas Christian University Changes Their Mind About Gay Housing

TCU Horned Frog
If you weren't so crazy about Texas Christian University's decision to offer LGBT housing for students, you weren't alone. The school has canceled their plans to offer themed units, including others such as patriotism, marine life and Christianity. 
TCU Chancellor Victor J. Boschini Jr. claimed that students, faculty, alumni and others expressed concerns that the housing would be "splitting students up instead of uniting them." 
But one student, Carson Russell, has publicly stated otherwise. "I had not heard much, if any, complaint from the majority of the student body, so whoever it was that changed TCU's mind must be more important than its students, I guess," said Russell.
Since the housing is optional, I think it seems silly to consider this as "splitting students up". Plenty of LGBT students would obviously choose to live in other housing, and I'm sure plenty of straight students would wind up living there as allies. But alas, these decisions aren't up to me! What do you think about the university's decision to not offer themed housing?
– Dewitt

3 thoughts on “Texas Christian University Changes Their Mind About Gay Housing

  1. Ugh. Themed housing? That is the gayest thing I have ever heard of. Sounds like a circuit party organizer got hired to be housing directer at TCU. (The red party dorm, the white party dorm, etc…)

  2. I have a friend at Oberlin, and the themed housing they do works out quite well for them. Don’t know if they specifically have a GLBT dorm, but they do offer gender-neutral housing options.

  3. Lol, I work in student housing, and we use themed halls. They aren’t divisive at all, and the difference is ostensible at most. However, I must say that an LGBT hall isn’t a good idea. We’ll be instituting gender-inclusive halls here soon, but those are aimed at addressing transgender issues. LGBT halls imply that LGBT people should room together because they have similar lifestyles, whereas a “Music Hall” or a “Creative Arts Hall” match up student interests.

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