Taylor Lautner Makes Sexy Faces For GQ

It may take a few years for Twilight star Taylor Lautner to grow into his sexiness (a la Zac Efron), but at least he’s reached a point where it’s not creepy to lust after him. The actor was recently featured in GQ magazine, along with a photo shoot by Mario Testino.

For those of you who are actually interested in Lautner’s career or personality, you can read the full piece overĀ here. As for the rest of you? Well, you can stick around here and masturbate to these pictures. Scroll down all the way to the bottom for the money shot…

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Mario Testino

To see more pictures from this photo shoot, follow the JUMP:

42 thoughts on “Taylor Lautner Makes Sexy Faces For GQ

  1. I’m not a twinkie-hound, but definitely took notice when I saw him in Twilight – with the long hair! For some reason he does nothing for me without it (probably because I really love some of the American Natives from that region – they are smoking hot!).

  2. Adorable cute sexy yg man…beautiful…hope he developes heart and soul to go with his smokin’ hott looks

  3. I don’t think I’ll ever understand why people find this guy attractive other than his body; I guess I’m weird but he doesn’t do anything for me.

  4. I always knew Sharkboy was gonna turn in a hunk of a hunk…fine man! He can eat crackers in my bed, anything for that matter, in my bed, especially me, and I wont’ kick him out…he can keep his cowboys boots under my bed anytime!

  5. Is this his “swan song” photo shoot before fading back into obscurity? Farewell, Jacob.

  6. I think his nose gets bigger every time I see a new photo shoot. He needs to fix that…but stay away from MJ’s plastic surgeon.

  7. all i have to say is fine wolf mann YUMMMMM i dont care he is just beautifil period !!!!!!!!

  8. As far as Twilight is concerned,I have never read the books, never would see the movies, and don’t like either guy.

    So — I gues that makes me TEAM NEITHER

  9. That last pic is what I dream about at night!!!!! Taylor just keeps getting sexier and sexier!

  10. i suppose Hollywood needed some fresh blood after brad and Tom, with both on their way to retirement.. And they have found him.
    I do agree with some of the comments, long hair did not do it for me, but all cleaned up and a few more year and he will be perfectly ripe for those Hollywood heartbreaking roles…
    good luck to him anyhow…
    p.s. would not mind the same next to me. lol

  11. I love the twinkies and Taylor is up there in the list, but that nose is way too big for such a cute, adorable and small face. I guess he will become part of the Hollywood machine as he gets older and do what it takes to fit in their system. Thankfully, he’s only 18 so he has a long road ahead of him.

  12. Hot body? Dude is skinny!!! Geesh! It’s easy to get definition like that when you’re skinny. I hate it when people refer to him as “beefy”, he is NOT beefy. Zak Spears (the porn star) is beefy, Taylor “Huge Nose” Lautner is just a skinny twink with a big ass nose. No, I’m not jealous of him (yuck!), I’m just Team Edward!

  13. Eh, boring. Zac’s so far off the charts compared to this guy. Sure he’s got a great body, but he’s honestly not much to look at.

  14. *rolls eyes*

    Why do people clamor over famous people even when they are ugly as fuck?

    As soon as someone turns famous, people start to lust. reCOCKulous.


  15. I just don’t see what makes this boy sexy, same goes for Zac Efron. I guess maybe when I was 16 … no wait, I was with a 29 year old MAN then!!

  16. Taylor has always represented himself professionally during interviews and always dresses well at events, much better than R.Patz. Must have a good stylist. Will be interesting to see next year when his first post-Twilight feature is released where his career goes. I’m sure many guys are hoping he’s gay, but unless he hooks up with Zac Efron, I don’t see it happening.

  17. He’s definitely not my type. Have you ever seen a photo of him next to a normal person? He’s barely 5’6″.

    Also, the whole Savage-Werewolves-as-Native-Americans thing in Twilight is pretty damn racist. How about we talk about that instead?

  18. i never took the time to notice tay-tay’s nose before.

    but, speaking from an unbiased point-of-view, i can certainly see how An Adjustment there would benefit the young man greatly.

    i’d say, “go for it, if that is something you’d want to pursue.”

  19. shouldn’t this have been titled, “taylor lautner makes fugly faces for GQ”? his body is rocking and his ears are cute, but i can’t get past his nose, which is almost as wide as his face.

  20. for fuck sake back off the fucking nose! If he did do something to his nose then people would gossip about that and smash him for that but if he doesn’t he gets slammed for that. Let him be! I’m tired of all these changed faces to look “perfect” for everyone else he’s a good kid, smoking body and has great potential, I wish him well and hope he keeps getting half naked.

  21. All I can say is: SNORE!!! lol. just another overexposed, over hyped, boring twink…and as for him playing a Werewolf: it’s a TRAVESTY!!! You wanna see what a REAL werewolf should look like? Then take a look at Joe Manganiello in True Blood!!! In closing: Werewolves are NOT HAIRLESS, and Vampires do NOT SPARKLE!!! šŸ˜€

  22. c’mon guys! this is a nice, handsome KID….let’s save the snarky comments for more mature subjects who better deserve the criticism…trust me, i’m sure all the ‘haters’ out there have had their fair share of jailbait fantasies with l’il jacob prowling in their backyards–lol–

  23. @whatevz: No, you are not weird. I think the same thing. Nothing about him, even his body, does it for me.

  24. ver nice to look at but not my type, not that i would not whack off to him in an underwear shot………..

  25. Re: Pretty Damned Racist.

    Not *quite*. That is not a declaration that all native north americans are werewolves (just the cool ones, obviously)

    It’s hollywood stereotypaphy of native culture. it really isn’t racist, it’s naive and stupid!

  26. Taylor does nothing for me, and it’s not cause he not cute, it’s cause of all the hype over the twilight crap, I hated the first movie, and I thought the cast was aweful…no acting talent what-so-ever! Enough already.

  27. Ok guys, Ive been reading these blogs for years now and I never make a comment because well, I dont want to associate myself with a group of disqusting, cruel, impossible to please guys as you are (most of you at least)
    The ones saying that hes not their type, absolutely nothing wrong with that, at all!
    But the ones ripping him apart like that, you all need some serious attitude adjustments, and reality checks, cause seriously, Do any of you look anything like that? Are any of you that popular? Garner that much attention? Have that much wealth? Nope? Didnt think so lol
    Damn Jealousy is a mean green monster aint he

    So how about before you guys keep calling these guys in the polls ugly (eg, my Taylor) how about you try starting a poll for yourselves and see just how far you go before getting booted off for actually attractive human beings.

    Have a nice day boys

  28. Taylor could breed, seed and feed me any day of the week. In an industry that feeds or bony, white washed skinny blonds..This is truly beautiful and I love it.

  29. He is so hot and sexy he was so young in the movie “sharkboy and lava girl” he has just got all (tears run down ans sniff sniff) all grown up :,( the goog thing is that he got some big ass musle hola

  30. He is one handsome dude!Ā  That body is killer!Ā  Love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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