When I stumbled upon the sight of BukBuddies model Mikel holding his ankles in the air, I literally squirmed in delight. Luckily, I was alone in my room, so nobody witnessed this spastic convulsion. This also allowed me to spend some "private time" with Mikel's tight […]
Tag: BukBuddies
Meet Jack The Jock
Sometimes you just can't go wrong with a young jock that reminds you of the boys you lusted over in high school. You especially can't go wrong if said jock is naked and really hot! Jack from BukBuddies is just that. Even if you didn't […]
Everything Butt: The Chef Hat
Considering that one of you deemed Jonathan Agassi as "too fat", it's blatantly clear that model BukBuddies Billy won't be everyone's cup of tea. Frankly, this guy probably wouldn't give a fuck. He'd choose a bottle of beer over tea any day. Plus, he may or […]