Straight Men Prefer Smooth Boys?


Talk about asinine reasons to oppose gay rights. A blogger makes the argument that women will suffer as straight men will prefer sex with "smooth-skinned boys", if it is socially accepted. Wow, really?! I could see a few men being more comfortable exploring, but this guy is practically predicting the end of civilization as we know it:

"And so now we come back to the idyllic day of free choice and tolerance
envisioned by the gay and lesbian movement. It turns out that that day
has winners and losers. The winners — big time — are homosexual men,
because the historical record shows that they can expect their
potential pool of partners to expand exponentially. Of note here is
that this expanded pool of partners accrues to gay men, but not to
homosexual women. At the risk of getting too explicit, I leave it the
reader's basic grasp of anatomy to figure out why in ancient Rome a man
who found pleasure in a woman, could also find pleasure in a man, while
the record shows that a heterosexual woman rarely found sexual
satisfaction in the company of another woman."

Is it just me or does anyone else think this guy is talking about himself. Yes, he clearly has an obsession with twinks with smooth bottoms. Judging by your negative reactions whenever we post guys who fit that description, smooth boys aren't really as enticing as he makes them out be.

Furthermore, living in Massachusetts where gay-marriage has been legal for years, I can only dream that this would be true. But no, straight men are still straight.

Thanks to Dan Savage for the tip.

– Andy

5 thoughts on “Straight Men Prefer Smooth Boys?

  1. This reminds me of an old Men’s Health article that I read about women taking over the world in the future. Studies were showing that women were scoring higher and higher on standardized test while men were staying around the same. It pointed out that one man could easily impregnate around ten women in a day while a woman can usually only get pregnant every nine months. There were quite a few other arguments that I don’t remember; but the point of the article was that women will one day use their giant brains to enslave men, stick the ones deemed favorable for reproduction in living pin much like livestock to be used for reproduction when needed, and kill the rest. So the only way to keep women from enslaving all men is to turn all the men gay by legalizing gay marriage. We’re trying to save the world, not destroy it.

  2. I love that there looks to be a picture of Jesus on the tip of that man’s dick in the picture.

  3. Women used to rule the world, somewhat like the queen bee and her drones and that world was rather peaceful…and that probably is a pic of jesus…fascinating book called ‘the marriage of likeness’…after reading that prolonged biblical blog all i can say is the Romans had the right idea…and we have been around since the beginning of time. The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 to heterosexuals. This doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love heterosexuals, it’s just that they need more supervision and guidance.

  4. JustSayin: Wow, you really need to log off of Manhunt from time to time just to spare your mind from further delusions…lol.

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