Here’s five young men who play Spin the Bottle all sorts of wrong. You’re supposed to spin the bottle and then make out with the person to whom it ends up pointing. In their version, whomever the bottle points to has to choose a random humiliating task. Luckily, some of these tasks are fairly homoerotic. It would have been SUPER HUMILIATING (hint, hint) if you guys made having to give each other blowjobs as the penalty. Right? Luckily we’ve got guys running around in diapers, a dude in his underwear getting his face slapped with Nutella, guys having to lick each other’s toes and nipples, and one dude has to fit as many hot dogs as possible in his mouth. He does it handily so you know he’s had multiple cocks in there. I’m just using my investigative abilities.
Watch “5 Guys Spin The Bottle” below.
– Michael Xavier

Ok, the hot dog one was gross.
I’ve seen some of these and they were fun to watch but this one was a waste of time.
Not criticizing your choice M.X. just the amount of cheep B.S. out there being made because they want the attention drawn away from guys who did a good job with making video’s like this.
Might take days or hours to find a good one that hasn’t been seen.