Star Trek’s Zachary Quinto is Trapped In The Closet

Zachary Quinto

Good news for gay Star Trek fans. All those Captain Kirk and Spock fan fiction pieces you've been writing are at least half possible. I can't speak for Chris Pine, but his co-star Zachary Quinto apparently loves the cock.

Quinto previously played gay on Tori Spelling's So NoTORIous, and it seems like it wasn't much of a stretch. A reliable source has told MANHUNT Daily that Quinto dated several men back in Los Angeles, and one of those men was a close friend of our source. When we say "reliable source", we don't mean some random, crazy-ass bitch who e-mailed us with baseless rumors. This is the truth, folks.

Clearly this doesn't change my opinion of him as an actor, but it'll make me feel less dirty about fantasizing about him. I'll still have to cope with the fact that this hottie eats brains as Sylar on Heroes, but I think I'll deal.

– Dewitt

11 thoughts on “Star Trek’s Zachary Quinto is Trapped In The Closet

  1. Sylar doesn’t eat brains, he just looks at them. And I don’t find him very attractive. There’s just way too much eyebrow.

  2. Just saw the video of these pix….hmm…interesting….could be just “gay for pay” but you never know…I think it should be for Mr. Quinto to decide if and when to come out, that’s if he’s even gay…We as a society need to stop judging actors personal lives based on the roles they play and judge them on their talent.

  3. Screw the eye brows and gay or not, that man is absolutely gorgeous. plus you can always pluck his eyebrows and shit.

  4. It’s not based on the roles he has played, but on third-hand information, which does pan out sometimes. My friend’s cousin hooked up with Lance Bass years before he came out.

  5. E-man…You just proved the point I was making…..THIRD-HAND information, which does pan out SOMETIMES…If Quinto is gay, let him say so, if not, let him act in whatever role he chooses without speculating what team he plays on in his personal life. Ewan Magregor is a perfect example of this. He’s married and has children, but he has played a wide range of roles. See “Stars Wars” as well as “Pillow Book”

  6. Well, he should come out if he feels like it, and not come out if he doesn’t.
    (That said, ew. I don’t find him the least bit attractive, not from the very first time I saw him back on NoTORIous – which was a fun ass show!)

  7. Indeed. He is not an anti-gay politician, so he can do what he likes.
    But no, I was not saying that third-hand information is GOOD, just that it is better than speculation based on roles.

  8. stooopid stoooopid stooopid
    when will you realize – outing people is an aggressive vile and disgusting act. If an actor is outed by self or others see the reaction from RUPERT EVERETT. Coming out destroyed my professional career as an actor.. QUOTE
    It’s not the people who are the issue in the audience. It’s the uptight – straight anal retentive producers and casting agents that will not consider hiring a FAG for a lead romantic or dramatic role because of HIS / HER homophobic views.
    I dont’ give a damn what the audiences think or don’t think. They don’t matter at all. But when an actor is outted and their career is like RUPERT or ELLEN in her series – killed because she outted herself – or or or – we see that the kiss of death is that people won’t hire you to work. ELLEN did not dive in the ratings it was yanked by the producers and network homophobes.
    This is a non-issue. If you were going to be banned from the industry of YOUR job and blacklisted for life with a slim change of EVER returning to work at what you love to do – would you let it happen?
    But we let the assinine fantasy gossip rag writers who blow – make decisions on whom we are to out, and why – without looking at the big picture for that person and their family, and that careers aren’t broken by coming out or staying closeted.
    They are broken by the people who WILL NOT HIRE YOU and you will need a miracle to survive.
    Ellen had such a miracle. But if you want a list of the ones that will face very very hard times – say – T J KNIGHT, he’s leaving the show – and will he work again? Dubious. Due to homophobia.
    And as a very good actor – I so damn well hope I am wrong.
    History proves the point – producers and studios and network people have pulled hit shows, fired hit actors, and canned the careers of actors from
    Fatty Arbuckle – innocent of charges against manslaughter
    Ingrid Berman – black listed for having an affair while married
    (she left her husband and started a new
    relationship with a fine italian actor)
    Vannessa Redgrave – who took the Oscar for JULIA and used the
    moment on screen to protest the violation of
    human rights to Palestinians by the Isrealis.
    Booed off the stage – blacklisted for 10 years.
    And then we find out – SHE SPOKE THE TRUTH
    a decade before it was popular to criticize the
    state of Israel.
    So wake up America – oh yea of lilliputian memories – the blacklisting was not just the Mccarthy-ism of the 50s’ that destroyed careers in the hundreds – it was much much more.
    And gay is a witch hunt that will have a backlash of we will
    not see for years to come unless every male actor gay and straight and bi comes out at the same time saying
    And that would take care of it all. But that’s a fantasy that will only happen when enough mean spirited Perez Hilton’s have damaged lives and created enough bad karma for themselves that we wonder why their outing agenda is so mean spirited and destructive.
    I don’t care who you F***. Just keep being the terrific artist you are and let’s back to loving the arts for the process and the stimulation to body, mind and hearts.
    In 1969 – Trudeau (Prime Minister of Canada) said – the country of Canada has no rights to be in the bedrooms of canadians.
    This after a straight couple was charged with sodomy.
    So I say – Perez Hilton has no rights in the bedroom of anyone.
    Besides would you want to wake up to that face? Bloated with overblown self importance and a voice like broken glass on chalkboard? Bitter nasty evil people sound and look as they are.
    UGLY in spirit and eventually mind and body.
    Let it be about the art – and less about the artist. Live and let live. And wow! Did I ever freak out on the View – last friday –
    Adam outted by one of the 4 judges before HIS TIME!
    Naughty new judge, over my lap with a leather strap – girl!

  9. What with the strange obsession some guys have with insisting on letting everyone else know when they *don’t* find someone attractive? A pic is posted because many people find Zachary Quinto to be hot, so some guy feels compelled to tell us that he doesn’t. I could offer a number of explanations for this, but I’ll just leave it to you to fill in the blanks.

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