Son of Homophobic Pastor Arrested in Gay Sex Sting

Pastor Jakes

You may recognize Pastor T.D Jakes as the homophobic preacher who abhors gay marriage and has stated he would never hire a gay person. Well the hypocrisy train is coming to town! Jakes' son, Jermaine Jakes, was arrested in a gay sex sting last month it turns out.

Jakes was arrested after exposing himself to two male undercover cops, and guess what he listed as his place of employment? His father's 30,000 member strong Potters House mega-church in Dallas, TX. The Dallas Voice reports:

"According to an arrest affidavit, the detectives were conducting an
investigation into citizen complaints of sexual activity when they
observed Jakes and several other unknown males park their vehicles in
the lot east of the park at 2106 W. Kiest Blvd. The detectives followed Jakes into a wooded area, where he approached
them with his penis exposed through his unzipped pants, the affidavit
states. Jakes masturbated for several seconds while making eye contact
with one of the detectives."

So what do you guys think? Will Pastor Jakes fire his son, or is this just another case of hypocrisy on the part of homophobes like Jakes? Let me know your thoughts…

– Andy

For a video report of the incident, follow the JUMP:

71 thoughts on “Son of Homophobic Pastor Arrested in Gay Sex Sting

  1. First it was his son and not him
    second of all Bishop is no mor responsible for his son’s actions that we are
    W should stop pointing fingers and putting him on blast. It is unfortunate, it is embarrasing and there is no need to take it further less we consider all of the dirt we have done in our lives that we wouldn’t want on blast on manhunt nevermind you tube

  2. My heart goes out to Jermaine and Bishop Jakes. It is a terrible thing for a passion as strong as our sex drive to conflict with our religious convictions – and I speak from first hand experience. There are no easy answers to these questions for those of us who love our concept of God and need compassion and understanding from other Christians and Homosexuals alike. As in most cases, everyone expects you to be one or the other.

  3. A Homophob like him will no doubt send his son away and try to sweep it under the rug as fast as possible cause he could not have that kind of embarassment in his life

    did you really print this?
    what if he included words like “QUEERS” in his sermons?
    this story was pathetic–YOU should be charged with HATE SPEECH.
    this man has religious beliefts–i’m sure you do, too; get over it.

  5. GREAT POST, MANHUNT! Keep up the great work.
    WE NEED TO KEEP EXPOSING HYPOCRITES! Let them see what it feels like when the personal becomes political!

  6. “Let them see what it feels like”
    ….and you wonder why straight people
    aren’t overwhelmingly “OPEN” to homosexuals?
    you do it to yourselves.
    grow the F*K up.

  7. Hypocrites and/or their relatives caught as gay hardly qualifies as surprising news. It’s not unusual that a person’s homophobia is exasperated by their own sexuality or someone close to them. I’m just sick and tired of hearing about another cruising spot busted. How many citizen complaints does it take to send the cops running?

  8. Even though the CHICKENS have come home to ROOST! I’m sure God has given TD’s special gay son special rights because TD Jakes is special and speaking for Jesus. God approves of his bigoted hate.
    I hope this story goes on for days and exposes him for the hateful sham he is.

  9. Shame on you, Manhunt. Jermaine Jakes is responsible for his own behavior. It seems you’ve ‘convicted’ his father already for what Jermaine has done himself. You’re slinging mud the same as what you suggest TD Jakes is slinging, without even hearing a response from the man first.

  10. Thanks Manhunt. I love this blog. Love your opinion pieces and news. You guys are always on the job.
    Please give us follow up on what this prejudice bigot who claims he speaks for God, and his son are up to.
    This is precisely what the media is for!

  11. FW,
    How have they convicted Jermaine? The article is about the son and all Manhunt asked was if he was going to fire his son. I think people should read the whole entry first before making comments.

  12. We are only responsible for ourselves. The pastor can’t help what his son does; however, sometimes parents have to eat their own words when it comes to the actions of their children. As far as the son . . . he should know better than to cruise in the park…..that’s so stupid!
    Manhunt, you need to stop reveling in this matter. Although the preacher is bigoted in his opinions, there is a war going on, and we have other, more important issues to worry about……..I guess that’s why this little website is just what it is, a little website!

  13. When a man becomes a public figure his life and that of his family become open to public scrutiny. When that scrutiny exposes disconnect between what he preaches and what affects many people then that issue is not private information. He cannot seek publicity only for what he wants and then hide. As to his son, I believe that he is responsible for his own notoriety. You cannot expect shelter in an organization that seeks to harm many people.

  14. It’s still a sin, and abnormal behavior period. It doesn’t matter whether you enjoy it or not. T.D. Jakes is correct, and the rest of us are having abnormal, perverted sex. We can’t stand for anyone to tell us we’re sinning & we’re wrong. That’s all there is to it. This isn’t a story, it just shows you that sin can impact anyone and everyone…..and everywhere.

  15. To everyone that’s like… “Oh it’s embarrassing… don’t judge him for the actions of his son.”
    MF’er talked crap all this time and now Fate/God is throwing a case of reality in his face so that maybe he learns something out of it. Like “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” I’m not saying he’s a bad man. Or a good man. Just an MF’er. LoL

  16. I guess people think it’s ok when TD Jakes is preaching his bigot homophobic hate, but he should be protected when his own son is exposing himself. Sure sure LMAO!
    Great post Manhunt.

  17. Its not bigoted homophobic hate, its preaching against sin dummy. SIN….as in you & I shouldn’t be doing it…

  18. First time on this blog, it was a RT from Twitter.
    It’s very good when things like this happen because T.D. Jakes really needs to eat his words.
    I only feel bad for his son who had that hateful bigot for a Father. I don’t think bigots who preach hate in the name of God are “good people.” They are the abominations and will one day pay for their sins.
    Perhaps it was subconscious on his sons part. God hates ugly.

  19. Hee, funny. Reading some of these “this story is wrong!” posts, it looks like some “unexpected guests” have happened upon this blog somehow. What a riot.

  20. lol Matt. The “I’m a sinner and so are you” posts are even funnier. I laughed so hard I woke up my partner.

  21. Hate is hate. Using God to justify hate is the real sin. TD Jakes doesn’t have a problem prostituting himself when he’s profiting from hate, I think it’s great people are blogging about this.

  22. when it come to a persons sexuality, its no ones business but their own, but this so do as i say and not as i do,,,this minister preaches, and condemns on a daily basis, hell his son was probably scared to come out to him…did anyone see the movie PRAYERS FOR BOBBY,,,COMPARE???????

  23. I’m sure if this kid gets fired by his dad he can find a lot of “outside” work
    let’s hope his dad learns how to glorify diversity through this experience

  24. Don’t you love when people come to YOUR blog and tell you what you can or cannot say, like they are your parents. “You need to stop this or that”
    Tell them to take their Geritol and go back to bed. Just because they are too cowardly to speak they want to silence those who do have the courage to. This isn’t China yet, I believe one has the right to blog about whatever they want on their own blog. Whoever doesn’t like it, is free to get to steppin. There was nothing out of order about this post, it was a perfectly informative and entertaining, exactly what a blog is supposed to be. If you don’t like it, go call T.D. Jakes church and bitch about it to them, be prepared to give him all your money. Bigot T.D. LOVES the dolla dolla bill yall.

  25. Wow – I find this to be great. The man constantly preaches that gays have no worth to him or anyone else and that they are a plague left over from the old testament. I wonder how long it will take for him to double back on his words. Maybe he will be able to look past this, but I doubt it. He will never own up to having a son involved int the situation, “it was a misunderstanding” or “a wide stance” issue. My guess is he will call Jesse Jackson and see what help he can offer, you know it pays to have friends in high places in the government and I am sure he does.

  26. Please, Mr. Johnson, you need serious mental therapy. I hope you find it because your personal conflicts will not lead to your happiness in this life.

  27. TD spreads his bigotry and should have been shamed long before this ever happened but isn’t it sweet when hypocrites have things like this happen completely out of their control?
    Karma’s a bitch baby!
    Eat Crow TD!

  28. Um, why are heteros (and I don’t mean guys who are gay and not yet willing to admit it) on this site? I hope “Robert Johnson” and the other alleged breeders are students at BYU or Oral Roberts, since even visiting a site like this would get them kicked the fuck out.
    Wait, to be students at schools of even that caliber requires the ability to learn. So, never mind.

  29. It appears that some who have posted are homosexual but still think it is a sin. Get over it! It is how God made you (assuming you believe in God.) Jesus said nothing about homosexuality, it was Paul, but mostly Old Testament stuff which people have not interpreted correctly. Having a relative who is gay sometimes helps the bigot to understand. On the other hand it might cause someone like Jakes to fire and disown his own son, which would be sad. Let’s hope love wins.

  30. Im sorry the son got busted for rubbing one out in the woods. However I do believe that “what goes around comes around” for the bible thumping dad.
    Luke 17:34
    “I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.”
    To me that implies that ones sexuality has no bearing on wons eternity.

  31. Not that it matters at all, but it’s pretty childish for Manhunt to equate the preacher’s son with the preacher’s hate. The guy may be his son, but that doesn’t mean he needs to be castigated here in order to get to the Pastor Jakes. It’s a bit pithy, if you ask me. Now, if it was the Pastor Jakes? Print that shit.
    Until then, I think this Manhunt daily thing is a bit too femme and gossipy for a site with that kind of name.

  32. I recently replied to a local papers article about people against gay marriage. She was Afro-American. I said to her “Good thing this wasn’t the 1950’s or you would not even be ALLOWED to reply” Point being, this pastor is black. 50 years ago, he had no rights also. Times change.. many in 50 more years, people’s beliefs will be more friendly and accpeting of the Gay Lifestyle..

  33. This is definitely a very sad time for Paster Jakes. But, I do put blame on him and all the parents of G.L.B.T people who are treated differently then there straight siblings. If gay relationships are not recognized, or celebrated with the same loving approval as straight relationships, then where else does Paster Jakes expect his son to seek out basis human intimacy. Until the Paster is able to accept a standard of family-oriented gay relationships, then the parks, bathhouses, and other cruising areas will always flourish for those seeking the only places left to find the intimacy that should be have been available in the vows of a marriage commitment.

  34. I find this quite amusing to say they are homophobeic and then the expose themselves to cops how dishonest they are being to their congeration and ultamately to themselves

  35. The whole world will learn some lessons here. We’d all be wise to show Empathy, towards the Father and the Son. But that wont happen will it! I wish homosexual Men were smart enough to Unite and be Proactive about Equal Rights Not Just Taking every opportunity to Jab our Neighbors.
    In only 2 States are there Equal Rights for any of US!
    Fuck that’s Pathetic!

  36. I like this story, Im not here to judge, but now Pastor TD has to adjust his sermon, what goes around comes around. You go Pastor, dont preach what you dont practice… All religious leadears are the worst when it comes to morality.

  37. Some of the above posts show just how fucked up some of the people are on Manhunt, especially the guys on here who claim to be “straight”. Yeah, right. The Bishop is a homophobe so I hope he’s duly embarrassed by his son’s arrest. Maybe if his dad’s bigotry didn’t push the kid so far in the closet he wouldn’t have felt the need to cruise in a park like being gay is something he has to hide. The sooner everyone comes out and lives a life of honesty, the better it will be.

  38. Edgar Alan Po: As an employee of his father’s church and a supporter, it’s reasonable and rational to equate the Pastor’s hate with that of his son.
    As for pithy? If by pithy you mean “meaningful” then yes, the story is pithy, timely, an illustrative. Don’t try to cut the son loose from the Pastor’s public reputation– if they’ve been preaching hate together, they can take the shame of being exposed as hypocrites and liars together.
    Furthermore, to say this “Manhunt daily thing is a bit too femme and gossipy” is blatantly homophobic. The story made the CBS11 10 o’clock news.
    They’re hypocrites and hate mongers. Own it.

  39. Totatlly agree with Wally. This story is very worthy and is exactly the kind of thinkg i LOVE when hypocrites get caught and embarrased, because thats what they deserve for being haters. I personally enjoy this blog alot, most of the time…

  40. We are not to judge for we shall be judge as well, that is the job of our Creator. I wonder what is going to happen to his son now that all is out in the open to pubic view. Is he going to be a forgiving father that his religion teaches him to be or is he going to lash againts his son. That will be very interesting to see. All this big religious figures and their families being exposed, love it. Like they say , you cannot cover the sun with your hand, and be ware cause when you spit up in the air, the spit might end up right on your face. The house had a glass roof after all.

  41. I like all the comments about this being in public view and exposed. Just like his son’s uh.. well you know. The guy was indiscriminately jerkin it in a public park. I don’t care if he likes guys, girls, or pink elephants… that’s not right. Has nothing to do with it being a gay thing. The gay part just makes it ironic, and a little sad. Maybe if daddy wasn’t so intolerant, junior wouldn’t be tramping around the woods in a park for some play.


  43. I think the lesson to learn here is that the son felt compelled to act out his sexual desires in a public park. Gay people are not encouraged (or lawfully allowed) to develop relationships with other men in the way that straight people are encouraged from childhood. If gays had the same rights as straights then I think you would see less of this. Pastor Jakes is spreading doubt and self loathing in a very public venue and for that reason his public life as it pertains to this subject should not be off limits. We are all affected by this kind of retoric.

  44. people upset with Manhunt for airing this news story are ridiculous. Of course its fair to point out the irony of a man who castigates gays, who publicly declares that he doesnt want them around to have to come to grips with having a at least a gay curious son.

  45. Organized religion equals corruption. People are much better off being spiriutal and finding their divinity within themselves. For me, pastor Jakes is another example of a person who uses religion to pander to people’s fears for profit and fame. Most people don’t understand that homosexulaity is not a choice. Some people are genetically programmed in varing degrees towards homosexuality. What people don’t understand, they fear. The pastor is taking advantage of that fear for his own purposes in the name of God. If he was a man of God, he would preach acceptance rather than bigotry. For those people that think that homosexuality is still a choice and that the pastor is not responsible for his son’s actions….then would you not think that this pastor failed his son and therefore unqualified to preach to a congregation?

  46. This posting on Manhunt is baffling. As the first person to post noted, it was not the Pastor busted, but his son. If any “hypocrisy” is involved, it’s not apparent in the facts of the news report. Of what value is it for Manhunt (or any person or organization) to delight that one person’s a)sexuality b)mode of conduct– causes embarrassment to a parent?
    This Manhunt news report may spur discussion and activity on this board, but why draw from the same ridicule and “Shame on you” perspective as the broadcast media. No angle on the practice of “Police Stings” or editorial comment of their value? Or does Manhunt agree and apparently delight in the belief that if a person is gay, they do not belong in a church?
    Fukn lousy values in play, Manhunt.

  47. Pissed off, part 2:
    The current “Manhunt Blog” passes on the delight of CBS News in a “Police Sting”
    Why post this? Manhunt takes the same shocked delight at the catch?
    No other perspective offered to consider for discussion other than “caught a big guilty fish?” Doesn’t it occur to Manhunt to spur a discussion on how gay people are still hunted objects?
    If this is Manhunt’s position, Don’t just pass along the news Manhunt, help them out: Contact CBS News and tell them, “You want queers? We Got ‘Em!”
    Some years back I heard Harry Hay speak; one of the points he made was (grossly paraphrased) that over history, as well as societal hatred of homosexuals, it was more efficient to teach homosexuals to hate themselves first.
    (*again: gross paraphrase from a brilliant speech)
    Much of the confused discussion posted here indicates “lesson well learned.”
    I don’t think it’s wrong for Manhunt to relay the information, but it is a gross fault not to frame a discussion outside of the basic public ridicule of gay people it that this police activity and this news item endorses.
    Fed Up.

  48. hey RJ, where did mh do that? they did no such thing, they relayed it and asked about the father’s homophobic record. bitches always complainin bout something, terribly irritating

  49. Well, all that stuff aside, did anyone notice how the news story completely failed to be clear that it was a homosexual encounter? They said “and other men”, but the gender of the officer wasn’t mentioned, and the one that was interviewed was female, implying that he could have been after a woman.
    It seems like CBS has some higher-ups who might be fans of Jakes, and don’t even if they have to report the story, don’t want to get into any of the more “embarrassing” details – quite a disgusting editorial poilicy, in my view.

  50. This not a case of hypocricy as it is irony and poetic justice. I certainly hope this causes no embarrassment to the pastor. I hope it changes his viewpoint on humanity (and his son) – to love unconditionally. He has no right to call himself a Christian.

  51. Why are we Americans so repressive about sexuality in general? We are all creations of ‘IT’, a first hand miracle in which we have somewhat a hand (or a P and a V in most cases of procreation). The story tells of NO rape or forced battery upon anyone, and NO children. The vice ‘followed’ him into the wooded area. Society has pushed the unfortunate ‘closet-cases’ and many of us who aren’t in the closet to seek such common-place grounds to find sexual expression with others of the same interests. You certainly have no ‘legal’, safe public venue to ‘meAt & greet’ not even in gay clubs/baths without worry of vice stings. Our Gov’t and States have found a way to criminalize & profit from a very natural instinctual emotion of sexual release which has proven to be mentally and physically very healthy. The Religious Right(or Wrong) won’t believe that God created ‘us’ as we are and have a huge hand in criminalizing all of us and exploiting that side of us…there are plenty of ‘us’ who medicate, nurse, counsel, feed, clothe, house, build schools, console, etc. the less fortunate community and THAT is never the headline news. Where are the stories (aside from JSwaggert and the N.O. hooker)about ALL the hetero officials who also encounter and ingage public sexuality…bars, parks, p-lots, etc. The high dollar call girls get busted from time to time but how many of their high dollar male or female ‘callers’ get called out? I have seen hetero sex in restaurants AT the tables, airplanes, public restrooms, park benches, hotel lobbies, parking garages, and on and on with complete immunity or the occasional ‘you kids move on from here’ po-po responce. They are not arrested and publicized with great humiliation!!!
    The ‘phobic’ message that ALL closeminded, scared-of-sex-rightwingers fuel and encourage represses, depresses, antagonizes, criminalizes, and disowns us to the point of shame that many become alcoholics, druggies, and many even commit suicide. The poor guy just wanted to get off in the woods with another human being (as millions of other people do)… why is that soooooo wrong & taboo? Being in nature brings out a most natural urge of God’s greatest pleasure to the animal kingdom- SEX. Why does that, from which we have been conceived, have to be BAD & a crime?…easy $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is the answer. Shouldn’t we be more concerned about the murders, rape, kidnapping, theft, vandalizing, illegals, tax dollars spent on the greed of banks, auto ind., and Capitol hill-mongers, and less concerned about someone jacking off?

  52. I think the father deserves this embarrassment and I feel bad for the son because it’s thinking there’s no place for you that leads so many guys to be on the “down low”. Black churches are often among the worst although they are not the only ones. The father is a homophobe–it’s not like he keeps his opinions to himself. Parents’ attitudes -do- screw a lot of GLBT people up, and I think the father does deserve to be called out on this. He has to deal and if he believes in the -love- of Jesus, he should live it.

  53. This story, and the judgmental posts following it are the true examples of hypocrisy. Shame on Manhunt for encouraging this hatefulness. Gays and lesbians are so quick to accuse others of being intolerant and full of hate, but given the first opportunity to show compassion, they expose themselves as the hate-filled puss sacks they are.
    People of faith, particularly Christians, try to live their lives by a set of principles, knowing that no human being could ever be perfect. In fact, among the key guiding tenants of Christianity are forgiveness and redemption.
    As a non-Christian gay male, I can never reconcile my beliefs with those taught in most churches, but this does not give me license to rejoice in the downfall and pain of those I don’t agree with. To do so would make me the true hypocrite and hatemonger.

  54. this story is very unseemly. I expect this kind of thing from the gossip rags but not from the gay community. the victim of this story is the young man who must be terribly humilated to be outed this way. how about a little respect for the privacy of this young man.
    and you don’t even know if there is hypocrisy here. how many young men are abandoned by their families when they come out.

  55. If he knew his son is gay and let him work in the church while saying he would never do that…who cares? It’s his son. Don’t you think it’s hard enough to deal with being the gay son of a minister without the rest of the gay world jumping on to look? What does the boy being gay have to do with the father? Their relationship is none of your business. Too bad the son was outed by this type of incident. We all make mistakes and often have to pay for them. He’ll have to deal with this and figure out where to go from here. As for daddy dearest…he’ll make the son ‘invisible’ by trying to send him off to homo rehab. Then the son will have been ‘cured’. Back into the closet he goes…

  56. “Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) It is so sad to me that so many people revel in what is probably the worst time in this mans life. And only so that they can point the finger at his father. For those of you that have no idea, children are brought up in Christianity and taught things that they can never dismiss from their minds, try as they might. That man has been in agony his whole life, only to have it all flashed across the internet and papers. He is now faced with being true to his God and family or being true to himself. Something that some of you will NEVER understand. Take a moment and empathize with him and then send up good thoughts for him, because this is the point where alot of people contemplate suicide as their only way out. Take it from one who knows.
    It is not hypocritical to love God. And we are ALL a part of things that we do not fully support (i.e. government, religion,school), whether with our most secret of thoughts or with our actions. You have no idea how Jakes’ son viewed his fathers opinion of homosexuality, so calling him a hypocrite is judgmental and turncoat. Jermaine never asked for his father to be a world renowned teacher of christianity. And i guarantee he never asked to be gay/bi. He was never given the option to not be closeted, less he ruin the lives of his entire family, and the faith of thousands. He was dealing with the cards he was dealt, in the most human way he could. However flawed it might have been.
    Think about it. And please refrain from crucifying your own to see the red in the faces of those closest to them. 🙂

  57. I believe in freedom of speech but I cannot believe that anyone on Manhunt is feeling sorrow for this family. Did this adult not know that this behavior is only only inappropriate, illegal and reflects poorly on all gays?
    I look forward to the Pastors defense of his son. I am sure it will be entertaining to say the least.
    Now that his son is an outed gay sex offender lets see if Dad changes his tune about gays?
    I look forward to seeing his picture on the sex offender registry unless Dad pulls some strings and gets it taken off. I am sure we will see politics working here and he will not be on the sex offenders list or even prosecuted.
    Great reporting Manhunt and I will be posting this in a few places myself.

  58. Ok- time for another general stereotype comment here…. But I feel in general it points to the black community as being very gay racist. Ever see Chris Rock? Def Comedy, Bad Boys of Comedy? All these shows equate gay with either catholic hate or using the word faggot to equate stupidity. It’s time to really boycott and take a stand against hate wherever it occurs. This is just another example of people not understanding that gay=genetic just like black or blue-eyed, it is genetic and so any slam against gay is the same as being racist. Being against black, asian, blue-eyed, short, red haired or any number of genetic traits would be the same thing.

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