Rupert Everett is Tired of ‘Awful Middle-Class Queens’

Rupert Everett
Gay actor Rupert Everett spoke with the Daily Beast about his Broadway debut in Blithe Spirit, and well… he had a few other things to say as well. For starters, the outspoken star isn't too crazy about gay parents taking the surrogacy route.
"I think this surrogacy thing is crap," Everett told the Beast. "It is utterly hideous. I think it’s egocentric and vain…If I did have the impulse to be a parent, I would adopt—or foster. But this whole thing of forcing the idea of parenthood on us gay men is so bogus. Marriage? Babies? Please. I want to be illegal. I want to live outside the mainstream…These awful middle-class queens—which is what the gay movement has become—are so tiresome. It’s all Abercrombie & Fitch and strollers." To each his own…
In other news, Rupert also thinks that Graydon Carter, the Editor-in-Chief of Vanity Fair, is "a very good fuck".
– Dewitt

8 thoughts on “Rupert Everett is Tired of ‘Awful Middle-Class Queens’

  1. Thank You Rupert Everett! finally, someone who articulates what gays like myself feel. I’m tired of the mainstreaming of gayness to make it palatable for everyone.

  2. Whatever. I don’t give a shit about making “gay” palatable to the mainstream, but I DO want it to be legal, and unencumbered by discriminatory laws. I have absolutely no desire for children, but I’d love to have a “real” partner, and to be able to get married [gasp] if that’s what we choose! This “I wanna be an illegal bad boy” attitude isn’t exclusive to gay men – most str8 men would live this way if only society would let them.

  3. To Rupert and Frank S.- How very helpful for the cause of getting gay marriage recognized throughout the country. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but being a rather well-known personality, doesn’t Mr. Everett realize that he may be helping to sign the death warrant for the equal marriage rights movement just because he, personally, doesn’t think it’s for him? And as far as “mainstreaming” gay folks- what the heck is wrong with having the same rights and being able to do the same things, legally, as everyone else. The gay rights movement was born in response to bad treatment by the police in New York at Stonewall in 1969- isn’t it about time that we shouldn’t have to put up with that crap anymore just because we want to be ourselves? If the Mssrs. Everett and Frank S. wish to be “outlaws” and “outside the mainstream”, good for them- but how dare they assume they have the right to pass judgment on the rest of the gay community in this country just to get THEIR way? Gayness doesn’t have to be “palatable” for everyone- but ALL folks, gay or straight (note the lack of abbreviation) should have the right to be able to marry the one they love and care for (and NO, that doesn’t mean I think that “dirty old men” should be allowed to have sexual relations with kids under the legal age in their state, nor should anyone have the right to marry their horse or dog or any other animal, or their close relatives).

  4. he sounds like a typical catty gay man, ‘these awful queens’!? What a thing to say. I don’t have a problem with his point of view, just the way he expresses it, though I also don’t agree with him, if gays want to be ‘middle class’ families, why not let them… who cares, to each his own.

  5. and why does Mr. Everett think that marriage is being forced on anyone? I have married twice since the laws were adjusted here in Massachusetts-once to my partner of 18 years, whom I lost to pancreatic cancer 9 months after the ceremony, and then again to my current husband in 2006. Neither my first partner or I wanted to marry to have or adopt children, and my current husband already has had 4 when he was married to a woman, so we have no plans for any children either. This is NOT the reason we wanted the right to marry- but there are certain rights and protections that were unavailable to us as gay men, even when partnered a long time, which should be available for any two people if they choose a life together (note exceptions in previous post), and which were not available to us until the 2003 court decision making it legal to marry here, or the recent decision in IOWA, pf all places- who’d a thunk it? So those gay folk who don’t want to marry, DON’T- but DON’T try to ruin it for those who do. If you want to be basically a second class citizen the rest of your life, then get on the next Carnival Cruise heading off to that secret island out there where the fundamentalists would like to send all gays, and live THERE the rest of your lives.

  6. So just because this miserable queen doesn’t want children or marriage, he thinks it should be denied to everyone? What an unthinking boor he is. A whole class of people who just want to love who they love without repurcussions and yes, have children, should not be permitted to do so because he was a prostitute and liked it??? Give me a break. Is EVERYONE who wants a child egocentric and vain? Rupert, if there were such a thing as retroactive abortion, I’d nominate your mother for one.

  7. As if being an actor isn’t “egocentric and vain” Does anyone care about this guy anymore? What an asshole, he thinks his opinion matters because he’s upper-class and famous. Well fuck him.

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