RuPaul’s Drag Race: RuPaul’s Hair Extravaganza

Get ready to wig out, because shit went down on last night’s episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race. The five remaining queens competed in a hair show with three distinct looks–classic, modern red carpet and fantasy extravaganza. Of course, this wouldn’t be a reality TV competition without a surprise twist! As they were preparing for the challenge, Ru announced that they also had to assemble a runway look made entirely out of hair.

And that wasn’t even the biggest twist of last night’s show! We don’t want to spoil any of the details, so you’ll have to click through to find out what we’re talking about. Let’s just say the next episode is going to be very interesting…

– Dewitt

To watch this episode and check out the rankings, follow the JUMP:


CATCH UP: Episode 2 – The Queen Who Mopped XMas, Episode 3 – Queens In Space, Episode 4 -Totally Leotarded, Episode 5 – QNN News, Episode 6 -The Snatch Game, Episode 7 – Face, Face, Face of Cakes, Episode 8 – Ru Ha Ha, Episode 9 – Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Style, Episode 10 – Rupaul-a-Palooza


1. YARA SOFIA (LW – 3, Winner): As soon as Yara Sofia walked out onto the runway with her fantasy look, my immediate thought was Edward Scissorhands. This “Hoe of Whoville” style easily pushed her over the edge as this week’s winner. How did she even keep that piece on her head?

2. RAJA (LW – 1): Tullegate aside, we were really feeling Raja on this particular episode! Of course, she lost us a bit on the modern red carpet look. While we absolutely love that she selected Janice from the Muppets as her inspiration, it just wasn’t the time or the place for “rock and roll”.

On a completely different note, we’re still not sure how we feel about Raja’s sense of humor. There are times when her quick comebacks work, like when Fantasia Barrino complimented her legs and she said, “They’re wood, by the way”. Then there are times when she jokes about crabs in her panties. Yikes.

3. MANILA LUZON (LW – 2): Oh, Manila! You almost got it right! If you moved the Audrey Hepburn-inspired style to the classic category and took the lovely piece above to the fantasy round, we would have been all over your fabulousness. With that said, we really loved your bee outfit, so we’re totally conflicted. Gay dilemmas!

4. ALEXIS MATEO (LW – 4, Chante, You Stay): We were going to jump out our window if Alexis said “BAM” or “sickening” one more time in this episode. Her fantasy design was actually pretty good, in a “this outfit could have appeared in the live-action Bratz movie” kind of way. Everything else was relatively lackluster, and we agree with Michelle Visage that she needs to work on her padding.

5. SHANGELA (LW – 5, Sashay Away): This feels like a very amicable break-up. Overall, we really like Shangela, but it’s clear that she still doesn’t have what it takes to win this competition. The inspiration for her classic look was questionable, her red carpet hairdo looked like a bad Wendy Williams wig and those styrofoam cones were more “craft store” than warrior princess. Plus, when she was sitting backstage, it literally looked like she was sitting on her unkempt, straightened-out pubes. Not pretty!



RuPaul has called on judges Michelle Visage, Billy B and Santino Rice to consult with one another and bring one eliminated contestant back into the competition. Here are our guesses, in order of most likely to least likely. Or something like that.

  1. MARIAH: When we ponder on who went home too early (which we often do), Mariah is the first name that comes to mind. Sure, she’s frigid and seemingly incapable of anything that vaguely resembles humor… But that bitch was fierce on the runway.
  2. VENUS D-LITE / PHOENIX: Wait, who? These were the first two queens eliminated this season, and we hardly got a chance to know either of them. If the whole purpose of this stunt is to bring back someone who didn’t get a chance to prove herself, you can bet your sequinned dildo that one of these ladies will be prancing back in.
  3. STACY LAYNE MATTHEWS: The big girls proved that they were a force to be reckoned with this season. Some might argue that Stacy Layne Matthews stayed around too long. Others might argue that she wasn’t given a fair chance, given her larger frame. Will the judges give her a second chance?
  4. CARMEN CARRERA: For reasons unbeknownst to us, this seems to be a fan favorite for who they should bring back. We get it! She’s fucking pretty. But that doesn’t mean she deserves another opportunity to be a mediocre drag queen. On the other hand, it wouldn’t take much for the producers to tell Carmen to stay on location for another week… And Michelle Visage is kind of in love with her. You saw how she cried when she got kicked off, right?
  5. MIMI IMFURST: Only if they really want to fuck with us. No shade, but Mimi will probably go down in history as the most annoying Drag Race contestant ever. We get the feeling that she’s really not as bad as the editing made her out to be. Even so, people will be pissed if this happens…
  6. DELTA WORK: We’re skeptical about this one. Delta was so worn out by the time she got eliminated, we can’t imagine that she’d ever agree to come back on the show. Plus, a Heathers reunion would be a bit too much, don’t you think?
  7. INDIA FERRAH: On that note, we’re not sure why we’re so skeptical about this one. India Ferrah didn’t leave much of an impression on us, and she had plenty of time to establish herself within the competition. We’ve said this before, but we’ll say it again… All we can remember about her are two things–left boob, right boob.
  8. SHANGELA LAQUIFA WADLEY: This would just be cruel. But, um, third time’s the charm?

15 thoughts on “RuPaul’s Drag Race: RuPaul’s Hair Extravaganza

  1. I just don’t understand at all how Manja (Raja) can still be there…He isn’t any kind of drag queen…everytime he opens his mouth, his balls fall out. Sure he can be FIERCE (ugh) and don’t give me that “he’s an ILLUSIONIST” crap.
    great episode though!
    I can’t wait until next monday to put the bass in my walk!

  2. I kinda want Shangela to come back, if only to see Raja’s head explode. C U next Tuesday…

  3. did shangela have to lip sync for her life against the sewing machine i quess the sewing machine was better

  4. the ranking of queens to bring back is right on point. would love for them to bring back mariah because she is clearly talented, professional (re: a bit humor-less) and stomps a runway.

  5. does anyone else find Santino Rice really hot? Sounds like an edition of secret sex

  6. My guess is that aren’t bringing someone back to be a competitor but they are bringing someone back sort of how other reality shows bring former contestants to assist or judge the contenders. It’s all to keep up watching.

  7. LOGO use to be a great cable channel. Now all that seems to be on during prime time is RuPaul’s drag race. That sucks.

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