Roseanne Tears Chris Brown A New One


Chris Brown proved that he's not only a cowardly wife beater but also an insincere rat. He issued this statement regarding his assault on girlfriend Rihanna:

"Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what
transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and
other loved ones and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a
better person."

He calls that remorse? He doesn't own up to anything!

When Roseanne heard the "apology," she lashed out on her blog:

"Chris Brown's lies and excuses make me want to beat the crap out of him…he uses the language of the
perpetrator just like every sleazy bastard who ever smacked his wife,
kid mother or girlfriend around uses. you dirty bastard, I hope you go
to prison for ten years. IT'S YOUR FAULT, ASSHOLE! as for all the mealy
mouthed hollywood and music scene chicks that can't bring themselves to
condemn a misogynistic bully, let me say this: your time as whores for
propaganda is ending, bitches."

– Wilbur

Photo Credit: Flickr

9 thoughts on “Roseanne Tears Chris Brown A New One

  1. Haha, brilliant! About time someone said it! Unlikely he’ll be sent to prison though. He’ll probably just get some community service and that will be it. Celebs always get away with this kind of shit.

  2. Roseanne is the BIGGEST liar and fake in the country, she used the charge of abuse when she alienated herself from her family and then even that idiot Tom Arnold, Come on over Roseanne, I’ll bitch slap you my self you lard ass big mouth, Mind your own business, shut that pie hole of yours and cram it full of sweet carbs , bitch!

  3. I applaud her for being the only one to come out and say “HITTING A WOMAN IS WRONG”.
    Everyone else seems to be tip-toeing around the issue, trying not to ruffle any feathers, so it’s nice to hear someone with some balls (albeit a woman) say what should be said!

  4. I still wonder if Rihanna didn’t start the physical altercation. Of course he can’t come out and say so if she did, no one believes male victims of female abusers, especially celebs.
    If she started it, that would explain her initial reluctance to press charges, and why he is sorry for “what transpired” rather than “what [he] did”.
    Of course, whoever started it, physical abuse is a horrible thing, and if it was him, I hope he pays for it.( And if it was her, I hope she pays for it, though that seems less likely.)
    And Marcus, “HITTING A WOMAN IS WRONG” is an incredibly sexist attitude to take. Acts of violence towards ANYONE, regardless of sx or gender, are wrong; the only exception is reactive measures taken to protect yourself or others from harm when absolutely necessary.

  5. First of all, you can call it sexist and whatnot, but I call it being a gentleman and chivalrous. I was raised to believe that, and find it to be 100% true. It’s a proven fact that men are naturally stronger than women, so hitting one is just a cowardly act in it of itself.
    Secondly, I believe physical violence against anyone regardless is wrong as well, and I was just applying it to the situation, so get off your high horse!

  6. Yes, “chivalry” when applied to one sex like that is inherently sexist and disgusting. So get off your own damn high horse and lie in a mud puddle for some woman to walk over you if that’s what floats yer boat.

  7. Like the roseanne show and like her style of comedy, but she’s missed the mark bigtime on this one.
    There are only TWO people in this world who know EXACTLY what happened in their relationship and they are Rihanna and Chris.
    He had to use that language because there might be a court trial in the future and it would hurt his case to admit guilt. If you ask me, it was a politically savvy move on chris’ part.
    Look, we dont know what other factours are involved in this case. As far as we know, she could have been hitting him the entire relationship. They are young stars under alot of pressure so we don’t know what they are facing and really shouldn’t pass judgement on them…
    We haven’t even seen rihanna so we don’t know how bad the “assault” really was…

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