People are always surprised when I tell them I wake up around 4:30 every morning. Upon hearing this from an outside perspective, you might jump to conclusions that I’m incredibly high maintenance—one of those people who spends two hours styling his hair. Not at all! My morning routine goes a little something like this…
Alarm goes off. Hit snooze button, return to bed for fifteen minutes. Alarm goes off again. Proceed to roll out of bed, stumble around for clothes to cover my naked body. Walk dogs. Feed dogs and cats. If time permits, feed self and put breakfast all up in my face. Shower, brush my teeth and all that hygienic jazz. Kiss my boo goodbye and walk to train station. Continue forward to Manhunt headquarters. Arrive and imbibe multiple cups of coffee.
Exciting, right? There may be an occasional wake-up wank in the shower, but that’s the general gist of how I begin each day. How about you? Care to indulge me with this kind-of-lame question? If not, you can just discreetly touch yourself to these pictures of Australian model Daniel Garofali. I won’t blame you.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Mitch Fong
To check out more pictures of Daniel Garofali, follow the JUMP:
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Wake up and 6, use the facilities, shower(shampoo, scrub, shave the southern area, maybe wank), brush teeth, shave face, deodorant/cologne, robe, grab cup of coffee, and egg-white something, read front page of paper, get dressed, do hair, freshen up look/cologne(depending) ;eave the house by 8 for work. Very robotic and there are days i thing I do the first 3 or 4 steps on auto pilot.
I wake up at 4:00 every morning, hop in the shower for a quick wet down, shave and sometimes a wank with my vibrator, start the coffee, take my vitamins, check my e-mails, get dressed, pack my lunch and I’m out the door for my 15 minute drive to work. Not exciting but at least I know what I’m doing every day..except weekends..those are up for grabs!
Before I had a job : Wake up whenever, brush teeth, get dressed, day dream, check messages, answer the ones i feel like and then do whatever.
After I got a job: wake up, brush teeth, change clothes, race to work, clock in.
I get up when the pills wear off, or at 9:30 when I work the “morning” shift. I shake my head and groan loudly. Bathroom, then caffeine, usually some sort of Coco-Cola product. Shave if I need to/have time. Watch a little Roseanne, water the cats, dress and jump out the door with my iPod in.
If I work an afternoon or evening shift, it changes quite a bit.
I get up at 5am. Putz around the apartment for 20/30 minutes, to make sure I am really awake. Which means checking the overnight emails, surf the web, manhunt, a few other sites. Then after being awake awhile make/pack lunch, take my vitamins. Hit the bathroom for the 3 “s”s. Out the door at 6am for the 30 minute drive to the gym. Leave the gym around 8, hit starbucks and then the rest of the drive to work.
Depends on when I’m working specifically, but the general gist is:
Wake up
Get up 15 minutes later
Morning bathroom use
Oral hygiene
Shower (includes shave on Sundays and Thursdays)
Get dressed
Run downstairs, eat breakfast, and head out for work.
Alarm goes off. Hit snooze for an hour (this drives overnight guests crazy, but I feel like I get more rest in that hour than I did all night). Wake ‘n bake and/or jerk off. Shower and get dressed. Get to work at least 15 minutes late.
You have a boo Dewitt, aww darn 😉
Anyway, sleep in as long as possible, literally wake up at last minute, be sad I don’t have time to tame the beast that is my morning wood, clothes, face washing, brushed teeth, exit. Continue having wood and now realize you have an empty stomach too.
I’m so bad at mornings…
Wake up at 6…snooze button once or thrice…take shower get dressed…check email and leave for work.
Now if my boo stays over of if I’m at his place…he fool around for bit and take a shower together : )
wake up at quarter to 7 in the morning roll around in bed, turn the tv on for morning news or whatso ever… stretch while still in bed, either I’m half naked or seeing my morning glory as always … once awake I get up check emails… for awhile then… feed myself and by 8 to 830 I prep for work either a bit of porn action / wank … then by 9 I’m off to my work…
when i was at work it use to be up an hour b4 my shift started, be it 7am or 10 am, turn TV to some music channel, then shower (with a cheeky wank) then shave and dress then race off to work n make a cup of tea once there 😀 nothing got done til i had my tea n a cig 😀
but now im off, its a case of up whenever, turn on the music and then some tea b4 going on the laptop to check mail/facebook/manhunt daily… then maybe think of a shower… got to love lazy days off 😀
Theres wake up at 10am, find advil to stop the hangover, have a wank maybe, 11am get out of bed, find pants, turn music as loud as possible, take pants off go for a swim, shower, teeth, washface, pants and trousers
Theres wake up at 7am, teeth, shower, wash face, 730, shirt, socks, pants, trousers, college for 8
Wake at 7, snooze a few times. Get up, smoke a cig and have some soda. Hop in the shower, get dressed, get my shit together. Pack a lunch, then drive to school and clock in by 8:30.
Wake up
Wait for morning wood to go down
Eat breakfast and Watch TV
Shower/jerk it
Get ready
School or work
and that’s my morning nothing too exciting
7am, waking up in the morning. Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs, gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal. Seein’ everything, the time is goin’, tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin’… Gotta get down to the bus stop, gotta catch my bus. I see my friends kickin’ in the front seat, sittin’ in the back seat, gotta make my mind up: which seat can I take?
Totally depends on what time I work (got to love working at a hotel). But it goes somewhat like this:
-Alarm goes off. Hit snooze for 10 mins.
-Get out of bed.
-Boil kettle while using the washroom.
-Coffee while watching the news.
-Do 20mins of exercise (or go for run).
-Shower (shave, wank, wash self etc).
-Get dressed.
-Eat breakfast. Make lunch.
-Leave for my 15min walk to work.
I wake up when my alarm goes off then I slowly jack off my 8.5 inch dick, then I get out of bed with the cum still dripping off my dick and then I go and brush my teet, then I jump in the shower and use 1 out of my 5 dildos on my ass, then I get out lay on my bed again get on the net and look at some HOT guys while jacking off again then I put my cloths on and head out the door to start my day. The joys of living alone!!!!!
Well, I wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy and then I put my glasses on before I’m out the door – I’m gonna hit the city. Before I leave I brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack, because when I leave for the night, I ain’t coming back.
The joys of being Ke$ha!
stumble into kitchen
switch on espresso machine
smoke a marlboro
make espresso
drink espresso
hydrate 2 scoops of protein powder and consume
make another espresso
open eyes
switch on iphone, check emails, facebook, grindr and manhunt
depending on outcome of the last one, the day will be different, lol……..
Routines suck I like to surprise myself daily!
Wake up around 630am, check FB, MH & email, get out of bed around 7, pee, let dogs out, turn on news, chug some oj, make bed, iron clothes, quick breakfast, the 3 “s”s, get dressed, leave by 8:20, stop for a coffee, get to work for 9.
Depends on if I’ve been out the night before, but something like this,
Get home around 5 in the morning(if I’ve been out)
Wake around 12.00 put TV on and catch any news, which will be in spanish(I live in Spain)
Put kettle on for tea
Turn on laptop, check messages from various sites
Drink tea
Go back to bed for siesta, very important here
Wake around 16.00, have a wank
Sort out clothes for work, I work evenings and don’t finish until 02-02.30
Have a shave and shower, clean teeth, do hair get dressed
Leave home around 17.15
Walk to work about 1.5 kilometres
Arrive, have a coffee in the bar where I work
Then start at 18.00
Wow, you guys wake up soo early. I wake up at 7:40, rush to get brushed and showered. I leave my house a little after 8:00 just in time to be late for work. (I’m late every day :- .)
Wow. You guys really do your bit for society. I’m starting to think I should write a self-help book for you lot to improve your mornings.
My mornings can’t be beat
I wake up around 12 noon. Kitty and doggy sleeping next to me.
What usually wakes me up is my boyfriend, the 18 year old model, bringing me breakfast in bed. (this morning it was crepes and coffee)
Then after an hour or two of checking the news, Facebook and such, I do a bit of work (on my computer of course. Commuting is for losers). Maybe no work. Depends on what day of the week it is and if I’m in the mood. Get better pay than most though.