Random Question: Is “Raw” Porn Dangerous?

Say hello to Heath and Vander. As you might suspect, they’re about to have sex on camera. It all begins with some hot oral action, and there’s a great moment where Vander straddles Heath and starts fucking his face. Once they’ve sufficiently slobbered all over one another’s knobs, they move on to some intense flip-fucking… without a condom.

Now, here’s the question! In your personal opinion, would you consider porn of this nature to be “dangerous” for the performer or viewer? And on a potentially (un)related note, does watching this type of scene encourage the viewer to engage in sex without a condom? Does it normalize the behavior? Make it seem hotter? We could go on for days asking questions, but we’ll let you take it from here.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Chaos Men

To check out the rest of this scene, follow the JUMP:

Click here or below for a free video preview:

NOTE: We here at Manhunt Daily encourage you to make responsible decisions in your sexual activities, however you may interpret that. Please head over to Manhunt Cares for more information on safer sex techniques.

52 thoughts on “Random Question: Is “Raw” Porn Dangerous?

  1. Wow, I’m sure this discussion is going to be all kinds of civil, mature, and respectful…

    In my personal opinion, yes, I think the rise in bareback gay porn is concerning but I don’t think it should be banned.

    Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, the truth is that young gay men/boys starting to explore their sexuality are going to get most of their information, techniques, etc from watching porn, especially since it’s now so readily available on the Internet in the privacy of your home.  My concern is that they’ll start to think it’s normal, that everyone barebacks, that there are no health consequences, and that they’re some sort of weirdo if they want to use a condom.  To say “oh, it’s porn, it’s all a fantasy” I think discredits the informational value pornography has in addition to entertainment.

    I also think it cheapens the value of the human beings who are modeling/acting in these videos.  Yes, they are adults who are willingly engaging in such risky activities, but they are doing it because there is a market out there and the potential to make “easy” money.  When HIV cases inevitably break out, I think we too quickly write the performers off as “oh, they’re just a slutty porn star who got what they deserved.”  Well who is buying and watching that bareback porn that those “sluts” produced, hmm.

    Let the flaming begin!

  2. I think the porn industry should lead by example and only show safe techniques. How many of us have learned our best moves from porn? Porn not only excites, it also teaches. 

  3. I find porn a total fantasy experience, so bareback is preferred. There’s no disease, no pain, it’s all consensual. But in real life it’s safety first… porn does not make me want to bareback. I’m glad safe porn went from a condom magically appearing to making it a part of the action… it’s less distracting. But for me, porn is about escaping.

  4. People shouldn’t rely on porn for their moral values when it comes to safe sex practices. In this day and age, it is well known the consequences of sex without condoms. If they don’t know, that is their own willful ignorance. Most gay sites are condom only anyway. Websites like these have to be specifically sought after, because they are not the norm.

  5. It’s porn. It’s a fantasy, they shouldn’t have to lead by example, for some people, their fantasy is bareback sex. Is it safe in real life? No. If you aren’t able to differentiate between real life situations and porn, then maybe you shouldn’t be having sex period. We should all know our risk factors, and I don’t see how porn should sway your decision on having unprotected sex, what are we? In high school? “Oh I saw justin timberlake do it so I’m gonna do it” Please, grow up.

  6. Guys, latex-protected sex is tired. You can be shocked and upset all you want. I only take raw cock these days, and encourage other grown-up guys to do the same.

  7. If you think that porn should be educational, then it should all be about abstinence. That’s the only way to be completely safe from HIV and STDs, right? EWe never see porn performers wearing condoms during blowjobs. And where are the dental dams for all those rimming scenes? Anyone who expects porn to be educational is misguided — porn is fantasy. 

  8. Porn can’t parent your children. If you are an informed parent (which is your JOB if  you have children) I think that you would have an in depth discussion with your children about sex and risk. Just like my dad said, if everyone is jumping off of a cliff, are you going to jump to? The problem with children imitating what they see in porn/tv is the lack of parental guidance, in my opinion.

  9. Sorry, but std’s aren’t on my list of goals in life.  But if it works for you, have at.

  10. It’s fine with me…same reason I would watch a movie like Transformers, Harry Potter or Capt America, as it has no basis in my reality, and I watch it for entertainment purposes only.

  11. Watching bareback porn is no more dangerous than watching normal porn.  If people want to have sex this way, let em do it. It’s their life, not mine. What they do is of no concern to me. I would hope both parties are clean and tested, which I’m sure is done at any respectable porn studio.

    And on that whole “bareback porn encourages real life barebacking” thing, I call bullshit.  This is not 1981 when 7 guys had AIDS and people thought it was cancer. Unless you are 12 years old or live with the Amish, you know what STDs are and how they are passed. And if you are 12, you shouldn’t be viewing porn anyway.

  12. I’ve been wondering when this was gonna come up again … (no pun intended)

    I agree that porn is a fantasy, but what’s going on during the shoot is still quite real. I’d wager that the models in these productions know what risks they’re taking, that there is still that chance they’ll get infected by something, even if not HIV.

    That said, let’s discuss some of the other sites that blatantly promote bareback sex and advertise both on Manhunt and here on MH Daily. One such site actively promoted that it had filmed scenes with Mason Wyler, who has confirmed he is now HIV-positive. I don’t know about you all, but I almost feel sorry for Mason, since it appears that he feels like this is his only outlet now, his only way to work.

    Still, this is a free country, and as long as there is full disclosure either way, it doesn’t matter to me what the models do with each other … it hopefully matters to them.

  13. i agree there — besides most of the porn industry – at least the respectable outfits – require their models & performers to be tested and document the results as well as written agreements to what they are doing.  If they didn’t feel comfortable doing raw/bb they would easily find other outfits that would be more than happy to have these sexy stallions playing it safe all the way.
    And yes, unfortunately there are those occasional breakouts of an unforseen STD/HIV that even documents showing test results were negative at the time, those little boogers can hide in the body for years before rearing its head for any of us.
    In the end we are all ultimately responsible for our actions

  14. HIV has been around for  30 years now, everyone  knows how its transferred.  if somebody catches it and then wants to blame a porno … fuck’em !  I own every Treasure Island Media dvd ever made and have never had unprotected anal sex, also,   i’ve watched Kill Bill a thousand times and managed to never cut anyone’s arm off.

  15. My mother, the good upstanding SDA woman that she is, to this day has no idea what gay safer sex is.  I doubt she knows what hetero safer sex is based on how my two younger siblings turned out!  I came out right as AIDS was becoming a national issue and by the time I found out what porn was condoms were mainstream.  For years I had no idea that sex happened without them thanks to Falcon. 

    It would be great to think that parents are doing the right thing but now that I live in rural NM, I see a lot of parents that are like mine.  They think that if they ignore it it will eventually go away.  The local high school has special classrooms for the moms with babies becasue there are so many of them!  There are lots of kids out there who aren’t getting the message and the aren’t just gay.  If porn can help change that early on then I don’t see how that is a bad thing.

  16. It’s naive to think that bareback porn won’t impact young people who are experimenting or are easily influenced, just like other forms of media influence our thoughts, ideas, and decisions. Fortunately, there are many people are lucid enough to understand that porn is fantasy. This is a tough call. It’s like cigarettes or alcohol: does the blame lie solely on those who engage in it, or do those who market/create it have some responsibility to their consumers? Ultimately, banning bareback porn wouldn’t end bareback sex or HIV transmission, but it needs to be communicated more strongly that these models within the videos have been tested regularly, are taking a risk, and are in a safe, controlled environment (or have HIV). It seems that this would go without saying, but not everyone is an intelligent as the men on here.

  17. I have a huge concern about the rise in HIV+ males under the age of 30 (not to say that there aren’t HIV males over the age of 30, but it seems that there’s a dramatic increase in an age group that didn’t grow up at the height of the AIDS scare in the 80s). It is definitely a concern.. people are choosing to engage in bareback sex for a variety of reasons – because it’s hotter, more dangerous, more intimate, etc – and then they are blown away and shattered when they test positive.

    Too often I have heard of people who engaged in bareback sex on a regular basis with their “monogamous” partners – only to become HIV positive. All it takes is one mistake on your partner’s part, and your life can be forever changed.

    The advances in HIV medication – and consequently, the way HIV medication has has been advertised to the public – has caused people to think that it’s “less of a deal”. I can’t tell you how many times people say that “It’s not so bad! I’m undetectable!” – this means NOTHING though, as you are still infected with a terminal disease that you’re at risk for spreading to others.

    There are a lot of arguments that it is just fantasy. I understand those arguments. However, there is a lot to be said about how visual and social stimulus does contribute to the normalization of a “thing” – regardless of what that thing is. Even if it is in the realm of fantasy, it enters into our subconscious as “something that people engage in” – it doesn’t necessarily mean that you WILL engage in it, but it increases the chance that you MIGHT because it has been normalized and viewed as “sexy and/or potentially okay.”

    What sort of decisions do people make under circumstances when they “black out” to alcohol? This, I believe, is where the effect of our viewing habits and the stimulus we have been exposed to comes into play. Our brains are huge supercomputers, and we have underlying subconscious attitudes towards things that may differ from our conscious attitudes. How often has your behaviour changed when you’re drunk or otherwise intoxicated – and have you ever been ashamed of the behaviour that you’ve exhibited in those states? For instance, racial slurs or attacks? That’s an example of your subconscious attitudes vs. your conscious ones – and it has to do with what you’ve been exposed to throughout your life. Your brain has collected all this information – from what you’ve seen, read, and experienced – and in those moments when your conscious brain isn’t as present, all your brain can do is gather from that database and react and respond – and oftentimes, the response is not a pleasant one.

    I had an experience with one of my ex boyfriends – a monogamous relationship that we had been engaged in for six months at the time – where, as his place, we both drank quite heavily and fooled around. I blacked out for over 4 hours during this experience, and when I came to, I had no idea what had happened. I learned that we had had sex – I had no recollection of it, and at first didn’t believe it (but the proof was there). What I am proud of, though, is that in my “blacked out” state, I demanded and insisted on using protection. I have no conscious recollection of this, but my boyfriend at the time told me I refused to progress further unless I wore a condom. A wonderful example of subconscious attitudes prevailing. It is terrifying, though, that things could have gone another direction – and I most certainly don’t rely on this “chance” to protect me in the future.

    I am not saying that viewing bareback porn will lead to bareback sex. However, proper sex education – which I believe our society is SEVERELY lacking in right now, particularly with regards to HIV transmission – will aid in counter-acting these “fantasies” that are being perpetuated in the porn industry.

    Personally, I don’t feel that there is enough of a difference between condoms and no condoms to make bareback sex worth the risk – even in long-term, monogamous relationships. I cannot begin to count how many of my friends have been engaged in committed relationships where they “loved their partner to the end of time and trusted them with all their heart and soul (and evidently, life, since they engaged in unprotected sex)..” .. only to find out that their partner had cheated on them – and sometimes on more than one occasion – throughout their perfect relationships.

    A moment of pleasure is not worth the risk of a lifetime of disease and stigma.

  18. And as a side note: Just because YOU know how HIV is transmitted and how to protect yourself and engage in safer sex, DOES NOT – I repeat, it DOES NOT – mean that EVERYONE knows how it is transmitted and how to engage in safer sex.

    This is a HUGE FALLACY and part of the problem. Every day, new people are being born – new people who have ZERO EDUCATION about ANYTHING – and they need to be properly taught and educated on everything that we “know so well.” And this is where our efforts have failed – a generation has grown up which received more education than any other generation pertaining to safe sex and HIV transmission (ie. those that grew up during the height of the HIV/AIDS scare), and we think that’s “enough” and that we’re “done with educating, because everyone knows.”

    Every day is a new challenge. Education should never stop – it should continue to be at the forefront, for ALL generations – even the generations who think they know everything about the topic. The more we are given, the more stimulus we are provided with, the more it will be in our conscious mind – and at the forefront of our awareness.

    Again, referring back to the notion of the brain as a supercomputer with a database. The more you feed into that database information on how to engage in safer sex, the more likely that information will be called upon when you choose to engage in sexual activity – regardless of your level of sobriety or intoxication.

    The education should never stop. The exposure to the stimulus – for our database to collect information – should never stop.

    Unfortunately, our database is also collecting information that bareback sex = sexy sex, okay sex, unrisky sex.

    Our conscious minds are intelligent. Our subconscious minds are NOT – it is primal, and it goes off of what it has collected, not what it can rationally deduce or extrapolate on.

  19. Unfortunately we live in an age where sex in general is dangerous. My dream once upon a time was to meet a guy; someday my husband and then I wouldn’t have to use condoms anymore but relationships among men have changed too. More open relationships than ever before so certainly bareback is much more risky but we’ve become a society of swingers so sex itself is less safe. It’s just the way it is now. I would love to not use condoms but I had to educate myself and keep trying different brands of condoms until I found something that works for me.

  20. Raw/Bareback/Condomless sex is like gay marriage.
    If you don’t support gay marriage, don’t marry a gay person.
    If you don’t like bareback sex, then wear a condom. PERIOD!

  21. The ‘porn’ aspect of itself isn’t harmful, I think.
    Porn isn’t going to sway me, and I’m assuming most people to go bareback. If people want to do it, they will regardless.
    It’s hot to look at, I think, but would never have unsafe sex with someone I’m not in a monogamous relationship with.
    With that being said, people who aren’t in monogamous relationships (porn actors too), should not have unprotected sex.

  22. The onus is on the individual to make educated sexual decisions. It’s that simple. We cannot require the porn industry to set the tone for appropriate sexual conduct. The backbone of the industry is indiscriminate sex with random strangers who happen to be in the frame to drive along the “plot”.  Using a condom and fucking just whomever you run into seems kind of risky to me. It’s also really half-assed. If porn is expected to set a standard, they should start including in depth dialogue about relationships, previous partners and when each person was last tested. But they don’t. Why? Because it’s just porn.

    Beyond that, should we apply the same standards to heterosexual or lesbian porn. I rarely see a condom in the former, and the latter aren’t known for breaking out dental dams and cleaning their toys. We’ve clearly established that HIV and AIDS are not unique to the gay male community. Shouldn’t the burden be on all members of the porn industry to promote safer sex?  If the assumption is that we learn about sex from pornography, we should then expect to see safer sex practices in all areas of pornography. This includes cartoons, illustrations, furries, fuzzies, and computer animated porn. But we don’t. Why? Because it’s just porn.

    No one is expecting Coca Cola to have disclaimers about diabetes and tooth decay. Let’s not expect too much from companies that still spell boy with an “i”.

  23. Aren’t they also leading by great example by showing guys that have been tested before their scene and have gone and made conscious decisions about their sex lives?

  24. porn is porn. it can be as simple as watching a fetish that you cannot have/do or getting tips/techniques about positions for a great sex/fuck. whatever one’s perspective is, porn is there to stimulate one’s libido thru sight. it is up to 1. the person watching the porn if he/she wants to do the same things he/she sees on watching porn and 2. the actors on how they want to portray their role to stimulate our libidos. knowledge about sex (protected and not), love for your own body, respect for yourself and the one you want to engage sex with and concensus of each other is i believe the key for properly doing it.
    think about this:
    * would you go bareback with someone you’re interested with for a one nighter only?
    * are you really so sure about your partner for the longest period of time is having sex with you alone?

    be resposible whenever you’re going for a fuck or making love with your partner!

  25. Came to the blog to see the Marcus Mojo Austin Wilde story, BUT AS USUAL THE ADVERTISED STORY IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.  GO BACK TO BLOG WRITING 101.

    Bareback porn is dangerous.  Unsafe sex is dangerous.  Younger guys will have to learn the hard way like older guys did.

  26. those guys do this Shit for living!!! it a must, even construction,work wear  helmult  is  a must…….
    consider everyone HiV + even if you’re  Neg, just read  something about a Super Bugs  that is resisted to  drugs,money is good but stay health and alive is even better don’t need to be smart to see that….. right??

  27. I think bareback porn is dangerous and sets the wrong example. I think that it does encourage people to have condomless sex on some level, just like when you see a guy with a great body it encourages you to work on your own body. 

    I think the studios that make it are pretty vile, and the audience that wants is as well. 

  28. I don’t understand why gay porn has to be the moral beacon of light, when I have never seen any straight porn where condoms are used.  I think they only thing that seeing a bunch of condoms in gay porn does is spread the stereotype that HIV is a gay thing. When really everyone is at risk, so either all porn should show condoms, or let the actors themselves decide. I am all for safe sex, HIV awareness, and knowing your status, but HIV is NOT a gay thing, it is a HUMAN thing. Really what scares me is all these girls fucking every guy they meet witout condoms just because they are on the pill…let’s focus on that.

  29. Watching bareback porn might make you want to eventually get involved in doing that in real life, but the final decision is within yourself if you really want to engage in that kind of behaviour. However, it is important for the porn industry to continue raising awareness of the HIV issue. Bareback or not, porn is not gonna decide our future or the status of our health.

  30. This topic is so old and tired. It’s been done hundreds of times by countless sources. Thank goodness people didn’t buy into the hype of MH trying to incite them with such blasts on the social networks. MH, how about something new, original, insightful?

  31. if you can show me the hiv rates and deaths for the last 20 years of porn actors and report it first – then you know it will speak for itself.
    Now the HIV conversion rates of current 2008 – 2011 of male and female porn actors – that would speak volumes.
    Zero positive conversion is not titillating.

  32. I think the only time anyone (gay or straight) should bareback is when they are in a long-term, monogymous releationship. Performers are no exception.

  33. I don’t know that I think it’s “wrong.” I do, however, think that it sets a bad example. With bareback porn being the most popular, I think it sets the wrong example for the upcoming generations of homosexual men. 

    I think it’s more of a fetish, than a lifestyle. I’ve been in a few “serious” relationships that I refuse to have sex without a condom, committed or not… 

  34. When I see barebacking in porn, I often think, “so cute, but so stupid…”  And stupidity is a major turn-off.

  35. When I came out to my very upstanding SDA parents in 1988, my mother’s first words were “Your sister was born because of safe sex.”  Apparently, a condom broke on her wedding night and my sister was born 9 months later.  At least my mother was familiar with safer sex and some of its pitfalls!

  36. Actually the process of learning is called conditioning. In which a person learns their behavior from what they see and experience. That is why children that grow up in a violent home are more likely to become violent. The same goes with just about every behavior. I encourage you to look at psychology. There were a lot of interesting studies done before laws were put into place to protect people and animals. 

    I also encourage you to look at the “Little Albert Experiment” specifically. It’s quite fascinating. 

  37. Tested before the scene? . . . huh the test won’t detect HIV antibodies hitting their system, say if they were exposed and contracted the antibodies a week, two weeks . . . a day before . . . then can they pass it on . . . 

  38. A new super strain of gonorrhea was just discovered . . . and the percentage of cephalosporin-resistant gonorrhea cases in the U.S. is on the rise.  

  39. People will do what they want, whether or not it appears in porn. Raw feels good, yes. But there is always a risk. But to bring this home, there is a porn star on here that shows that is honest and states he is positive. Rewind to a year ago when I was watching a Raw Fuck Club video and was swooning over this one top porn star. Recently I watched another video online and saw the positive porn star breed/seed the ‘top’ I melted over. Porn stars must know what the risks are to barebacking, and people now should as well. It is unfortunate that, in my early 30s, I see more and more gay men not really caring as much about transmitting and/or getting HIV and STDs. I still am; I guess I just can’t get over the movie “Philadelphia” or “And the Band Played On.”

  40. Watching/buying/supporting bareback porn is voting yes to unsafe practices that endanger peoples lives whether its yours or mine, the actors, their partners etc . . . you vote with what you purchase and support  . . . there is a moral and ethical responsibility to the common health and safety.  
    That is why the bathhouses and backrooms were closed during the first major outbreak of AIDS . . . that is why people started using condoms and safe sex methods cause not everyone could say, “What they do is of no concern to me”.  Cause it did concern them, when people they knew started to die . . . when they got sick . . .

    EVEN though there are people who say it imposes upon their freedom, their choice, their lives . . . sometimes the needs of the many out way the needs of the few.
    Hopefully most of the younger generations (80’s-) know that there is no cure for HIV/AIDS but there is that minority who think, what’s so bad with having the virus, you take some pills and life goes on, easy and now that I have it, I never have to worry about condoms or getting it again . . . 
    A young man, who worked in porn with Brent Corrigan, Chad Noel was 25 when he dead of AIDs complicatons . . . he did bareback porn

    I have seen bareback porn with guys who are obviously poz (and yes there are physical signs) have unprotected sex with men who, while they might not look it, hopefully they are poz and on the same strain (drug resistant?)

    What is a respectable porn studio, that does bareback porn?

    “Its their life, not mine” . . . I hope not many people follow that same thought/feeling cause we should all be able to relate to each other and work towards something better  . . . not only for ourselves but humanity as a whole.

  41. is raw porn dangerous?…nope…adults choose what the do…is smoking, drinking, driving a car dangerous…ahhh, yea, but we do it anyways…its called choices…i choose not to bareback, so the porn is not controlling my life…the men in raw porn, str8 or gay made a choice…its as simple as that…

  42. this strikes me as one of those natural selection sort of dealies.

    basically, if you’re so easily influenced by media that you’ll do almost anything you see portrayed thereïn (just because it happens to “feel good”), then you deserve whatever might happen to you.

    let’s look at it: bareback porn’s been around for a relatively-long time, now..
    ..yet, what is the percentage of individuals, who have access to that media, who are living with the feared Social Diseases?
    it’s probably comparatively low, isn’t it?

    i still feel that there is something to be said for personal responsibility, and Good Parenting.

    (both of which having been somewhat lacking, these past few decades, in my opinion.)

    so, yes — some people will want to imitate what they see, no matter how potentially self-destructive they probably know the behaviour/activity is; and may God (and Darwin) be with them, on their endeavours, too.

  43. Its just like the whole thing about violent video games. you know its violent and even though the game allows you to shoot a cop then go bang a whore, that doesn’t mean you will do it in real life. Im pretty sure if the studio is allowing them to do that its because first, its on their own will,  and second, they have been tested. I personally dont care if they wear a condom or not its hot either way.

  44. I agree.  Porn is fantasy, designed for entertainment, just like any other movie.  Porn is also virtually totally dull and boring and rarely, if ever, lives up to anyone’s fantasy.  Thank goodness for fast-forward buttons.

  45. Perhaps we should look at why there is a demand for raw porn. We should also look at the value system in the gay “community”. How we demand equal rights but treat our bfs like crap and sleep around or gossip about people who dont fit the cliques one belongs to or how material worth is as prevalent in the gay scene as it is in the mainstream…and so on. I have raw sex with my bf. Its way better and we are consenting adults. I know couples who dont have raw sex and are happy with it. I think it boils down to the value system and the fact that we all need to do some introspection before we look elsewhwere for stimulus 😉

  46. Hi All,

    I think all this needs to be discussed and seen online. A friend of mine, me 51, he 21, asked the other day what is HIV? Either poor teaching or slightly amiss generally. porn is porn, and it has its place. The messages given beforehand in most commercial video is pretty clear, but then in torrents, there is no such warning nor discussion. Easy to download your favourite clips however you want them. We just need to send a message to everyone, especially the younger guys, that safe sex does mean you won’t get sexually transmitted diseases (very embarrassing) nor HIV (potentially deadly).

    Please let us all have sex for all of our lives, with a bit of “safe” fun!!!


  47. Porn is fantasy…a place to live out your deepest fantasies through other people performing in a controlled consenting environment. Raw is a huge turn on for me…so I watch raw porn rather than risking it myself with a stranger from Grindr.
    No, porn should not lead by example, we should remain a level of intelligence in knowing this.

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