Is your Monday afternoon dragging? Let’s spice it up. Here’s twink supermodel River Viiperi and his bare asscheeks. And there’s some bush for good measure. We can’t sign off on that weird medical-brace-thong-thingy they have him in, but it DOES tend to lift and separate so there’s that. River is boyish beauty (yes, he’s of age – shut up), but sometimes a naivete about the world can be detrimental. For instance, he dates Paris Hilton. River, you are a stunning young man and you are going to slap your cock into that dirty trough? NO!
It’s true that when all of the blood shoots to your crank, your brain is left utterly befuddled, defenseless, and prone to making horrendous decisions. Either that or she took advantage of English being his second language and told him he had to hang out with her if he wanted a work visa. Ugh, she’s an asshole.
– J. Harvey
Check out some more pics of River Viiperi below:
I would devour this one trying to make sure he moans day and night! YUMMY!
I’m in love with the last photo
I would probably but he’s unfortunately Paris Hilton’s boyfriends which likely means herpes forever.
Another slender beauty. Thanks J Harvey