Those are some perky buttocks. Jacob Oates looks like he came out of the hot twink miracle machine. The Speedo body, smooth skin, and FACE FACE FACE. He might be a little too muscular for you twink purists, but shut it – he’s hot. You know you want to sow those Oates! You want to sow them with your seed!
What does “sow oats” even mean anyway? Hold on. Okay, to sow one’s oats means to “live promiscuously and self-indulgently“. PERFECT. That definition should have a pic of this slut on all fours right beside it.
– J. Harvey
Photo credit: Greg Vaughan
Check out additional pics of Jacob Oates below:
Unfortunately, the Greg Vaughan photos only amounted to three. So here’s some MORE Jacob Oates via the luckiest photographer in the world, Rick Day…
short hair and surf board does it for me
Damn, makes me rethink the ‘twink-fest’ aversion I have….
fine looking young man and he definitely fits your ‘wild oates’
seeded-obsession/definition. Yum.
Good lord look at those cum gullies.
and for the bulge lovers…
It’s actally “sow one’s WILD oats”, as opposed to the porridge variety, but yeah, he’s hot
Men really are just the best things. Why would anyone ever sleep with a woman?
I had to look twice… Totally changes his look
Dear God, I hope he ages poorly!