Quickie: Anthony Moufarej

If you are a gay male human with an internet connection, you may have seen Anthony Moufarej‘s shots for C-IN2 floating around at some point. (You may have even seen them in this post.) To give you some context, Moufarej is a Lebanese-born fellow living in Canada. He started practicing a couple martial arts like MMA, boxing, kickboxing and grappling and started modeling shortly after. <— In the interest of full disclosure, this is some text I copied from a press release that copied some text from his Facebook profile.

The aforementioned press release also indicated that “Anthony’s smoldering good looks and chiseled physique made him an easy choice as a Rick Day and C-IN2 model”. <— In the interest of full disclosure, I decided to copy and paste that sentence just to make a cheap joke about how I like sentences that involve Anthony’s name and the word “easy”. You may now proceed to drool over pictures of his massive package.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Rick Day

Check out some pics of Anthony Moufarej, along with his shots from C-IN2, below:

Anthony Moufarej is a hot male model.

Anthony Moufarej is a hot male model.

Anthony Moufarej is a hot male model.

Anthony Moufarej is a hot male model.

Anthony Moufarej is a hot male model.

Anthony Moufarej is a hot male model.

Anthony Moufarej is a hot male model.

Anthony Moufarej is a hot male model.

Anthony Moufarej is a hot male model.

Anthony Moufarej by Rick Day for C-In2.

Anthony Moufarej by Rick Day for C-In2.

Anthony Moufarej by Rick Day for C-In2.



16 thoughts on “Quickie: Anthony Moufarej

  1. WOW!!!! So GODS do exist……!!!!! Ā”Ā”Ā”QUE CLASE DE HOMBRE BELLO y HERMOSO!!!

  2. Totally facked you can see where the fake line starts below the navel. Not only photoshopped, but terribly photoshop at that. Do they not know about color correction.

  3. Isn’t he in violation of some law that says men that R this good looking must be NAKED at all times ! If there isn’t there ought 2 be !

  4. Yes RoadRunner it is TERRIBLY photoshopped LOL however it is the thought that counts and what a BEAUTIFUL thought it is !!!

  5. That cocks though perfectly fits his frame so just dream and hell yeah we need to see the REAL THANG…RICK DAY get him to display an erection…we know you can do it!!!

  6. This guy is drop dead gorgeous! He’s my next baby’s daddy. Damn he’s good looking.

  7. He could turn the straightest man Gay. I don’t think there is a person on the planet that would not agree that he is extremely hot.

  8. Hummina hummnina hummina drools goddamn what a fuckable man! I especially love the practice safe sex go fuck yourself picture ugh god fuck me baby fuck me! This guy XL and Jess Vill ugh would love too have a 3 some with all of them.

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