11 thoughts on “Pat Robertson Thinks Abuse Made You Gay

  1. I wish that instead of spreading the hate even more by linking to videos like this, we could just accept that some people are too ignorant to accept us, and either do away with them or not fight back
    during the whole equal marriage fiasco.. if we’d go to court for this, and not even address the idiotic concerns of the opposition, it would make a much more grand statement than defending us- it would push our actual issue to the front line, versus having us defending ourselves on the front line

  2. Hahahaha. That’s rich. I don’t remember my soccer coach or boy scout leader touching my special spot; guess they didn’t give me the love I needed.

  3. Yeah, I was never abused at all when I was a child. I was raised both liberal and conservative (its NH after all). While my family accepted me when I came out, we really didnt think of it.

  4. Just because you guys weren’t sexually abused as children doesn’t mean it isn’t the case for some people. I was sexually molested by a neighbor as a child, and I’ve always been plagued by doubts and thoughts about whether or not it was the abuse that caused me to be gay, or at the least instigated it.

  5. Furthermore, I’m certainly not justifying what Pat Robertson says, and I can’t address what percentage of homosexuals were abused as children, but I do know several that share histories similar to mine, we have discussed it on many occasions. I think it is outlandish to suggest that it is the case in most, or even a majority, but do not scoff to think that such things never really happen.

  6. I’m pretty sure there are MANY straight men out there who were sexually molested and/or abused by men. It’s actually proven that those who were victims of abuse are more likely to become perpetrators of abuse as well. And since it is also true that the number of sexual abusers who are straight is higher than that of those who are gay…

  7. i wasn’t born gay, buti’m not gay from abuse problems in my life…
    i believe most people were probably born gay… apart from the straight demographic obviiously, but yeah, gay guys, born gay more often then they would be choosing of it.
    (sexual molestation by your babysitter and sucking eachother’s dicks when you were so young it comprises some of your oldest memories is not abuse atall… >.> )

  8. Pat Robertson is an idiot and a liar. Why ANYONE still listens to him is beyond me.

  9. wow yea that is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard. I never suffered any abuse at all and gay here. Ugh..haters and ignornace. So sad..

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